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Question on best time for exercising

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:48 pm
by butterfly1000

I was wondering, for those of you who exercise on a regular basis -- what time works best for you. :?:

I am really out of shape, and I'd like to try and incorporate regular walking (whether outside or on the treadmill at home) on a daily basis. As part of the June challenge, I'm hoping to do at least 15 minutes of walking per day. I work full time, and have 3 kids so there's always something to do at home in the evenings or week-ends. I know that ideally, if I want walking to become a habit, I should do it in the morning before going to work -- but that means going from being in a sleeping mode to an exercise mode, with nothing in between (and I need a little time to actually wake up). My other option is in the evening (which in my case means between 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.), and by then, I'm just ready to crash in front of the TV.

I was wondering, for those of you who have similar schedules -- how do you fit exercising into it, and how long did it take for it to become a habit, where you just automatically do it?


Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 10:24 pm
by vmelo
I exercise in the morning for two reasons:

1) Life gets in the way later in the day (not just my own excuses, but real-life problems), and I'd miss more workouts if I did them in the evening.

2) I like the feeling of not having to think about exercise the rest of the day. I hate thinking about when I'm going to exercise throughout the day and trying to convincing myself that I will (when I usually won't). I love the feeling of enjoying a cup of coffee and breakfast, knowing that my workout is behind me. Also, I feel as if I started the day off on the right foot.

I know what you mean by needing a little time to wake up. I've arranged my schedule so that I walk my dogs before I exercise. I used to exercise first and then walk my dogs, but I find that if I walk my dogs before exercise, it serves as a warm-up for me. I get up a 5:00 a.m., and by the time I've gotten dressed, walked and fed my dogs, it's about 5:55. I head to the gym and work out for 30 minutes, and I'm home with the coffee made by 7:00 a.m.

So, maybe you don't have dogs, but you must have other tasks that you do in the morning---e.g., make lunches, get the coffee ready, etc. You may want to do that and then do your exercise.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:13 am
by mimi
Morning for me! If not, like vmelo, life gets in the way, and more often than not, it doesn't happen.
Any decision to exercise will take a comittment from you. Normally we get up at 5:00 A.M. during the week. So every morning, Mon.-Fri. I set my clock for twenty minutes earlier, and then I walk on my treadmill or use the glider for those 20 minutes. The time goes by quickly, and what I like about it is it gives me a few quiet moments to plan my day. I decided to do this when school started last August and since then have only missed two days. Once because I stayed up way too late the night before, and once because I forgot to set my clock!
I'm very proud of this small change I've made for myself. Anything bigger, and I don't think I would have stuck with it. This is very doable.
Now that the weather is nice I try to walk outside in the evenings, but it's been a little crazy lately.
Decide on something small, Butterfly, and then work from there!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:42 am
by Pewari
Afternoon, about 2ish for me. I have the advantage that I am a SAHM and can be more flexible about times.

2pm is great because it picks me up and stops me having that afternoon slump around 3ish that I get otherwise. I also use it a bit as a reward for having done all my other chores before I pick the kids up from school (I really enjoy my exercise routine!)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:20 pm
by winnie96
I know what you mean about a slow launch in the morning. As much as I would like to exercise first thing, I'm just not willing to give up my "ease into the day" routine. However, I then spend all day agonizing over if and when I'm going to get out for my walk, which I do about 99.9% of the time, but I really need to work on stopping that daily debate with myself.

I did find, when I was working, that lunchtime worked out quite well for walking. We had an hour, so I'd eat my sandwich then walk outside if the weather was fair, or inside around the building if it was rainy or snowy. Often, there would be someone who also wanted to walk, so it turned into a nice social situation, or if there was some work issue I needed to ponder, I'd go myself and think about that. If your work situation permits, this might be something for you to try. Waiting until 8 pm might be a bit too much of a test.

Also, remember that most experts seem to think that walking need not necessarily be done in one block -- several 10 minute blocks also work. You might want to search your schedule for convenient times when you might be able to sneak a shorter walk in.

