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What I've learned from NoS

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:24 am
by babyprrr
I've been on NoS for about two and a half years. And I thought it would be nice to just learn a few things I've learned.

First of all, if you've recently started and are NOT losing any weight, here are the common reasons why..

1. Really big N day meals. I found this at the start. I got so overexcited that I was allowed to eat anything I wanted without guilt (fries! cheese! burgers!), that I just went crazy with all my meals.

2. Crazy S weekends. I used to end my weekends vowing to never eat again. Sunday night..I'd be lying on the couch with my tummy full from all that over-eating.

3. Binge eating if you screwed up. This might not apply to everyone but it applied to me because I've always had a tendency to binge out of guilt. If I accidentally happenned to consume..say a cookie, I'd feel SOO guilty then try and compensate by having ten more cookies, two bowls of cereal, some ice get the idea.

4. Not enough exercise. Exercise is not strictly part of the NoS system, but it helps. Even something as small as twenty minutes of walking after dinner will help.

The upside of NoS is that hopefully all these problems should correct themselves in time.

1. A lot of other people have said this, and I had the same experience. Which is that after a while you get sick of all the unhealthy rubbish you're putting in your body. You start craving some green, some fruit. I guess it depends on the way you ate before all this as well I guess. I know some people naturally hate veg and fruit and all that. If so, maybe take baby steps. Try and fill a quarter of your plate with fruit/veg. After a while maybe aim for half. Or vow to eat at least one/two kinds of veg/fruit with every meal.

2. Crazy S weekends took a LONG time to go away. I still have the occasional S weekend depending on whether there is some dinner to attend, if I'm hungover and need greasy food etc. But hopefully after numerous weekends of feeling sick from overeating, your body will tell itself to chill out and relax a bit. Some people have suggested putting restrictions on the number of S-events each weekend. I find this to be counter-productive as for me, it leads to guilt and bingeing if I exceed this number. But everyone will be different.

3. I know from experience it is SO SO hard to STOP when you've eaten one small cookie, or taken one small extra helping. It's so much easier to think I've screwed up, what's the point? Some people try to counteract this by having a set number of NWS events they're allowed to have each week. (I'm trying this at the moment). So maybe give yourself some breathing room. If you must, tell yourself that if you've been forced into it (like a coworker forcing you to eat those cookies she brought in), give yourself a yellow or something instead of a green. Or maybe if the 'screwup' is really small, like a couple of chips, give yourself a green. Be less harsh on yourself because you've been so good the rest of the time.

4. Exercise. Like Nike says..just do it! I know regular exercise is so hard to keep up. Depending on your starting weight, it is possible to lose even without exercise. But eventually you get to a plateau..and it's a give or take..either you exist on salads all the time or you have the occasional treat and exercise. Put on your ipod, run for twenty minutes, just get out of the house. I find it easier to exercise before midday because once I've had lunch, I get all lethargic then once the sun goes down, so does my motivation. But that's just me.

Right I need to get back to revising for finals now :roll: I hope this helps. All this is based on my personal experience so feel free to disagree. I guess this is as much for me as for anyone's nice to consolidate things I've learned over the last two years/organize my thoughts. I'll write more later when I'm bored of revision.

babypurr - On What I've Learned

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:23 am
by NCSunshine
Excellent reflections, so well said. Thanks for sharing. I've been using the no s diet for one month now and have not lost any weight. I realize that I'm having many of the same experiences that you mention in your post. It's encouraging to hear that others have had these same things happen and came through to a good place.

Where are you now? Have you lost the weight that you wanted? Maintaining? I'd love to hear how things are working for you.

Thanks again for taking the time to share.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:03 pm
by butterfly1000
I really enjoyed reading your comments. I've only been at this for about a week (after trying a million other diets) -- and I like the concept. However, I do agree with you if we abuse, it won't work. And, I know exactly how you feel about not being able to eat 1 cookie without "falling off the wagon". Yesterday morning I was all motivated to have a really good month of April -- it was fine until about 4 in the afternoon -- I was feeling really hungry so I just had a handful of soya nuts (I told myself, it's o.k. because they are not bad for your health). Well, that's it -- it screwed up the rest of my day -- in my head I was already seeing the failure (red box on my calendar) and I got discouraged -- and what do I do when I get discouraged -- I EAT! -- 2 chocolate bars and 1 ice cream later, I was feeling totally pathetic.
I hope today will be better.

butterfly 1000

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:22 pm
by NCSunshine
Many of us are in that same "guilt trap" of feeling defeated, hopeless and helpless if we think we've slipped off the "golden path" and failed. It's extremely important, I think, to reach for a new mind set; one that looks forward and leaves what's done behind. It think it is worth thinking about goals not as things to necessarily be achieved, but rather as directions in which to aim our efforts. If we shoot toward the goal, that's what counts. For the time being anyway, let's focus on where we're shooting rather than counting ourselves a failure if we miss the target.

