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Hello and thank you

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:00 pm
by inghol
:D Hi there, yes another newbie here...I just felt compelled to say a big thank you for giving me at least 4 weeks of guilt free eating, a smaller stomach and a 4 pound weight loss !! I'm well happy ( as my kids would say). I haven't been able to spread the news effectively yet as I'm quite big (16 st 7 - god knows how that translates into american pounds ?) and when i say I've lost 4 pounds people are like: so what. I have however been on some sort of diet since I was nine so thats 31 years of yo-yo dieting, because however successful a diet the weight always comes back (and then some). What a clever bloke you are ,Reinhard! I know I am going to be able to follow the rules eventhough I haven't started a daily thread ( I work nights and I have to adjust my mealtimes somewhat ) but I read the discussions regularly and find them extremely helpful and uplifting! The only problem will be trying to explain to my hubby why there's a 12 pound sledgehammer hidden in the wardrobe... ( no, he won't think it's a christmas present, more likely be concerned for his safety ) Anyway, keep up the good work, lol Ingrid

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:05 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yay Ingrid!!!!!!!
Great for you!!!!!
Keep it up :)!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Oh, ps, the people who are saying "So What?" to your four pound weight loss, are clearly Bozos!!!
Ignore them, and find some nicer people to hang with!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:07 pm
by inghol
thanks for the encouragement, deb! I couldn't agree more, they're definetely Bozos :lol: but I work with them... It's a case of them not knowing what a weightproblem was if they fell over it and to be fair , my trackrecord for diets is not that good. That's why I'm so pleased to have found something so doable like this. I know it will take time before any loss will show, but I'm hanging in there. And the advice that you and others are giving all the time is really great! love and best wishes Ingrid

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:28 pm
by peetie
You cracked me up with the sledgehammer in the closet remark. I hope its presence makes your husband be VERY nice to you!!!

And, yes 4 lbs. is wonderful. Don't let past diet failures deter you. They were unnatural ways of eating, and nobody can continue that for the long haul. NOS is a very personalized, sensible plan to get off the diet roller coaster and onto terra firma.

Keep on keepin' on!


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:07 am
by CarrieAnn
Hi Ingrid,
Great job, a 4lb weight loss in 4 weeks is WONDERFUL! This No S is slow and steady and gets easier and easier with time. You will develop very good habits with this. Keep up the good work, you can do it!

Hugs & Love!
CarrieAnn :D

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:18 am
by mondurvic
Yay for Ingrid! Give me an "I"! Give me an "N"! Give me . . . .

I'm new, too, Ingrid. Wednesday will be my 21st SUCCESSful day. I'll be weighing myself Thursday morning and reporting back on how much I've lost (or not) in three weeks. I put in (or not), but I really do think I've lost. In any case, I'm so free of anxiety about eating that I almost don't know what to do with all the extra time. Like you, I've been dieting a long time - 56 years, to be exact, having started at age 7.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:57 am
by inghol
Thank you for your comments ( Peetie,I'll be picking my moment with the sledgehammer to see if BE NICE TO ME OR ELSE!!! works...

And you are so right Judy, about having more time ! It does lead to worrying about other things -In my case artificial sweetners as I still have too many , mainly in drinks .I thought if I start a daily thread as well I might shame myself into finally kicking the coke habit (diet, that is). :shock:

Hope you all have a good day

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:07 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Ingrid,
Here's a little anti fake sweetener info/rant...
From various written sources, I have become informed that Aspartame and Splenda are both extremely detrimental to our Central Nervous system (Including and especially to the Brain) and it's been shown that people who ingest fake sweeteners actually have their appetites increase, so yeah, you may be drinking a soda with no calories, but you will be hungry all day and prone to snack on other things which aren't non caloric..
I used to use Equal in my coffee, about four years ago, and it made me sick and edgy all the time... I know this, because the month I got it out of my system, I immediately felt dramatically better...I eliminated it, and went back to sugar...
Believe it or not, when I started NoS, I was at the point where my taste buds were so screwed up, from the Equal and Splenda (which is not safe and shouldn't be marketed as sugar.. Freakwitch even posted that the chemical makeup of Splenda is closer to DDT insecticide... What a happy thought!)
I had to use four teaspoons per cup to equal the sweetness I was used to from just using a few packs of Splenda!!!!
Eventually, little by little, I went down to two teaspoons, and last year at New Years, or thereabouts, as a kind of NoS sugar resolution, I decided to go down to one teaspoon.. I applied Reinhards "One plate" rule, to teaspoons! At first I noticed how strong my habit was, and I did have to talk myself into, not going for that extra spoonful.. I am thrilled that after a year, I am completely happy with this amount of sugar in my coffee..
I can hardly believe there was a time when I had four teapsoons per cup!!
It was directly caused by those artificial sweeteners perverting the perception of "what is sweet" in my brain... You can kick this habit if you are strict with yourself, and lets face it, whether theres total clinical proof of all this stuff, theres enough anecdotal stuff out there to make you wonder whether it's worth the gamble.... I mean, it is your nervous system you are talking about.. We need it!!! LOL..

I use natural turbinado sugar, which is way more delicious and rich tasting than plain white sugar... You don't need as much either..

Hope you didn't mind my mini-rant... I have been rallying against this evil poison for a while now, and I am sure that eliminating it from my life has helped my health greatly, as I hardly get sick anymore and I used to get sick all the time...

If you like fizzy beverages, why not mix some grapejuice or cranberry juice with some club soda and lime?

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:26 pm
by Jammin' Jan
If you hadn't ranted, I would've. Artificial sweeteners are :twisted: evil!

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:23 am
by navin
I tend to agree with you guys. The one exception I make is sugar-free gum. The only reason I chew gum anyway is either if my breath is horrendous or if I ate a meal and can't brush my teeth. Chewing gum with sugar would defeat the purpose.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:37 am
by carolejo
I'm with Navin on this. I like to chew gum which is sugar-free, but won't touch the fake sugar in anything else.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:06 pm
by inghol
WOW thanks for all that info, Deb!

I had kinda noted there was some anti-aspartame thing going on in no-s-land. It is so addictive though and usually encouraged by oyher diets, you tend not to want to face up to any possible detrimental sideeffects.
And as for Splenda, it hasn,t been available here all that long but you should see the the marketing for it. According to the T.V. ads it's like the best thing to give to your kids -especially if you,re baking. I ,m quite shocked now and more determined then ever to knock this on the head.

Thankfully nobody has mentioned my caffeine intake ...
