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Have you heard of this?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:03 pm
by khristal23
Alternate Day Diet ... 1HW9C09WDQ

I just don't see how this could really work... pig out one day and barely eat the next?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:07 pm
by marleah
I have heard of something similar called the Johnson Up Day Down Day Diet - I read about it in the forums at I don't think I would personally be able to handle it. Apparently some have had great success with it, but I think it would just be stressful to the body. But then I'm not an expert on any of this, so who knows!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:09 pm
by khristal23
marleah wrote:I have heard of something similar called the Johnson Up Day Down Day Diet - I read about it in the forums at I don't think I would personally be able to handle it. Apparently some have had great success with it, but I think it would just be stressful to the body. But then I'm not an expert on any of this, so who knows!
Yeah, I'm no expert either. It may work for some, but not the plan for me. It just seems like a really weird way to go about eating.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:12 pm
by Thalia
I think the idea behind it is that you plateau on diets because if you eat a very restricted number of calories your body freaks out and slows your metabolism down. So if you alternate, your body doesn't know WHAT to think and you don't go into starvation mode.

I would find that eating pattern very hard to sustain, too!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:26 pm
by ~hf
Thalia wrote:I think the idea behind it is that you plateau on diets because if you eat a very restricted number of calories your body freaks out and slows your metabolism down. So if you alternate, your body doesn't know WHAT to think and you don't go into starvation mode
Seems the same to me as what we are accomplishing though No S (expect that with No S it is very sane and normal). On N days our calories are indirectly limited by our 3 plate rule. S days allow us more calories and thus fuel is thrown our our metabolic fire.

Simple, sane and effective. That's why I love No S!


Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:27 pm
by dockanz
Google the Wendi plan, which is a WW variant. That is how I lost most of my weight and it is entirely unliveable.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:39 pm
by guadopt1997
The theory behind the Wendie Plan looks interesting. But imagine how much time she had to spend, tracking, weighing, measuring, obsessing...

Thanks but no thanks! :wink:

Anyway, the no_s diet is already a little bit like that. We eat more on the weekends, revving up our metabolism.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:43 pm
by StrawberryRoan
I have heard of this type of plan before.

This is sorta what the No S is like for me. I eat more on the weekends, so my body doesn't think it is restricted, then it is more restricted on the other days. Nothing drastic, of course, as I am still eating normal meals.

However, in this country today, normal meals are almost like "starvation" mode. I didn't realize how abnormal I was eating.

I am just lucky that I have always been an exercise fiend or I would probably have had a bigger weight problem, pardon the pun.


Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:48 pm
by TunaFishKid
I was just about to try this diet and was on the Amazon page for the book reading reviews last Monday. That's how I found No S! Under the heading "Customers who bought this item also bought" I saw The No S Diet, clicked on it, and the rest is history! Thank God, because that would have been just another in a long line of impossible-to-live-with diets for me.

It's the same as the Johnson's Up Day Down Day Diet (or JUDDDD). I guess Dr. Johnson's publisher thought the name was a little unwieldy, lol. It may work in theory, but would be ridiculously impractical in real life. Imagine if you're invited out to dinner with friends on one of your "down" days. You're eating 500 calories that day and have already had breakfast and lunch. What's left? Water? One of the things I love about No S is that nobody knows you're doing it.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:22 pm
by susieb
Hi all, I have to say, just reading these posts, and with no in depth knowledge of this Johnson programme, that as well as it being very hard to sustain, what it appears to be endorsing is a form of binge-starve cycle- even though it is somewhat moderated. That's where "it" always starts. If, like me, you have an addictive/ obsessive personality when it comes to eating it is easy to go to extremes with this. I think this is very bad. I have suffered for many years as a result of having this eat/starve mentality and it is NOT the answer! Trust me! Moderation is the only key. Nothing forbidden, just.......moderation and dare I say- normality..?
Each to their own- but I think it's a downward spiral to a confused metabolism and an unhealthy eating style...

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 9:44 pm
by vmelo
I did the Up Day/Down Day diet for about three weeks. Although I lost fast the first week (5 lbs---fast, for me), and it seemed easy for a week, those Down Days got old real quick.

It's not a diet that's sustainable for me.

Edited to add: Also, after week one, the weight loss slowed WAY down.