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Cravings on Mondays

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:54 am
by DLB66
Hello - I'm new to the board and just getting re-established with NoS. I'm having a lot of trouble with sweets cravings on Mondays, after having eaten sweets for the previous two days. It's definitely a pattern with me.

I'm wondering if I should cut myself off from sweets on Sundays (or just Sunday evenings), or just power through this. I did sneak the kid's Easter candy after they went to bed Sunday night (bad mommy!), and maybe I had the sweet stuff too close to bedtime.

Sugar (in the form of chocolate) is always my downfall.

Anyone else struggled with this?


Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:08 am
by geekmom
Hi! I've been no-Sing for about 3 weeks now and have definitely noticed that it's hardest on Mondays; it seems my body's out of whack after the weekend.

Sugar can be a powerfully addictive substance and I take my Monday cravings as evidence of that! I try to make sure I have filling and interesting meals on Monday so that I'm less likely to feel "deprived". If the craving gets really bothersome I have a hot drink and that usually does the trick, particularly if there's some protein in it (ie a latte). Maybe this would help for you too.

It might be interesting to experiment with cutting out the sweets earlier on Sundays for a couple of weeks, to see if that has any effect. Let us know what you find out, if you try it!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:04 pm
by DLB66
Thanks geekmom - I am going to try cutting off sweets at the end of the day on Sundays and see if that helps. Good suggestion about the hot drink - a small non-fat mocha has rescued me many times! I think just knowing I will encounter this problem on Mondays, and planning for it, may help.
