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BLT Redux

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:53 am
by BigE
I had a blt for dinner like I normally do in the summertime. Except that this time, I was starved when I sat down to eat it, so I really savored every bite. And this time, there were no surreptitious bites of one (or two or three) slices of bacon before I sat down to dinner, and no mindless dips into more potato chips (I put a small portion of potato chips on my plate.)

Another hidden advantage of the no snacks rule: it's keeping me HIGHLY motivated to keep dinner at the same time every night. When my husband arrived home just in time for our typical 7:00 dinner and asked if he could make a "2 minute" phone call" related to work, I practically snarled and bared my claws at him. We had a lovely meal together, and ignored the ringing of the phone. Bliss!

Try a BALT!

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:22 am
by la_loser
Agreed- BLT's are the best and how nice it is to really ENJOY them. Our version lately has become what my husband calls a BALT. . . bacon, avocado, lettuce and tomato. . . a really nice twist on the classic!

Re: Try a BALT!

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:49 am
by wosnes
LA_Loser wrote:Agreed- BLT's are the best and how nice it is to really ENJOY them. Our version lately has become what my husband calls a BALT. . . bacon, avocado, lettuce and tomato. . . a really nice twist on the classic!
I call it the BLAT.

Bittman offered up another version last week: the BST. Bacon, spinach and tomato.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:21 am
by StrawberryRoan
Had to laugh at the dinner time comment.

Hey, if I have waited patiently to have my third meal and he isn't ready to eat

well, he'll be eating later.


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:22 pm
by bonnieUK
StrawberryRoan wrote:Had to laugh at the dinner time comment.

Hey, if I have waited patiently to have my third meal and he isn't ready to eat

well, he'll be eating later.

:lol: I do this too. DH only eats 2 meals per day (and good sized full plates) and doesn't get hungry easily. I'm usually ravenous by 8pm and he's like "but I only ate 8 hours ago, I'm not hungry yet" :shock:

Many days I just start without him :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:48 pm
by kccc
Yesterday, our dinner was 2 hours (!!) later than normal b/c we went to the pool after work. Hubby had had a late lunch, child got a plum as a snack... I drank a glass of milk.

We were all RAVENOUS by the time we actually had dinner. But nobody ate junk, so it was all good!

I will have to plan some BLT's or BST's or BALT's once my garden tomatoes come in... mmmm.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:12 pm
by BigE
We actually did eat BLATs. I'm hoping our tomato plants produce this summer as well. There's NOTHING like home-grown!

I'm stuck in a family in which everyone else is "naturally" thin. Even the dog (standard Poodle) doesn't overeat: she has a continuous supply of food and eats only when hungry; it's a poodle thing. My husband frequently "forgets" to eat, and has coffee for breakfast. It's hard for him to understand my need to eat at regular intervals.