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A sweet by any other name?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:45 am
by mondurvic
In my local health food store today, I found some Banana Blueberry Bread made without any sugar or other sweeteners. Bananas and blueberries alone provided the sweet taste. It IS a cake-type thing, and tastes sweet, but only contains fresh fruit, some flour, oil, etc.

A sweet or not a sweet?


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:11 am
by Lane
I vote not a sweet, kind of like peanut butter on a PBJ sandwich, or an apple, which I often call "lunch."

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:50 am
by carolejo
Natural fruit sugars - not refined in any way.... NOT a sweet.
You still can't snack on it, but if you want a slice with lunch, I reckon you can go for it.


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:04 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I say, beware of this innocent cake thing...
Not to be a spoilsport, but part of the reason I would personally stay away from this, Judy, is the mindset...
I would far prefer a real piece of cheesecake and know that I earned it, than be able to eat "Fake" cake...
Now, this doesn't mean that your health food cake is actually bad.. It might actually be very delicious and possibly even a bit healthy..
But I encourage you to have a banana and blueberries instead.. Those are unequivocally healthy!
Crackers and chips and such aren't too full of sugar, but I try to keep those to a minimum during the week...
I guess what I'd be concerned with is the finagling around with what is a dessert or what is a snack?
If you feel you won't be fudging the boundaries there, then, I guess have it once in a while...
I think, once we start trying to eat "sweets" on a daily basis, we are creating a more complex mental barrier to success on NoS than we should have to deal with...
Is it cheating? Is it not? You have mentioned that the clarity and peace of mind is the big factor here for you... Well, sometimes it's just better to not muck up the psychological "Carrot and stick" aspect here, and be ultra strict, or as Reinhard says, "Comically strict"... It just makes it easier..
It is just nice to be able to say, with clarity, this is only for an S day...
I would say, if you really like these enough, to save them for S days.. If you are eating them as a "fake" or "substitute" version of *real* dessert, then I say, ditch it and just wait till you can have a real piece of Banana bread or a Blueberry Scone...

Okay, sorry again, but you asked!
8) Deb


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:21 pm
by mondurvic
Thanks, all, for your opinions. Your input made me think. I bought four pieces of the "cake" today, and froze them. For now I feel no need or desire to eat them - it was just exciting to find sugar-free fruit-based goodies.

I'll keep an eye on how this develops, and learn from it either way.


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:58 pm
by Prodigalsun
I dunno, I kinda think that if it tastes like a sweet, it's a sweet.