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I like tasty food.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:25 am
by Hunter Gatherer
I do. I do.

And so I have to share with you the superlative ice cream. I found Haagen Dazs Five ice creams, they only have 5 ingredients: milk, cream, sugar, flavor, eggs. Nice, eh? The first I tried was the passion fruit flavor. Quite tasty. But then I tried the ginger flavor and great googly-moogly! That is some fine ice cream. The flavor is warm, spicy ginger, with a bit of a kick and it's all creamy and cold and.... just delightful. I usually prefer my ice cream pretty hard, but this I like even when it's mushy. If you let it soften you can eat it using cinnamon graham crackers as the spoon - very good.

Ranked Flavors:

Ginger (My current favorite ice cream ever, well, excepting the snow ice cream my mom made that once when I was a kid but that has nostalgia behind it too.)

Passionfruit (Maybe because of the rarity of passion fruit ice cream.)

Brown Sugar (Pretty good. Not anywhere near the ginger.)

Mint (Good. Usually they add chocolate to any mint, it was nice to get it by itself. Not neon green either.)

Milk Chocolate (Meh. Pretty much your standard chocolate ice cream. I could have just bought Blue Bell.)

Haven't gotten around to trying Vanilla Bean (suspect it will be like the chocolate) and Coffee (trying to avoid caffeine, even that small amount).

And so this won't only be about ice cream, let's talk about cheese some. (Can you tell I am a dairy fan? Sorry vegan readers. :oops: )

Recently we had some nice tomatoes from the store, the little cherry ones you buy on the vine. They were getting ripe and needed to be used, so I cut them in half, piled them in a white bowl and grated Romano over them. Actually I put down a layer of tomato, one of cheese, one of tomato, one of cheese. Then I speared them with a fork and guided them to my hungry maw. There they were ruthlessly masticated (mmm sweet tomato acidity and salty cheese), swallowed and digested. Cutting roma tomatoes in half, sprinkling them with grated Parmesan and broiled real quick in the toaster oven is good too.

And Limburger! Oh, I had some recently just with some nice soft bread... So good. Or cutting a bolillo in half, cutting chunks of Brie up and putting that in the toaster? Be careful not to burn yourself.

The fruit has also been good lately. Grapes, apricots, strawberries, mangoes.... The mangoes have been especially good. Both the... uh... yellow and green/red skinned varieties.

Oh, and I made a soup out of sweet potato, granny smith apple, chile arbols, and yogurt. Pretty good.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:03 pm
by wosnes
I like tasty food, too.

With the exception of the new flavors, the Haagen Dazs Five has exactly the same ingredients as regular Haagen Dazs. They are good -- and I'm NOT a big ice cream fan.

There's an article in the current (June/July) issue of Fine Cooking about making your own ice cream with numerous variations. It's part of their "Cooking without Recipes" series. The ice cream article is written by David Lebovitz, author of The Perfect Scoop. There are ginger and mint variations. Yum! (I prefer the magazine to the online versions of "create-your-own" recipes)

The tomatoes sound fantastic.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:38 pm
by kccc
Count me in on tasty food. One of the real benefits of No-S to me is that I get to ENJOY food instead of mentally dissecting every plateful...

Love the tomato and cheese recipe. One of my favorite summertime entrees, that I could eat DAILY, is broiled cheese toast topped with sliced tomato. Of course, the bread has to be good bread (my homemade wheat, usually) and the tomotoes have to be homegrown or farmers market (waiting on those). Cheese can be a good sharp cheddar or mozzerella... and there are probably other variants that would work. I LOVE this meal!

And I love seasonal food. Strawberries and asparagus say "spring" to me (almost gone here) and watermelon says "summer" (had our first this week).

I have a garden this year, and am picking lettuce for salad as I watch the tomatoes grow. We have squash starting too - will be harvesting some this week. I can't wait. This is a teeny-tiny organic garden, but it's the first I've done as more than containers, and I'm thrilled.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:58 am
by Hunter Gatherer
Ooh! a garden! I want one of those. My mother gave me a "Square Foot Gardening" book but there hasn't been time this year. Maybe the next! Fresh veggies are so good.