just want to lose a little

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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just want to lose a little

Post by rocket26 » Fri May 01, 2009 8:40 pm

Hi. So I'm curious about the whole No S diet, because although I've never dieted, I definitely find myself needing some kind of structure to eat with. I'm nearing 30 and for the first time my metabolism is slowing a bit, and I find myself bloated lots of times from my regular eating habits. I tend to drink a lot of coffee in the morning, eat a light lunch, and a big dinner with desert. But I can't keep that up.

I want to lose between 5-15 pounds. Is anyone doing this diet just to kind of keep their body tuned up and fit, not for major weight loss? Does the No S make sense for this?

Also, do you all drink alcohol during the week? I only like having maybe one drink with dinner sometimes, so I'm curious.

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Post by Thalia » Fri May 01, 2009 9:30 pm


I think No S is the PERFECT eating plan for someone who isn't too concerned about weight loss, but wants to establish sensible eating habits. You basically "start with maintenance" -- no extreme deprivation or wacky diet food, you just eat the way you need to to maintain a reasonable, healthy bodyweight and relationship with food.

I do drink alcohol during the week -- I like a glass of wine with dinner. That's perfectly permissable on No S.

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Fri May 01, 2009 9:33 pm

Welcome rocket,

I am relatively new as well, to this site, but not to the whole realm of nutrition/fitness/etc.

Been there, done that, for thirty years or more.

I only need to lose ten or fifteen pounds but would really just like to stabilize into a healthy eating plan, eat three meals - no snacks - no sweets - no seconds.

My problem is that I can easily lose the weight, get a little TOO thin, then eat again, etc. etc. etc.

So far this has been great, I don't even think about it. I just eat three normally balanced meals - that's it. No more, no less.

Tomorrow is my first No S day so I will see if I even have the desire to add more, probably will add dessert.

Regarding drinks, I used to drink a glass (or two) of red wine a night. Haven't this week, would be curious to see how others have fit it into their plan. I suppose if it was part of the meal, it would be okay. I just always preferred to drink later in the evening to relax a bit after everything was all cleaned up.

Good luck,


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Post by Nichole » Fri May 01, 2009 10:59 pm

I have been doing no-s on and off for a year now. I lose a couple pounds, and that's about it. I'm about 148 right now. Sometimes 150. But I haven't gained any weight! My weight jumped to 156 after my honeymoon/Christmas in December, and when I did NoS I went right back down. :)
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Post by kccc » Sat May 02, 2009 1:25 am

I use No-S as "maintenance" - which sounds boring until you know that I couldn't maintain before No-s. I'd lose with great effort, then my weight would climb back up. Now, I just maintain, with almost no effort. (I say "almost" because every now and then I get sloppy and have to rein myself in. However, with No-S, it's always pretty clear where I'm being lax.)

Wine in moderation is okay on No-S. If you have an immoderate habit, you have a different problem. :) Only sweet alcoholic drinks are S's - the obvious stuff.

Welcome and good luck!

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