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The Simple Pleasures of No S

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:23 pm
by Pewari
When i started this, 3 weeks ago, I thought it would be chocolate and cake my weekend craving, and I have to confess that the Terry's chocolate orange left over from Easter that's waiting for me in the fridge for after the kids are in bed does bring a smile to my face.

However, there's one weekend pleasure that I never realised would be as big a deal as it's become. I hadn't noticed before how often I tasted ingredients while I cooked - a piece of cheese here, a little bit of carrot there. It was part of the preparation ritual but clearly covered by the No Snacking rule.

Tonight, I prepared a lasagne, and it suddenly occurred to me that as it was an S day, I could sample while I cooked and those teeny pieces of cheese and bits of red pepper I snaffled while I prepared were absolutely wonderful. I think that may be almost more of a treat than the chocolate waiting in the fridge (note: I did say almost, but not quite :wink: )

So do you have any unexpected weekend pleasures that someone not familiar to No S might raise their eyebrows at?

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:31 pm
by janmarie
hi, this sounds a lot like me, a taste here, a sliver there constantly throughout the day. then all the sweets and desserts! if i couldn't do 'some' of that on the weekends i wouldn't be able to stick to this. funny thing though, i really am not enjoying the snacking and sweets so much anymore. i think especially the sweets...always that promise of fulfillment but then....nothing so i would move on to the next and on and on. I think being able to have that 'forbidden' food on the weekends makes me realize all over again the extra calories were not worth it.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:39 am
by Kathleen
My daughter went on No S and one Saturday I took her to the grocery store where she bought a doughtnut. As she was wolfing it down in the car on the way home, she said, "This diet does have its advantages!"

To be honest, I've enjoyed eating to being stuffed and not feeling guilty about it.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:23 pm
by wosnes
Kathleen wrote: To be honest, I've enjoyed eating to being stuffed and not feeling guilty about it.
A friend and I went to a nice Italian restaurant and ate something from every course. Not only was I stuffed, it's dinnertime and I'm still not really hungry! It's a feeling I have NOT enjoyed. But the dinner was very, very good!