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Sick of being Sick and Tired, No S Diet is Working for ME

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:33 pm
by jenglish
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I have just reached my second set of 21 days on the No S Diet. I have lost 12 pounds, but more importantly I feel better and I sleep better.

I have totally signed in to Reinhard's program and I firmly believe the ONLY way to make it work is to work it. I have read many times that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. I do not want to make this a habit; I want to ingrain it into my fiber. I want to do this by rote, unthinking. I want no sweets, no seconds, and no snacks except on days that begin with an S to me as much a part of me as my DNA. So I will take each new set of 21 days as a new beginning to solidify my habit.

I am finally to the point where I am willing to do what it takes to lose weight. I am so sick and tired of being overweight that I am willing to follow this program to a "T" in order to do what I need to do to change my eating habits. I do believe that changing my eating habits is the KEY factor in Reinhard's No S discipline.

I have tried fad diets, the South Beach diet, starving, no food after 7:00 pm, three meals and 4 snacks, six small meals a day and they did not work. Deprivation did NOT work for me.

I guess the real key for me is that I WANT to lose the weight. My WANT has sparked a DESIRE and WILLINGNESS to stick to this program because No S makes more sense to me than ANYTHING else I have tried.

Breaking the snack habit is hard. I am used to having a slice of watermelon, or at least a peach or some grapes any time I want them BUT, if I am going to let my body determine when it is hungry, I cannot keep feeding it between meals. I am beginning to see that that juicy piece of fruit or chilled slice of melon, when I am not hungry, is not a necessity.

On May 16th, I got my best friend in this with me. She is more or less going along with me but... she is not strictly adhering to the program nor is she participating on the site. She sometimes declares that she is having a "Virtual Plate" in order to eat a little something extra with her meal. or that the fruit or muffin she eats between meals don't really hurt. She does not keep a HabitCal so RED days are very transparent to her

Today I was able to get into the size 16 Capri's 's I bought on May 16. ( I call these my 21's and I buy a few pair of pants from Goodwill, a size smaller than I wear every 21 days)

I gave my friend three pair of my size 18 Capri's that are now a bit too loose for me. They are tight on her and she wonders why.

I do not expect the same weight loss this month as last, but I do see my clothes fitting much differently. I have found H2Orange to be a blessing in both keeping me hydrated and in reducing any desire for snacks between meals. I have more energy, so I am walking more., I am walking more so I am keeping my metabolism revved.

I guess, because I believe in this program, I am motivated to make this a life changing event and to dedicate myself to keeping my green days green!

Thanks Reinhard and thanks to all of you for the encouragement you give.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:27 pm
by la_loser
JENGLISH, I hope that everyone reads your post. It's certainly inspirational to me and has made me rethink a few of my recent little "fibs" I've told myself! My loss has slowed significantly in the last few weeks, probably because my daily schedule has chanced since school is out and I've had more free time to rationalize my choices!

So I've decided-I want to be just like you! Our weight and amount we want to lose is similar so I'm going to start a daily check-in-something I haven't done previously and determine to join you on your journey! I'm not much for "competition" with these sorts of things-thereby avoiding the "challenges". . . historically, those do not motivate me. But I think I can definitely identify with doing it this way.

So even if your friend isn't keeping up with you, I am declaring that I will! How's that?

I'm so proud of your accomplishments and appreciate your wit on these boards (like your little poems, etc.)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:36 am
by MysteryLover
I'm so happy for you jenglish! You really are an inspiration.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:29 am
by mimi
Quite the inspirational story jenglish. You should be very proud of yourself - I wish you continued success on your NoS journey.

Mimi :D

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:29 pm
by ~reneew
So true, so true! I agree with everything you said! I want it to be my way of life forever and part of my DNA. Thanks for summarizing what I hope we will all gain from this plan. And thanks again Reinhard!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:12 pm
by harpista
Thanks, you are an inspiration!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:56 pm
by StrawberryRoan
You are doing great, and I love to "hear" the enthusiasm in your voice.

I so agree, it has been very successful for me as well. Not only with the weight loss but more importantly with the mindset.

I don't just stand at a cabinet and look for a snack now. I either incorporate something into my meal or say, I will have that on the weekend.

The good news I have found is that I often don't want whatever it was on the weekend. I bought four cartons of ice cream (hey, they had a big sale) on Saturday. Couldn't wait to taste the Oreos and cream. There was also a yummy sounding Strawberry Cheesecake one. Got two vanillas as well for root beer floats, etc.

Haven't opened a single carton yet, just knowing I could was enough. Had a handful of pretzel sticks and a Diet Dr Pepper yesterday afternoon.

It's all good.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:23 pm
by kccc
Love your post... and can see why you're successful. Go, girl! :)