Good luck.

Re: What I've learned from NoS

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:33 pm
by BrightAngel
Good post.

Personal Disclaimer:
I speak as one who has never (yet)
managed to establish a no snacking habit.

Re: What I've learned from NoS

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:49 pm
by winnie96
babyprrr wrote:Or maybe if the 'screwup' is really small, like a couple of chips, give yourself a green.
What a gem! Although I generally and happily make it through N-Days with no snacking, I have had the experience of eating just a little something, then using that as an excuse to eat a lot of somethings. "Hey, the day is red anyway -- why not splurge" is my thinking here. Sheesh!

But I have been tossing around doing a little mod to No-S exactly along these lines -- if it's a small snack, and it's only one, count the day as green anyway. I think this would help me out of the mentality mentioned above. Of course, there would have to be very clear definitions about what constitutes "small" and "one". Maybe there should be a limit to the number of days per week it would apply.

I'm not sure if I'll actually implement this mod, but IMO it's definitely worth thinking about to prevent the downhill slide after having one thoughtless taste of the recipe under construction ... thanks for the thought (and the whole post - great!)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:28 pm
by MysteryLover
Thanks so much for this post babyprrr. It all really hits home.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:41 pm
by Vigilant2010
Really helpful to someone just starting out, like me. Thanks!

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:21 am
by bonnieUK
Thanks for sharing this babyprrr :)

I do have a couple of problem foods though that do seem to make me put on weight even when eating in No S context, which are:

1) too much bread (e.g. if bread somehow sneaks it's way into every meal :lol: )

2) Peanut butter (simply because I like it too much to be very moderate about it!)

I try to keep the above under control but keeping bread to a minimum (e.g. 2 slices for breakfast or lunch, none with dinner) and having bread alternatives handy such as rye crisp breads or oatcakes.

Avoiding peanut butter altogether and having whole nuts or some tahini instead.

That said though, I've also found that over-tweaking/trying to add more rules can screw things up :oops:

Re: babypurr - On What I've Learned

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:02 pm
by babyprrr
NCSunshine wrote:Excellent reflections, so well said. Thanks for sharing. I've been using the no s diet for one month now and have not lost any weight. I realize that I'm having many of the same experiences that you mention in your post. It's encouraging to hear that others have had these same things happen and came through to a good place.

Where are you now? Have you lost the weight that you wanted? Maintaining? I'd love to hear how things are working for you.

Thanks again for taking the time to share.

My NoS experience is probably slightly different from others in that I didn't really start off with an intention to lose lots of weight. Well I did, but let me explain.

I was always quite skinny until I went off to university and the pounds started piling on. And I got comments about it. I wasn't overweight by any means ( about 120 pounds for 5'4")...but I wasn't as skinny as I used to be ( 105-110 lbs) but even my parents commented on my weight gain. For some reason, my parents don't think it's rude/hurtful to say to my face that they think I'm 'getting fat'. I don't think they realized how sensitive I was about it.

So I kinda developed this..I wouldn't call it an actual eating disorder because I was never properly anorexic/bulimic but I developed a weird relationship with food. I was really scared of it but obsessed with it at the same time. I would starve myself for two/three days then binge then starve myself again. I hated social situations where I had to eat like meals out with friends, dates etc. I remember the day of my eighteenth birthday I didn't eat all day until dinner and a piece of birthday cake afterwards because I told myself people would love me more on my birthday if I was skinny. Once after eating a kebab at 1 am after a night out, I tried to make myself sick ( but didn't manage it). That was probably the lowest point of my semi-ED.

I got down to about 108 lbs at one point then I realized I couldn't carry on much longer because to be at my ideal weight, I couldn't have a normal relationship with food. Every meal time I would stress out over whether I was allowed to eat that day, and if I was, what I was allowed to eat. Anyway to get to the point, I found NoS on the internet while googling 'kate moss diet' . Ironic.

I have to say it changed my life. Life was so much easier. I could eat three normal meals a day but the most amazing thing was once I'd eaten one meal, I didn't have to worry about food until the next! Amazing!

Anyway answering your question about how much weight I've lost.. I'm currently somewhere between 115 and 120 so I probably haven't lost any weight. I gain and lose depending on how many reds I have that month, whether I've eaten too many takeaways, or how much exercise I've done.. so it goes up and down. But I'm happy with the way I look now ( most of the time anyway!)...

So that was it...kinda my really long NoS testimonial I guess :D gotta get back to revision now!