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Jumping in tomorrow

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:43 am
by Daisy73
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking to lose 105lbs....yikes. I had lost 60lbs on Atkins and maintained it for three years before getting pregnant, still maintained the loss after delivery. Last February, I got pregnant with baby #2 and gained 45lbs which I have not been able to budge since giving birth due to too many sweets and snacks for energy.

Anyway, I tried to do Atkins again and I just can't deal with it again. Even my three year old told me I was fussy when I started induction! LOL!

I hope to lose 5-6lbs a month but until I can get committed to a more regular exercise routine, it will be tough. As long as the scale is going down, I can handle it being slow.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:00 am
by vmelo
Welcome! I'm back on No-S after a hiatus of about a year, and I didn't really do it right when I tried it last time. This time I'm committed. Like you, I just cannot go back on some weird diet with crazy restrictions. This way of eating seems so painless and normal compared to other diets.

I wish you the best!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:37 am
by geekmom
Hi Daisy! I'm a fellow Atkins refugee :-) I did lose weight on Atkins, and don't have a problem with the diet but when I found no-S I thought for sure it was worth a try. Compared to tedious carb counting and the inability to eat out, and the disgusting aftertaste of splenda, I'm quite pleased with no-S. I've continued eating many of the healthier low-carb foods I got used to eating on Atkins while I do no-S.

Oh, also? The people on the Atkins boards seemed to bicker constantly. No-S folks are calm and friendly -- another reason I was happy to give no-S a try!

I've been no-Sing for almost a month now and have lost about 2 lbs. Slow and steady is fine by me.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:38 am
by butterfly1000
Hi Daisy,

As you, I have been on Atkins (and Weight Watchers, and a multitude of other diets -- I'd hate to calculate how much I've spent on dieting, whether it's buying books or signing up to different programs). I find that these type of diets are not for me because I can lose when I'm on them but then I gain it all back (and more), because I hate counting and measuring and I don't see myself doing it for the rest of my life.

I discovered No S Diet last month and I think the concept is really good. I haven't had too many green days yet (it's hard to lose old habits), but I'm going to keep trying. I'd like to lose about 80 lbs (and in a magical world I'd like to have lost them by June :lol: ) -- but I know that if I want to find a system that will work on a long term basis, the weight loss might be a little slower than some other systems.

Good luck, and welcome!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:10 pm
by Daisy73
Thanks Everyone! I need to set up the habitcal deal and a daily check in sometime today.

I am going for a GREEN day today for sure!!