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Think Small...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:34 pm
by NCSunshine
A small plate with small portions of REALLY good food equals SATISFACTION and a lower weight...I hope!

I've been thinking a bit big I think. Today, I'll refocus to a smaller scale. Would anyone else try it too? :?:

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:29 pm
by reinhard
Be careful! Think too small and you'll succumb to diet hubris...

I find it more helpful to "think one" and stick with that religiously.

Some "ones" are bigger than others, but overall, I'm eating a lot less.

You're very right about the "REALLY good food" part, though. Focus with that and the size, I think, will take care of itself.



Re: Think Small...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:12 pm
by vmsurbat
NCSunshine wrote:A small plate with small portions of REALLY good food equals SATISFACTION and a lower weight...I hope!

I've been thinking a bit big I think. Today, I'll refocus to a smaller scale. Would anyone else try it too? :?:
This is where I am at with 8 months of NoS-ing under my (smaller) belt! :)

I have lost about 20 pounds by NoS-ing and incorporating modest exercise but have begun to plateau. Although the amount of food I am eating for my three meals has not changed, *I* have and actually need less food to be healthy.

However, I am following the "sustainable" maxim and am focusing on just a "one-bite" smaller serving of the more caloric food. In other words, I am still eating just as much veggies and salad, but with the main meal and starch, I am taking just a little bit less.

A little bit less at each meal adds up to perhaps a couple of hundred calories a day which adds up to a pound or two a month.

I think this is the next logical step for me and am very excited to have figured it out!


vmsurbat - smaller scale

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:21 pm
by NCSunshine
Great thoughts about decreasing "one bite at a time" on foods with higher calorie density! It's really helpful to hear other people's ideas and success. Your post is very encouraging for those of us who are still waiting for a smaller belt size.

It's great to know that it can and does happen. Thanks for sharing strategies for making it happen.

Wishing you continued success.