One thing I have found tremendously motivating is to always wear a pedometer. I use the Omron HJ-720IT, which just slips into your pocket. It counts total steps, but also counts what it calls "aerobic steps" which are any steps taken during a continuous 10 minute period. Even if I have a respectable number of total steps, for some reason I just hate to end the day with no aerobic steps, and that is usually enough to get me going for "just 10 minutes", as I tell myself. Once I'm out there, though, I'm apt to keep going for 20 to 45 minutes, depending how much time I have.

Best wishes for figuring out something that works for you. For me, the walking is very, very important, not only for the exercise itself, but also for the feeling of accomplishment, and the feeling of taking some responsibility for my own health. These positive feelings tend to carry over onto the food/eating side of things, too, and help me to keep it together there as well.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:40 pm
by Nichole
I exercise as soon as I get home from work and before I make dinner. I am way too groggy in the morning to exercise before work. However, I also don't have kids or anything, so it's not a big deal. I would like to switch to a morning schedule but every time I've tried it, I've been too tired to give it my all.

The best time to exercise is the time that works best for you!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:15 pm
by butterfly1000
The consensus seems to be in the morning -- which is what I thought, if we want it to be long lasting. For those of you getting up at 5:00 a.m. to exercise, WOW!! And for those who, regardless of the time, have also developed a regular exercise routine -- also WOW!! I know that if I can develop a regular routine, it will help me in so many ways (physical and mental).

Objective for month of June, I'm going to try and make it a habit -- 15 min walk every morning (regardless of intensity) -- if I can get that habit going, then I'll work on increasing the length and the intensity.

I'll try to think of how good I'll feel after the walk as opposed to how hard it is to get up and get on the treadmill.

For just a 15 min. walk, I should be o.k. getting up at 6:00 a.m. -- for those who get up at 5:00, at what time do you go to bed?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:08 pm
by mimi
As you might have guessed...EARLY!...9:30...10:00 at the latest! On weekends sometimes later, but not as a rule. I'm just one of those morning people who crashes at night - always have been! We all have our own unique body rhythms - just need to work with them!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:30 pm
by bluebunny27
You can't really say what the best time is ... it depends on too many personal factors. If you like to do 1 or 2 sessions, etc. The best time to exercise is when *you* are doing it, :-) If you don't have a lot of time, splitting sessions in 2 parts is good as well, although maybe not as effective for the cardio but there are still benefits.

I tend to like the early evenings, around 7:30pm / 8pm. I was doing the early mornings for a while too but that was *HARD*, I prefer to do my exercise later on in the day. On fridays, saturdays and sundays I can train earlier or later depending on what's goin' on, I've done midnight training sessions even on those days.

It depends on what you like to do too, since I CYCLE, I have to work out when it's not raining, so I monitor the situation in the sky daily using a local weather radar site. If I can't cycle due to bad weather, I train inside the house.

The time on the clock doesn't really matter, what matters is to *DO IT*.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 06/01/2009 : 215.6 pounds
7 months 1 day / 64.4 pounds

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:28 pm
by vmelo
Butterfly, I should go to bed earlier, but I usually get to bed around 11 p.m. It's odd, but I consider myself both a morning person and a night owl---not a good combo! However, I'm fortunate enough to have a job that allows me to work from home for much of the time, so I usually take a 1.5 - 2 hr. nap in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who really does need 8 hours of sleep.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:24 pm
by reinhard
I vastly prefer mornings and that's what I did for my first few years of shovelglove, but it's just not possible anymore with our girls (they let us sleep till 6 if we're lucky).

I've found a couple ways to make evenings more palatable (and likely to happen):

1) my wife and I do our 14 minutes together (she does yoga/pilates, I do shovelglove).

2) (more recently) we watch the dvr-ed news.

The important thing is to get yourself to do it every day. When is not so important -- except in so far as it impacts whether you do it at all. With that in mind, I think earlier is better, because who knows what excuses may present themselves during the course of the day.


Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:46 pm
by StrawberryRoan
I do the exercise bike for 30-45 minutes early afternoon while listening to talk radio, the time flies.

I do floor work, sit ups, leg lifts, yoga stuff at 3 while watching the Discovery Health shows each day (alternates between XWeighted and I Lost It!) They always motivate me.

