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Article on fidgeting, very interesting

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:21 pm
by khristal23
The article claims that thin people who seem to be able to eat whatever they want and not gain weight actually fidget and move around more throughout the day than overweight people who eat the same amount and gain weight, according to a study.

I googled it and there have been a few studies done on this. People who have a tendency to fidget around burn on average 350 more calories per day than people who sit still.

Here's the link to the article:

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:47 pm
by TingTing
I read somewhere the same thing too.

It's funny, as a kid I use to fidget alot if I sat for long periods of time, like all kids do. I would get scolded by teachers, my mom and my grandma for not being able to sit still and act like a young lady. At a certain point, I stopped fidgeting just to get them off my back.

And now, many, many years later, everyone tells me I should start moving around in order to burn off some weight. My body too, has become very efficient at holding on to my weight and burning less calories. Sad to say, I have to learn to fidget, just like when I was a child!

Interesting article! Thank you for posting! :D