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Brand new and after advice...

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 9:47 am
by Sophie
I'm a first year student in a catered hostel and I'm really worried about putting on the 'first-year five.' Although I'm not overweight, I'm not as thin as I'd like to be! I've struggled with my image and the scales over the years, generally moving between chubby and complacent to thin and unhappy. And I'm sick of it! Food has ruled my life the last couple of years yet I have only really gained weight.
I'm currently about 62kg and 170 cm (136 lbs and 5'7 I think that works out to be??) but I want to lose about five kgs. Nothing too drastic!
As well as follow the No S's, I plan on going to the gym about 3-4 times a week til I get there.
I'm just wondering if anyone else is in a similar situation to me? And if this diet worked for them? Just any help at all would be appreciated!

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 12:52 pm
by Blithe Morning
A couple of thoughts:

Your weight and height sound fine. I rather doubt you are chubby but merely comparing yourself to an unrealistic standard.

Exercise isn't something to do be done until you reach a goal. It's lifetime habit. The benefits of exercise go way past weight loss/management.

NO S will help keep away the freshman fifteen (that's what we called it in the US) but even more importantly, it will set you up with good eating habits and healthy attitude towards food and body image. Since I am assuming you are young (under 25), this means avoiding many many hours of agnst, self disgust and loathing, rollercoaster emotions based on a the numbers of a scale, and time and energy lost to due to obsessive thinking about food/eating/etc.

Trust me. Just do a plain vanilla No S with non-idiotic S days, exercise regularly (particularly weights if you want to change your shape) and you will be fine.

And happy.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 1:49 pm
by wosnes
I agree with Blithe Morning. I think your best plan would be to maintain where you are now by eating sanely and exercising regularly.

Years ago I learned a formula for "ideal" weight for women: 100 pounds for the first 5' in height and 5 pounds for each additional inch -- plus or minus some for bone structure, etc. That would make your ideal weight 135 give or take some. I've found that the majority of people look great either at that weight or a few pounds over, but few look good much below that weight.

Welcome to No S!

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 2:02 pm
by la_loser
Welcome to No S,

What a smart thing for you to do--being preemptive about creating good solid habits as you begin this next phase of your life. A lot of people-most, probably, wait until after they've let their eating get out of control and then have to do some major changes!

Honestly, I agree with Blithe Morning and Wosnes -- your weight seems to be right in the center of what is considered a healthy BMI--However, since you said you've struggled with your weight in the past, you know yourself better than anyone.

If you can build and sustain the No S habits, you will be doing yourself a big favor and creating a sustainable lifestyle as well. It will keep you from ever having to go on a "traditional" or "substance accounting diet" (SAD) :(

Enjoy your new adventure--and enjoy the food as well--it should be pretty easy within the confines of No S!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:32 pm
by StrawberryRoan
I agree, you are at a point in your life where you are not "out of control" as far as weight issues. Now is the time to grab the bull by the horns, as they say.

Just establish healthy eating habits, if you feel that you have a few pounds to lose, slowly get into the habit of eating better and adding a bit more exercise and a pound will fall off - here and there - along the way.

Good luck to you. I like this way of eating because one is never "on a diet" should they be out and about on an N day. Nothing crazy about eating a normal lunch with friends then saying, No thanks - too stuffed for dessert. Much better than, how many calories are in that, too many carbs, how many points would that be, etc. Much more, shall we say, normal way of living.