I do the Gazelle glider at night for an hour in the master bedroom while watching a show we like with the hubby. I find it to be more relaxing than intensive. After I am done, I take a glass of wine into the bubble bath and I sleep like a baby.

I LOVE to exercise. We live on a beautiful country lane and I try to walk early each morning for a while, depending on the schedule and the weather.

Of course, I am retired so I have more flexibility with my schedule, also no kiddies around - I'm FREE...

SR :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:30 pm
by butterfly1000
StrawberryRoan wrote:I do the exercise bike for 30-45 minutes early afternoon while listening to talk radio, the time flies.

I do floor work, sit ups, leg lifts, yoga stuff at 3 while watching the Discovery Health shows each day (alternates between XWeighted and I Lost It!) They always motivate me.

I do the Gazelle glider at night for an hour in the master bedroom while watching a show we like with the hubby. I find it to be more relaxing than intensive. After I am done, I take a glass of wine into the bubble bath and I sleep like a baby.

I LOVE to exercise. We live on a beautiful country lane and I try to walk early each morning for a while, depending on the schedule and the weather.

Of course, I am retired so I have more flexibility with my schedule, also no kiddies around - I'm FREE...

SR :lol:
Wow! Impressive! I wish I could say that I like exercising, but I don't, and I've never done it long enough to see the real benefits, and start enjoying it. I'm hoping that this time around, if I start by working on making it a habit -- regardless of length or intensity, that it'll grow on me.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:35 pm
by Nichole
StrawberryRoan wrote:I do the exercise bike for 30-45 minutes early afternoon while listening to talk radio, the time flies.

I do floor work, sit ups, leg lifts, yoga stuff at 3 while watching the Discovery Health shows each day (alternates between XWeighted and I Lost It!) They always motivate me.

I do the Gazelle glider at night for an hour in the master bedroom while watching a show we like with the hubby. I find it to be more relaxing than intensive. After I am done, I take a glass of wine into the bubble bath and I sleep like a baby.

I LOVE to exercise. We live on a beautiful country lane and I try to walk early each morning for a while, depending on the schedule and the weather.

Of course, I am retired so I have more flexibility with my schedule, also no kiddies around - I'm FREE...

SR :lol:
Wow, you exercise a lot!

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:00 am
by ~reneew
At the first oportunity in my crazy day. I'm fairly sleep deprived, so no way am I getting up earlier! At times it's 8:00 when the kids are off to school, sometimes it's 9:00pm. I'm keeping a pedometer on at all times, and I'm shooting for a certain #. If met early in the day I feel great, but if it's not late in the day... I start moving! I've also started to keep track on my habitcal yellow for a minimum and green if I meet my daily goal.

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:46 pm
by sophiasapientia
The sooner I can get fit it into my day, the better.

I'm a SAHM and, when my DD is in school, I normally workout after I drop her off. During summer vacation, like now, I wake up over an hour before my family's normal walking time and walk for an hour. Walking/Nordic Skiwalking is my "bread and butter"exercise. I prefer to walk outside but I live in Michigan so during very cold/icy winter days I sometimes walk at the mall, go on the glider or do a workout DVD at home. I also count mowing the lawn or heavy snow shoveling as exercise.

On the weekends, my family often takes a long walk or takes a hike together. Sometimes I also take off for an hour and do a power walk while my husband plays with the kiddo.

best time exercising

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:17 am
by purplefleck
I exercise in the mornings also getting up at 5:00 am. but I have always been a morning person. For years while my daughter was young I did a number of different videos- there are some great ones out there. But then I had a exercise slump and happened to read the woman's version of 'Younger Next Year'- which I would highly recommend to anyone who is having a hard time exercising which got me going again. Basically it says- doesn't matter whether you want to do it or not- you need to get out of bed and get moving. The tide is against us for those of us who are over 50 and we can choose how our body will work for the next 30 years or so.

My daughter was just about an age when I could zip out to the gym which is quite close and do an 6:00 am spin class three times a week- with cell phone always within sight and which often rings on those school days- wondering where something is or a stomach ache hoping to prevent her from attending school.

I like the companionship of an exercise class and it pushes me more than I would myself.