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Anyone ever try a "Treadmill Desk"?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:51 pm
by vmelo
Here's a link to a YouTube clip from Good Morning America about it:

Apparently, a doctor from the Mayo Clinic invented it. It's a computer workstation on your treadmill. He recommends walking at about 1.0 while you work at the computer. Even though that's awfully slow, he says if one does that rather than sitting at the computer, you'll burn much more calories and lose weight over time.

I've been surfing the web today (at my regular desk! :), and there's a whole forum devoted to this, and people have made simple, homemade versions.

I am SO tempted by this. I spend at least 2-3 hours a day on the computer because I teach online classes. It would be great to multi-task during that time and get a little exercise benefit. My husband, of course, thinks it's ridiculous. He's already told me I remind him of Kramer (from Seinfeld)--LOL! I admit that I LOVE gadgets.

So, has anyone tried this? If so, what were your results? Do you still do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:54 pm
by wosnes
I'm one of those folks who can't walk and chew gum, so I don't think it would work well for me!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:41 pm
by kccc
I have not tried it, but I have been lusting after one for a while. Was thinking about it just today, as a matter of fact - I recently moved offices, and will be moving again in about 5 months when construction is done. And that permanent new office will need furniture...

But part of me thinks it's a bit too weird. I already keep a balance ball under my desk that I alternate with my official chair.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:56 pm
by mimi
I already keep a balance ball under my desk that I alternate with my official chair.
I think that's awesome KCCC! Wish I could do that too - couldn't you just see the kids' faces as I rolled around the classroom on my ball!? :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:26 am
by FarmerHal
OMG go read my post tha tI just posted I'm a Happy happy girl!

I just got a new laptop and am treadwalking as we speak :) And I'm happy!!
Tho I'm thirsty....

I have a wooden holder strapped to the handle onthe treadmill to hold my laptop up. it's quite comfy for typing and reading pages.

Currently, I'm walking at 2.5 mph and an incline of 5. You can walk as slow as 1mph too, because any movement is better than sitting on your duff for hours (which is a trap I get into!).

Yes, I wholly recommend treadputering, or netwalking, howevery you want to call it :)

Instead of a nacho tray?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:48 am
by la_loser

As I'm picturing you rolling around your classroom on a balance ball, I'm reminded of an article I read a few years ago. An elementary classroom in Kansas City was participating in an experimental project where they removed ALL the kids chairs in the room and replaced them with balance balls. The idea was that giving the kids the opportunity to "fidget" with purpose and permission would keep them engaged more and at the same time be good for strengthening their muscles.

I don't recall seeing any follow-up on the study so I don't know if it worked. . . but I just had to share.

The idea of net-treading sounds good but I'd probably hurt myself! My husband usually refers to the "book" holder on my exercise equipment as my nacho tray!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:48 am
by gratefuldeb67
From what I saw, at least it looks like these people weren't slouching and had relatively decent posture..
They had to look *up* at the screen instead of the usual, leaning forward and looking down.
If I had to work all day at a computer, I'd opt for a standing desk.. I'm not sure I'd want to have a treadmill tho.
8) Debs

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:55 pm
by midtownfg
When I switched jobs and had a private office again, I really wanted to use the ball as my desk chair. I never got around to it but I did bring my exercise disc to work.

From an amazon product description - They can be used for sitting to give you the same benefits as sitting on an exercise ball, like better sitting posture. They are also used in exercise to provide an unstable surface, forcing you to use more muscles to remain balanced thus getting a more complete workout. ... B000WQ4Z7Q

I never really thought about how often someone else would need to sit in my chair though - the IT guy, my boss - and they always freaked out like they thought it was a whoopie cushion - or a hemorroid donut :lol: . So I eventually took it home and use it at my sewing table.

But I would much rather be walking while I work. I try to remember to stand when I am goofing off at work (like now) but then if I need to type I have to sit back down. That could be dangerous if I suddenly stopped walking on the treadmill everytime I needed to type.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:52 pm
by FarmerHal
<shrug> I dunno, works well for me. I'm currently walking at 2mph and typing this post. Sometimes I go faster if I"m reading and surfing, and I slow down or even stop if I really need to pay attention. But near as I can tell this works really well and I don't feel like a slug either :)

I like it.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:44 pm
by mimi
An elementary classroom in Kansas City was participating in an experimental project where they removed ALL the kids chairs in the room and replaced them with balance balls. The idea was that giving the kids the opportunity to "fidget" with purpose and permission would keep them engaged more and at the same time be good for strengthening their muscles.

I don't recall seeing any follow-up on the study so I don't know if it worked. . . but I just had to share.
LA_Loser - I'd love to know the results of that study too!! Twelve-year-olds are extremely fidgety anyway, and picturing my classroom of students all on balance balls rolling all over the place suddenly takes on a frightening appearance! :roll: Maybe I'll have to check out Midtown's exercise disc...problem is, I very rarely ever sit down! And could you just imaging the comments they would come up with for that one! :oops:

Hmpf! Maybe I'll just have to leave my exercising to be done at home! :lol:

Mimi :D