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Worried about S days

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:41 pm
by guadopt1997
The last couple of weekends, I've really overdone it on S days. I wonder if this is a new no-S dieter thing and whether the excess will abate in time. Otherwise, I think I undo what I did well during the week on the weekend...

Keep your N days green. . .

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:57 pm
by la_loser
I'm sure others will weigh in on this but I remember someone has stated a number of times. . . "keep your N days green and the S days will take care of themselves." (over time)

Lots of posts about this have shown up on these boards. . . also you may want to listen the podcast "S Days Gone Wild." You can listen either on your computer or you can download to an iPod or other MP3 player.

It may seem like you're "undoing" your progress, but if you are building good habits during the week, those will begin to carry over to your weekends. And by having the S days "safety valve" you are helping to ensure that you'll indeed stay with it.

(I did a search on the word "overdo" and came up with 87 hits:
So it's not just you!

Good luck.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:18 pm
by Kathleen
I am still overdoing it but not as much as I have previously -- like 4 Haagen Dazs bars in two hours or 1,100 calories of caramel corn in an hour or 3,000 calories of caramel macademian clusters in a day.

Give it time, lots of time. I think that the S Day overdoing it is part of the process of being cured of disordered eating that resulted from the restrictive eating of diets.


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:30 pm
by guadopt1997
Funny, I did try to search the general discussion forum for this topic but was unable to figure out how.

Where do you find the podcasts?

And thanks for your words of encouragement.

Podcasts -- check'em out!

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:31 pm
by la_loser
On the No S diet home page, there is a link at the top that says Podcasts. . . here it is.

You can listen to them thru your computer; also the text of each of the podcast is included as well where it says "transcript."

I actually went to iTunes and searched for Reinhard Engels and it gave me the chance to download all of the podcasts and "subscribe" to any more than Reinhard makes. And it's free.

That way they're on my iPod to listen to whenever I feel the need! They're brief-maybe 8 to 12 minutes each and are a great motivational tool to listen to when you're driving or out for a walk. Just last week he mentioned that he's got a couple more in the works that may be out in a few months.


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:47 pm
by reinhard

If it's any comfort, you are not alone here, this is a VERY common concern with new no-essers.

Were you able to find the podcast LA_Loser mentioned? I think you'll find some good tips there.

Here's a direct link to that episode:

Best wishes figuring this out and feel free to post more questions/concerns if nothing previously posted does the trick,


Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:22 pm
by apomerantz
Hi there! I just want to reassure you that the S days even out. A lot.

I'm on about day 80 or so. My first few weekends were disasters in terms of eating, but they've gotten much, much better. I find that I really enjoy the N day style of eating better, so gradually it has been easier to keep S days more like N days, with just a treat on top. As opposed to eating everything in sight like I did initially.

I'm a lot more conscious of hunger signals from my body and being able to differentiate between hunger and mere appetite. I don't feel like my appetite is controlling me any longer.

So, just keep on keeping on - - and I think you'll see huge improvements over time.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:31 pm
by guadopt1997

I did listen to the podcast and also saved the transcript, just in case. It was very helpful.

I'm kind of tickled pink that you posted on my topic!

I've also noticed that the more my N days go well, the less I feel like overdoing it on the weekend.

Thanks so much for this life-changing program.