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Rewards thread

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:34 am
by Vigilant2010
Mimi and I have been working towards weekly rewards for a little while now, and we find that it really motivates us to accomplish a green Monday-Friday.

If this idea appeals to anyone else--whether your reward is daily, weekly, monthly, or at some interval--feel free to share your ideas for rewards here and we'll cheer you on!

This week I'm attempting to earn curtains for the sliding glass door in my living room. And well, as of today, I'm hoping there's an emerald ring in my future. But that's another thread altogether. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:13 pm
by mimi
My reward this week will be...let's see...

I've done a pedicure, outdoor flowers, sandals...hmmm...

All the talk of *sparkly emeralds* put me in mind to go with my (or Thalia's, I should say!) original idea for this week and get some green jewelry (NOT an expensive emerald though...I will save that for an important milestone!)...

So I ordered an inexpensive *jade* ring - thanks Debs! This will be to celebrate tomorrow being my 21st day! Providing today and tomorrow are green!

Let's hear from others who are planning rewards - I could use some ideas!

Mimi :D :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:46 pm
by marleah
It's always really hard for me to think of rewards that A) don't involve food and B) don't involve money - I'm broke! Of course, you could always say that your S-day treat (food) is a reward for a good week ... but that's not really how they are used.

Here are a couple of ideas I've come up with ...
- checking out a movie at the library (free! unless it's overdue)
- a nice long bath with candles and a trashy novel (or classic lit or whatever is your speed)

Ok, so that's not very many free rewards that I've thought of - apparently I need some help in this area too! :)

There are also ways I've thought of to "reward" yourself as you exercise (I know, I know) - if you typically walk for exercise, take a different route or take a camera along and see if you have any good photo ops along the way call a friend and walk with them ... buy yourself a jump rope (cheap). These aren't typical rewards, but you are doing something good for yourself.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:04 pm
by Nichole
This sounds REALLY corny, but we're going to the Jersey shore for my sister's b'day June 27-28. Being comfortable on the beach is going to be reward enough for me :).. I've been losing about a lb per week so I hope to be about 142. I might buy myself a pretty coverup for when I want to go on the boardwalk from the beach (I do NOT ever walk on the boardwalk just in my suit). ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:34 pm
by StrawberryRoan
My reward is zipping my skinny jeans without having to lay down on the bed.


Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:26 pm
by kccc
When I first started No-S, I realized that I had used food so much as a reward that I had lost touch with what ELSE I liked. Sort of like having tunnel-vision.

Journaling helped that. One exercise that was particularly effective was to write lists to the following stems (at least 5 items, try for 10, do it fast and don't overthink it):

I love the SOUND of...
I love the SMELL of...
I love the SIGHT of...
I love the TOUCH/FEEL of...
I love the TASTE of... *

(* It's okay to include this. You can break it out to N and S later... I realized there was a lot of N-compliant foods that were special to me!)

Then I started including more those things in my life. Many of them could be done in little ways... I buy flowers for no reason at the grocery (cheaper than the $$ I used to spend on junk food!), play music I like more frequently, etc. Some things I just remember to stop and enjoy more, like the smell of rain.

It is a real reward just to live a live that's more full. :)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:30 pm
by mimi
These are ALL great ideas...and very rewarding! I don't want to have to be spending money either - that's not something I do for myself very often...

Something KCCC pointed out to me - and worth mentioning again - is that the constant *chattering* in my head is gone because of NoS and that, in itself, is a HUGE reward. Those of you who battle yourselves all the time know what I am talking about! NoS brings so much peace with it - at least it does for me. Quite the reward!

Thanks for your ideas guys!

Mimi :D

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:35 pm
by butterfly1000
mimi wrote: Something KCCC pointed out to me - and worth mentioning again - is that the constant *chattering* in my head is gone because of NoS and that, in itself, is a HUGE reward. Those of you who battle yourselves all the time know what I am talking about! NoS brings so much peace with it - at least it does for me. Quite the reward!
I agree with Mimi. With all other diets I've been on I was constantly thinking about food (planning, counting, measuring). With No S, I just think about food at mealtimes, and the occasional temptation where I have a little debate in my head as to whether I'm going to give in or not.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:22 pm
by Vigilant2010
Great perspectives and ideas! Thanks everyone! I especially like the free/inexpensive options.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:33 pm
by Nichole
Kinda OT - but I love that you buy flowers at the grocery store, KCCC! I always think about it - just last night I did - but thought "oh I shouldn't.." I really should!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:38 pm
by ~reneew
I too like the plan of a long bath, candles and a trashy novel... around here I'm doing good if I can have a magazine behind a locked-the-kids-out door. I spent years never even going to the bathroom alone, so... one step at a time. :wink:

I also get a great free reward tossing out old clothes that don't fit anymore. I think I'll make a ceremony of it all and plan on tossing a few 'too big' things out after a successful week or a certain amount lost. Maybe even have it on the bonfire! Even if there aren't any that are too big, I know I have some that simply make me feel fat when I wear them and those should go too. We feel better if we know we look better. I have so so many clothes, I think I could toss one a day for a while. (Don't tell my hubby I said that!!!)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:39 pm
by Thalia
I love the idea of a sensory pleasure list like that.

One thing I've been doing this spring is ordering perfume samples - for a dollar a pop or less, I get to smell something new. What's funny is that since I've gotten interested in perfume, I swear that my sense of smell has gotten stronger! It's like I've trained my brain to pay more attention to that input.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:04 pm
by kccc
Just for grins, I'll start a sensory list here... anyone welcome to share. Maybe we can get ideas from each other!

I love the SOUND of... gentle rain, windchimes, music, children's laughter (or anyone's), the wind in the trees, purring cats
I love the SMELL of... fresh-cut grass, honeysuckle, scented candles, cinnamon, mint, baking bread
I love the SIGHT of... flowers, a clean house, the sky in all phases, smiles, a stack of books I want to read, anything colorful, my new garden
I love the TOUCH/FEEL of... knitting yarn of all descriptions, kitty fur, good body lotion, hugs and tickles, a cool breeze
I love the TASTE of... fresh strawberries, watermelon, ripe peaches, chocolate (of course), grilled veggies (this list could get long easily!)

Anyone else?

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:34 pm
by mimi
Oh, I want you to come conduct a lesson with my students on sensory writing KCCC! What a great idea - yours could actually be a poem!

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:00 pm
by Betty
This thread is a really good reminder for me, as I try to get back into the swing of No S. The first time around I would reward myself weekly if I did no s and stuck to my exercise goals, and the thought of the reward did help a lot.

One thing that was really satisfying to buy after a good week (not cheap, admittedly) was workout clothes.

But it's funny, isn't it, how easy it is to think of food as a reward, and how hard it is to come up with other things that nourish us in other ways? I think what a lot of our rewards have in common is an element of "me time." Time to do what we love, for ourselves, whether it's exercising or reading a trashy novel or listening to the wind and rain.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:34 pm
by mimi
You are sooo right Betty! I bet I could think of a *food reward* in a snap! :oops:

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:58 pm
by kccc
mimi wrote:Oh, I want you to come conduct a lesson with my students on sensory writing KCCC! What a great idea - yours could actually be a poem!
The nice thing about doing this little exercise (and the reason I encourage it) is that it's like priming the pump... afterwards, you think of all the other things you COULD add to the list. Sunrises, the sound/smell of a crackling fire, waves at the beach, etc. It's like it helps you pay attention to your own life, instead of seeing it through a filter of food. I like doing it every few months - my lists change over time. Very seasonal, sometimes!

It's quite fun to do as a group - it does sound like poetry, and people enjoy recognizing things they love on each other's lists. So do consider doing it with your class! :)

Also, I loved your story on your daily thread about "pretty toes" - sometimes it's the little things (especially the ones that are fun or whimsical) that just make our day. All we have to do is notice them!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:41 am
by harpista
~reneew wrote:I too like the plan of a long bath, candles and a trashy novel... around here I'm doing good if I can have a magazine behind a locked-the-kids-out door. I spent years never even going to the bathroom alone, so... one step at a time. :wink:

I also get a great free reward tossing out old clothes that don't fit anymore. I think I'll make a ceremony of it all and plan on tossing a few 'too big' things out after a successful week or a certain amount lost. Maybe even have it on the bonfire! Even if there aren't any that are too big, I know I have some that simply make me feel fat when I wear them and those should go too. We feel better if we know we look better. I have so so many clothes, I think I could toss one a day for a while. (Don't tell my hubby I said that!!!)
Renee this is the BEST IDEA EVER. I got excited like a little kid thinking about a fat pants bonfire.

I normally donate all my unwanted clothes to the Canadian Diabetes Association, but, I may have to save some of the choicest and most particularly awful to have a ceremonial burning!!! :shock: :shock: