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Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:02 am
by Trudy
I am worried I am getting too many calories? I have been eating oatmeal or bagel and peanut butter for bkfst and salad bar for lunch and one plate of something at dinner, what if i am getting too many calores?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:51 am
by gratefuldeb67
That sounds totally normal Trudy :)
Good luck.
8) Debs

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:58 am
by bluebunny27
There are a lot of calories in peanut butter so try not to put too much on there, don't hit the jar too hard with your biggest spoon ... like those wooden spoons people
put on walls as decoration, the really huge ones. ;-) Check the label on the container, it should tell you how many calories there are and remember they usually suggest only a tablespoon as a 'serving' ... it's good for you though but you should only eat it in moderation if you are worried about calories. (I love peanuts and peanut butter as well so I have peanuts, almonds and sunflower seeds daily, unsalted and not in excess of course)

Marc ;-)

Oh my goodness! Trust the rules!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:13 am
by la_loser
Trudy (and Daisy too from another thread),

First of all--welcome to No S--you and the number of other new members I've noticed recently. It seems like there are lots of you! Yea!

Just in the last few minutes I've noticed several references to that 8 letter word and I just have to poke my nose in and make a couple of comments. Yes, the word is CALORIES. . .

Absolutely for sure--calories in and energy spent is the secret to weight loss--we're all aware of that. And No S is just the ticket for helping you limit those calories and find a doable, sustainable, slow and sensible weight loss and find a healthy way of eating.

However, No S is not a calorie counting diet. That's the beauty of it. Those of us who have been victims of the "diet" mindset for upteen years or decades for many of us have been down that road. We can count calories or points or carbs in our sleep. . . but that sleep turned into nightmares for most of us. Very few people can sustain those sorts of plans for any significant periods of time. (A few can and I applaud them-like our own dear Bright Angel--she enjoys counting and continues to do so.) But if you think about it, most of those plans usually have little asterisks at the bottom of those success stories that say things like "results not typical." Those "Substance Accounting Diets" as we have named them usually backfire on us eventually. Our little nickname for them is S.A.D. -- as someone said--because they make us sad!

One of the hardest things for some No Sers to do is to rid themselves of that mentality--it's so ingrained in our little brains! No S DOES limit/restrict calories. . . but rather than doing so by forcing us to be accountants with little notebooks or diaries or whatever, it limits them by the simple method of each meal is ONE plate of food. Period. No seconds. There--that cuts the calories you might have previously eaten. The with No Snacks, you're eliminating more calories and certainly with No Sweets, you're cutting out even more. Granted, at the beginning, Reinhard encourages us to pile that plate pretty full to make sure we get enough to "make it to the next meal." And yes, in the beginning, you may pile on more calories than you would eat in a more restrictive plan, but as your habits become entrenched, those piled plates will even out, I promise and you will begin to realize you CAN get from meal to meal. . .

For those newbies who have not gotten the book, I highly recommend it; granted virtually the whole book is on the No S homepage but the book is a delightful inspiring read that you'll pick up again and again. . .

Also be sure to listen to the podcasts--you can do it through your computer if you don't want to download to an iPod or mp3 player.
See this link:
You can listen or read the transcript--I recommend listening. Reinhard has a calming effect on me and when he explains all the systems, it just makes so much sense. . . the early ones with lots of NO S info are at the bottom. . . and also be sure to listen to S DAYS GONE WILD.

I know it's really hard to let go of old HABITS. . . but if you want to do No S, you have to TRUST the system and let it happen for you. It does work--and how freeing it is to eat a quality meal without having to think of how many this that or the other! And no more buying special food just for you. When you get the hang of it, you'll love it.

Give it a chance and try to forget about counting anything but one, two, three plates (or however many meals you determine is right for you)

HONEST-- 14 words PERIOD. No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds
Except (Sometimes) on Special Days. Doing those things WILL limit your calories and you don't have to count anything!

Lots of people are ready to answer and support you. We're glad you're here.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:47 pm
by butterfly1000
Hi Trudy,

Welcome, and I know where you're coming from when you wonder if you are eating too many calories. I've been a member since March, and I still have trouble not estimating how many calories or points (I know most of the Weight Watcher points by heart!) I've had -- when I realize that I've had too many I get discouraged and end up eating more. I think we have to give ourselves a chance (and give the No S Diet a chance). I know for me, whatever diet I've tried in the past (and believe me I've tried many) hasn't worked -- or hasn't worked on a long term basis because I end up gaining everything back and more.

Good Luck!