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Hi everyone!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:32 am
by geekmom
Hi! I've been lurking on here for a week or so now and thought I should introduce myself.

I started Atkins on Jan 5th with a goal of losing about 30 lbs, and am taking a break from it by following the No-S diet. I was losing weight very slowly on Atkins so I figured if I'm going to lose weight slowly I should be able to do so without being on a diet that's so restrictive that I can hardly ever eat out, and that makes me nutty trying to plan my eating so that I hit a certain number of carbs every day, no more and no less.

It was quite a relief, after ten weeks of low-carbing, to find the No-S diet website and immediately I knew that I was going to give this a shot. Since I found the site on a Friday, I gave myself the weekend to think it over so that I wouldn't feel like I jumped into it right away just in order to be able to eat junk on the weekend. :-) Now I've been No-Sing without any problems for a full week along with my husband. I am genuinely delighted to get away from the obsessive food weighing and carb-tracking!

Right now my biggest dilemma with No-S is what to do on taekwondo nights. My husband & I go three nights a week from 7-8 pm. Before class, it's really not a great idea to eat much, but I do need to eat *something* about an hour before or else I won't have any energy during the class. After class I often feel hungry, but it's late so I don't want to have much and I feel like it would be cheating/snacking to eat again after already having dinner before class. So do I eat four meals on those days, but three meals on the others? This is probably OK but I'm having a bit of trouble reconciling the idea in my head.


Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:50 am
by la_loser
glad you've delurked!
No where do the rules actually say THREE meals. Your planned (maybe mini) meal is probably a good choice -- part of it will that it is intentional and planned so as not to go into overload mode. Or maybe you could get by with milk or juice before class? Those don't count anyway.

Good luck you will love the sanity of No S.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:15 am
by babyprrr
Have a glass of milk.

Or leave half of your dinner/one third of your dinner on your plate and heat it up after class and eat it. This would still be sticking to your one plate rule as you're just having whatever you left on your plate.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:12 pm
by geekmom
Thanks, guys. I don't drink milk but I like the idea of leaving part of the food on my plate for later.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:26 pm
by VintageGeek
Hi geekmom. It's nice to see another geek on the site. There are a few of us here.

Splitting up your meal is a great idea, and it's a trick that I've used before, although not in the context of No-S.

Good luck with everything. No-S is far superior and much more sustainable than Atkins.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:50 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Welcome! :D
8) Debs

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:43 pm
by geekmom
Whoo! Just weighed myself, and after ten days on no-S I've dropped 1.5 lbs - which happens to drop me into the "normal" weight range for BMI. Clearly this is working for me just as well as (or possibly better than) Atkins.

Thanks everyone for the welcome & encouragement.

geeks ftw!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:05 pm
by reinhard
Welcome to normalcy! In more ways than one.

The normal eating you do with no-s is at least as much the appeal as the normal BMI (though that's certainly nice, congratulations!).
