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Which is more difficult?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:11 pm
by oliviamanda
Do you find you have more Red days during the summer where you are probably either vacationing and hitting up numerous barbeques and having cold treats due to the sweltering heat or the fall and winter where you are bombarded with holiday cakes, cookies, and pies? Just a thought. I think it's the sugar addiction waving it's nasty flag. How about spring for Valentine's Day and Easter.... and Fall for Halloween candies? There's always a reason to flaunt the sweets in our faces!

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:21 pm
by Nichole
I have the hardest time in November - December. We're talking 6 birthdays in November (nephew, bro in law, me, husband, mom), Thanksgiving, etc. Plus, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks.. and Panera start advertising their pumpkin lattes and omg, I love pumpkin lattes...

Then you've got December which is 3 birthdays (nephew, niece, niece) and Christmas oh and New Years. I am definitely kicking up the control this year because I have come so far, losing almost 14 lbs. I'm trying to prepare mentally, lol.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:14 pm
by guadopt1997
I've been on No-S since the end of January. My worst time was a four-day vacation over Memorial Day that continued on for a few days after that.

One thing I learned from Weight Watchers. There are 183 meals in November and December. Then estimate how many events you might have over those 61 days that will involve food. They are likely a small percentage of the overall total and should therefore not derail the entire period.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:42 pm
by midtownfg
Since I only started in March, I am very interested to see how I will do starting with Halloween and going through the holidays and my birthday in January. I think I am ready but it will definitely be different. I'm usually the one who wants to make sure that no bit of cake or candy goes to waste. This year I won't even have to buy candy since there will be more than enough floating around that I'm not allowed to eat 5 days out of the week. I can save the tastiest bits for the weekend and enjoy them even more. I am really hoping for the best. I tend to do fine during the summer. I am antisocial and the heat doesn't really make me want to eat.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:14 pm
by Mounted Ranger!
midtownfg wrote: I'm usually the one who wants to make sure that no bit of cake or candy goes to waste.quote]

They say you can waste it or waist it and either way it's such a waste. :?

For Halloween I buy candy that I don't like to give out at the door and at parties. The kids love all that gummy/sour stuff and I can't stand it so, I stock up!

Unfortunately, I just loooooove pumpkin and pecan and various other pies. I can see me having pie for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack on every S day b/t October 31st and February 1st. \\ :shock:

Boy I hope not . . .

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:19 pm
by Thalia
There is nothing unfortunate about loving pie!

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:37 pm
by winnie96
Mounted Ranger! wrote:They say you can waste it or waist it and either way it's such a waste.
I love this quote! Waste it or waist it, indeed ... I sometimes use the "I can't let this go to waste" excuse for over-chowing so need to remember this line -- another sticky for the refrigerator!

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:18 pm
by kccc
In answer to the original question... there's always something, whatever the season. :)

But the response is the same. On my S-days, I can have that. Not today, it's an N-day.

It does get easier.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:25 pm
by bluebunny27
My 2 toughest months so far have been march and
july ... March, probably the end of the winter blues, lol ! July, probably because there are 5-6 people I know who have birthdays during that month, so of course that can lead to gatherings and ... RED days.

I've been pretty good since nov. 2008 though, behavin' ... As long as I have less than 5 red days during a month, I am fine ... Anything less than that is a bonus.

I only have one so far in august, (rock n' rollin' !) ... My 2 best months so far would be june and now august, just 1 red ... I wasn't using the HabitCal before feb. 2009 so I don't know for sure how many I had during the first 3 months - Nov. Dec. 2008, January 2009 ... must not have been a whole lot since I lost 36 pounds within those first 3 months. ;-)

My main rule is to try not to have 2 red days in a row ... that only happened twice. Also whenever I have a red I do my best to be good for 2-3 days in a row after that so I can lose the extra weight I just gained.


Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds
08/14/2009 : 197.0 pounds
( 9 months 14 days / -83.0 pounds )
Goal : 11/01/2009 : 190.0 pounds ( 1 year / -90.0 pounds )