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Just to be clear...

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:16 am
by jumbotights
The only food type that is 'off limits' on non-s days are sweets? I'm just starting and want to go by the rules strictly right now. Thanks for the welcomes too :D

PS) I'm feeling almost giddy that I don't have to load up my grocery cart with bacon and butter anymore!! I can actually eat a banana at breakfast? Yipee! I hope no one at the Atkins board finds me here!!

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:26 am
by Jammin' Jan
Actually, wouldn't it be wonderful if EVERYONE at the Atkin's board joined you here? :D

Welcome...enjoy your banana!

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:59 am
by jumbotights
Do most of you eat normal meals, nothing really has to be off limits except on s days?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:16 am
by Blithe Morning
I eat normal meals. I had mayo on my Subway sandwich for dinner AND a bag of chips.

I ate TWO cheese stuffed noodles (long tubular ones, what are they called?) and a roll and a dollop of veggies for my lunch at a conference today.

I put a banana in my smoothie in the morning (Full disclosure: I add protein powder because a regular smoothie won't hold me till lunch otherwise. And I like a smoothie for a summer breakfast. YMMV)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:27 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi and welcome Jumbotights!
Enjoy your normal food!

Blithe, it's called Canneloni (I think that's what you mean) :D
8) Debs

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:51 am
by Bushranger
Jammin' Jan wrote:Actually, wouldn't it be wonderful if EVERYONE at the Atkin's board joined you here?!
Only if they had woken up to the truth of Atkins otherwise it would be quite terrible I think.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:10 pm
by vmelo
Blithe, I think what you're describing is manicotti. Deb, a cannoli is a sweet treat, I think. (Boy, am I FAR too familiar with Italian food or what!?).

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:05 pm
by Spudd
vmelo wrote:Blithe, I think what you're describing is manicotti. Deb, a cannoli is a sweet treat, I think. (Boy, am I FAR too familiar with Italian food or what!?).
Cannoli is a sweet treat, but cannelloni are like manicotti, only smaller. Usually stuffed with cheese and served with tomato sauce. Mmmmm.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:10 pm
by StrawberryRoan
I'll take one (or two) of each, please.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:21 pm
by Mounted Ranger!
Blithe Morning wrote: I put a banana in my smoothie in the morning (Full disclosure: I add protein powder because a regular smoothie won't hold me till lunch otherwise. And I like a smoothie for a summer breakfast. YMMV)
Blithe, have you tried greek yogurt for protein? It's very high in protein and tastes great in a smoothie! I make mine with juice, frozen fruit, a banana, and plain greek yogurt. They are delicious . . . if I do say so myself!

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:18 pm
by reinhard
The point of No-s is precisely to reestablish normal eating of normal food.

People ate normal food as part of normal meals for ages. They were thin.

The abnormal thing is our modern habit of permasnacking and the self revenge cycle abetted by disgusting diet food.

Eat normal food in discreet, single plate meals, and you will not only wind up eating less, you'll enjoy eating like you never have before.

I NEVER eat anything remotely diety. Full fat milk, plenty of butter and olive oil, full fat cheese, white pasta, plenty of bread. I do eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as well (particularly oatmeal), but prepared in an appetizing way. Nothing abnormal about that.

And on weekends I enjoy really fantastic sweets without a twinge of guilt -- on the contrary, I view it as my responsibility!


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:42 pm
by Dolly
I for one am wildly excited by the end of my eating and buying of "diety" foods. They are all full of air, sugar, general crap and other things that are probably carcinogenic for all we know. And I got suckered in and bought them FOR YEARS. I've become quite interested in how and where food is sourced, and it is partly down to the fact that I no longer live in London (although I do miss it sometimes..(slightly wistful moment.......) but in the countryside in the West of England. One, the scenery is beautiful. Secondly, there is NO shortage of decent pubs with great local beers and ciders and great food. Thirdly, we have farm shops, and in them you can see where meat fish fruit and veg are from, where and when the animal was slaughtered (sorry veggies out there) and you can actually see the animals roaming happily around. I don't buy any meat or fish from supermarkets any more as you cannot trust the labelling over here and they pump it full of water and other proteins. Disgusting. I may pay a bit more but at least I now support local businesses and am eating better stuff generally (just a bit too much recently!). Oh, and they don't do "diet" or "low fat"- although they will do "lean"- but any butcher worth his or her salt will tell you that a bit of fat makes for a better taste and saturated fats aren't the baddies, it's the trans fats, often also found in diet stuff- that cause the problems.
And as a true bread-head, no pre-packaged pre-sliced for me these days. I even make my own sometimes but not often as I want to eat it all lol.
Sorry to go on- but I feel strongly about this as diet foods are such a waste of time and money. I do accept that I am lucky to be able to source good local foods though!
Dolly x

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:50 pm
by flightisleavin
If you go on any other dieting board whether it be low carb, low fat or counting calories or points, it is all about scheming to get through the day. Snacks are a huge concern with entire boards devoted to snacks. Because one is so hungry from dieting there is an insatiatable need for snacks.

