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Back Again

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:21 am
by FarmerHal
It's been a long couple of months. Seems like this year is taking forever in some aspects and flying by in others.
DH is still deployed overseas, and I am a temporary single mom back in my hometown near both our families. The family support has helped, but as far as meals, lord help me, every meal has a treat except breakfast! And beings as I have 0 will power (common sense?) yes, of course I want a treat, why not 2, I deserve it, right, I mean, c'mon, I do ALL the mom things and ALL the dad things (i already hate mowing the lawn!).

Anyway, my eating has gone completely out of control again, eat eat eat, snacks and sweets. Second breakfasts and second suppers.
Eating is my friend, my stress reliever. Food won't scream at me in a 2 yr old tantrum.

So here I am, October of '07 I was down to 206, only 7 lbs to being out of the 200's! Wasn't that a dream?! Back up now to 229. My original start weight was 245 and I'm not far from it! :( It's a struggle for me to find balance in anything these last 3 months. I have till next April before DH comes home again. Things are stressful, especially with 2 little kids. I mean, there are thousands of other military moms out there doing the same thing, I can handle it too, I *can* but I find it really hard to stop doing chores (dishes, laundry, dress kids, make beds, etc etc) and make a healthy meal and eat it all on one plate. I feel frazzled. Family does help some but they have their own lives too.

I have to stop here, there's enough whining. I do NOT want to see 230 on that scale. I have a ton of clothes, but I had already weeded out the size 20's and 22's so now I barely fit into most of my 18s and I am miserable!

I need to commit to myself as much as I have to the kids and everythign else out here I must deal with. I need to take a deep breath and not take things so seriously, I must give time to make healthy foods and a bit of exercise (seriously? I'm exhausted!)

I want to combine the basics of noS diet and Michael Pollan's quote: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.

It's great being back on board, I hope it will stick this time. :-D

welcome back Tiff

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:41 am
by la_loser
Wow. You have been on my mind today with all the tributes to veterans. Then I logged on to post on yr check in and there you were--back here with us. I can't imagine how tough it must be. Besides our honoring our military members, we also owe you spouses & families a debt of gratitude as well for your sacrifices as well.

You know we are here for you. I hope you can begin to use No S as an island in your sea of chaos.

Don't be a stranger, friend!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:49 am
by ~reneew
Welcome back!!!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:21 am
by vmelo
I'm so sorry that you're feeling so overwhelmed. It's understandable. With regard to your weight and eating issues, I'll bet most of us have experienced at least some of what you're describing (I know I have!). It's frustrating when everything around you seems chaotic.

I've seen other posts in which people have suggested just trying to nail down one S rather than tackling the whole plan immediately. Based on your original post, it seems to me that you have a problem snacking. You might try to tackle that S first. You could tell yourself that you'll have one snack a day. Do that for a week, and then cut that snack out. Then the following week, add another S.

In any case, checking in here will probably do you good. A vent is good for the soul sometimes!

Re: Back Again

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:14 pm
by wosnes
shamrockmommy wrote: Eating is my friend, my stress reliever.
Well, as some wise person said (someone here, maybe?), "If hunger isn't the question, food isn't the answer."

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:31 pm
by mimi
Welcome back Shamrockmommy! I've wondered where you were. I'm sorry you've been having such a difficult time - but you've made the first step by deciding to come back to NoS because you KNOW it works.
Take it one meal at a time and then go from there. We're here for you!


Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:06 pm
by StrawberryRoan
You do sound, understandably, overwhelmed.

Give this a thought,

So much in your life right now is out of your control - your husband being away, your children being - well - little children, the additional chores that must be done, etc.

Wouldn't it be great to be in control of SOMETHING?

That is what NO S gives me, a feeling of total control, freedom if you will.
One less thing to worry about.

Good luck.


Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:32 pm
by Nichole
You sound so busy and overwhelmed. I am just glad that you never give up on yourself. Often times I think people just total throw in the towel and just get more and more unhealthy. I'm just so glad you never give up.

Sometimes you need to replace one bad habit with another habit. Maybe you should get addicted to scribbling in a journal every time you want to reach for a stress-relief treat? Or something to that nature. Maybe no-calorie beverages such as homemade diet tea or something.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:33 am
by FarmerHal
Thanks so much, everyone. LA Loser, you really made me feel so special :) thanks :oops:

Today is the first green N day in a long time :) I"m happy to report.

Strawberry Roan, you really made a lot of sense to me. Everything does so often feel out of control, and I can control keeping to my N days. I told myself today that it just wasn't time to eat yet, that I wouldn't starve for sure for another couple of hours.

Just a short note, time to put kids to bed now. Thanks so much for thinking of me and I'm going to become a regular poster (hopefully!)


Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 1:29 pm
by kccc
Welcome back!!!

You are dealing with so much. As an emotional-eater myself (whether stress or boredom - if life isn't PERFECT I want to eat!), I understand the temptation to console yourself with food.

The suggestion of "phasing in" the S's is a good idea. But I think you need to pay special attention to the "need to be taken care of" that is driving a lot of your eating. Under the circumstances, it sounds very legitimate to me!! So, perhaps finding other ways to address it rather than non-stop eating would help?

Some ideas...
- Wonderful mealtime foods. Is there something seasonal that's usually too expensive that you can indulge in? (Asparagus and strawberries for me!) Or something that the kids wouldn't eat that YOU would love? Mealtimes can be your "I deserve something special" times for food.

- Address your other senses. Spend a minute writing to these stems..."I love the sound of... I love the smell of... I love the sight of... I love the touch/feel of..." Try to list at least five things for each. Then look at your list and find a way to connect to those items. Tickle your kids until you hear them laugh, buy flowers, light scented candles (out of reach of the kids), whatever.

And most of all, know that you've got a group here that sends you a LOT of support. Come here when you can for some friendly encouragement. :)

Best wishes!!!

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:57 pm
by FarmerHal
Wow, KCCC you have brought up a lot of good points!

I totally get that I am having a need to feel taken care of, with no dh around, who is very affectionate, I have literally been CRAVING a HUG. How in the heck do you crave a hug? I just do, it's the weirdest feeling!

I'm going to try writing down some things that you suggest, what a great idea.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:20 am
by Blithe Morning
I can relate. My son is in 'Stan. I do ok during the day but I've had sweets.

We can do this.