Mealtimes themselves are fraught with counting - be it carbs, points, fat grams, whatever but the main focus is on what you CAN'T have. How can you really enjoy a meal (or your life for that matter) if you are constantly thinking about what you cannot have, often the food that you enjoy the most? Food that if eaten in moderation would still allow for weight is an all or nothing mentality.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:26 pm
by Bushranger
reinhard wrote:I NEVER eat anything remotely diety. Full fat milk, plenty of butter and olive oil, full fat cheese, white pasta, plenty of bread. I do eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as well (particularly oatmeal), but prepared in an appetizing way. Nothing abnormal about that.
Just like the long lived Mediterranean’s. No skim, light, low-fat, diet crapola for them. I feel exactly like you Reinhard and won't touch diet anything either. It's fake junk and most of the time they put worse stuff back into it to replace the goodness they stripped out.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:29 pm
by Bushranger
Dolly wrote:I for one am wildly excited by the end of my eating and buying of "diety" foods. They are all full of air, sugar, general crap and other things that are probably carcinogenic for all we know. And I got suckered in and bought them FOR YEARS. I've become quite interested in how and where food is sourced, and it is partly down to the fact that I no longer live in London (although I do miss it sometimes..(slightly wistful moment.......) but in the countryside in the West of England. One, the scenery is beautiful. Secondly, there is NO shortage of decent pubs with great local beers and ciders and great food. Thirdly, we have farm shops, and in them you can see where meat fish fruit and veg are from, where and when the animal was slaughtered (sorry veggies out there) and you can actually see the animals roaming happily around. I don't buy any meat or fish from supermarkets any more as you cannot trust the labelling over here and they pump it full of water and other proteins. Disgusting. I may pay a bit more but at least I now support local businesses and am eating better stuff generally (just a bit too much recently!). Oh, and they don't do "diet" or "low fat"- although they will do "lean"- but any butcher worth his or her salt will tell you that a bit of fat makes for a better taste and saturated fats aren't the baddies, it's the trans fats, often also found in diet stuff- that cause the problems.
And as a true bread-head, no pre-packaged pre-sliced for me these days. I even make my own sometimes but not often as I want to eat it all lol.
Sorry to go on- but I feel strongly about this as diet foods are such a waste of time and money. I do accept that I am lucky to be able to source good local foods though!
Dolly x
Great post Dolly. My wife and I have been doing this as best we can for some time now. Unfortunately living in a city we can't source directly as often we would like but we certainly eat much more real food then we used to. It's awesome to see other like minded people around such as yourself. :)


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:31 pm
by princesspamf
I'm reading and soaking up all that has been said in this post thread and it resonates so strongly for me. I was a child of the alternative lifestyle of the 60's...vegetarian, not vegetarian, grow your own, dumpster diving, home birth, communal living and lots more I can't think of at the moment. (Can't forget not shaving my legs = ) But as time passed and I shifted into "regular" life, I lost the connection to the good things about that lifestyle...the affirmations of this post about eating normally helps remind me.

I am soaking it up and thankful to have been led here.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:32 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Bushranger wrote: Just like the long lived Mediterranean’s. No skim, light, low-fat, diet crapola for them. I feel exactly like you Reinhard and won't touch diet anything either. It's fake junk and most of the time they put worse stuff back into it to replace the goodness they stripped out.
Chiming in here..
I actually learned something the other day from watching some tv show about diet food. My Mom always buys "Low Fat Mayo", and thinks she's being very virtuous.. Well apparently this programme mentioned that, low fat mayo has *FOUR* times the amount of sugar of regular mayo..
Guess I'll just keep having the regular kind because I'd rather save my S's for a chocolate bar.. :wink:


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:34 pm
by gratefuldeb67
princesspamf wrote:I was a child of the alternative lifestyle of the 60's...vegetarian, not vegetarian, grow your own, dumpster diving, home birth, communal living and lots more I can't think of at the moment. (Can't forget not shaving my legs = )
You sound fun!
8) Debs

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:40 pm
by princesspamf
thanks. I feel welcomed. It is a nice feeling!

I don't know about fun...but my adult sons say they describe me as eclectic! Hmm...I think that's a compliment...= )


Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:17 pm
by winnie96
flightisleavin wrote:If you go on any other dieting board whether it be low carb, low fat or counting calories or points, it is all about scheming to get through the day.
I love your use of the term "scheming" in this context!

For me, it instantly conjured up the image of Snidely Whiplash from Rocky & Bullwinkle, when we skulk through the day trying to outwit the calories, carbs, points, or whatever ... As opposed to us Dudley Do-Right No-S-ers, who approach each day with our heads held high, establishing our good habits without having to resort to subterfuge!

Great quote -- thanks!

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:12 pm
by StrawberryRoan
And, I, of course am Nell.

The poor damsel tied (always loosely of course) to the railroad tracks!


Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:37 pm
by mimi
HA! Leave it to you Berry! That's a good one!

Truthfully - about the scheming - I learned more BAD habits attending WW from the other members who were always coming up with all KINDS of schemes and tricks to eat and still lose weight at the weigh-in. One girl would weigh in (after having practically nothing all day), go across the street to BK, buy a big meal and come back into the meeting where she would sit and consume it. Can you imagine??! And that's just the tip of the iceberg! Most of it involved eating virtually no points - or very low points - at meals so that an ooey-gooey WW desert could be had. Well, enough...I'm so glad I discovered NoS!!

Mimi :D