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sparkpeople sparkteam

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:59 am
by ~reneew
I used to go on sparkpeople all the time when I was working on my calorie accountant degree and I've recently been notified that there is a "team" for No S Dieters. I'm on it and plan to visit there sometimes just to learn more healthy habits, but am staying on the no S plan 100%. I was wondering if anyone else wants to join the team there... I have the same name and picture. You can find it under the team name NoSDIET. :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:59 am
by vmelo
Thanks for the heads-up, renee. I do visit Sparkpeople sometimes, although I often take a hiatus when I get fed up with the posters' slavish devotion to conventional dieting wisdom. As a matter of fact, yesterday was the first day I've been there in a while. Coincidentally, someone posted a question about whether it's best to eat 5-6 meals a day or just 3 meals. She said her doctor had actually recommended that she eat only 3 meals, but of course, nearly every Spark poster said that 5-6 meals is best. :roll:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:27 am
by Kodama
Um, yup, well... I'm the one who started that No S Diet team. As you can see it's so very active... NOT! :oops:

I started it after doing a search for a No S Diet team and not finding one. I see your friend Carol did find one! Dang! I wonder if teams can be merged! It seems the other team's leader also admits to not being active enough...

Finally, it seems appropriate here to share one of my SparkPeople blog posts: ... id=2257885:
I'm still losing... weight, that is! :wink:

I haven't been very active on sparkpeople for quite awhile now. I find that with the No S Diet, I just don't need most of the tools here a sparkpeople. Even my exercising has become a habit that I enjoy!

I've recently hit 206 lbs, which is 40 lbs gone! Everyone says how great I look, and smile and call me 'Slim' or 'Mr. Skinny'. Which is great, it really is! But I know I have a little ways to go. There's quite a bit of fat around my middle that I can grab... sorry for the visual.

Does this mean that choosing sparkpeople when I started was wrong? hmmm, I don't think so. The calorie tracker made me aware of how much I eat, and gave me a sense of the calorie count of a wide variety of foods. The exercise tracker was a nice little motivator to keep on keepin' on. And I greatly benefited all the health and diet and exercise and motivation articles, that kept me focused and taught me so much. The personal touch of friends and teams was great as well.

I was making great progress with sparkpeople, and I think the calorie tracker was the most used and beneficial tool. But it was getting to be a real bummer. All the time I was investing in using it, aaaack. And I began to ask myself: can I really keep using this... forever? What happens if I stop tracking my calories? Somehow I stumbled on the No S Diet. THANK GOODNESS! I could go on and on, or you could just visit and discover for yourself (it's all free, really). My weight continues to fall, I don't track calories, I have completely redefined my relation with food, and I am happy in the knowledge I can do this... for LIFE!

Before sparkpeople, I stumbled through life with a broken leg. Sparkpeople for me, was a crutch, allowing me to begin to heal and make progress. Now with No S, I can leave behind the crutch and walk on my own.

So I visit sparkpeople only about weekly now, usually just to update my weight and body measurements. I still love seeing my progress on the little weight loss history graphic. I think it's only a matter of time before I hit my final goal. (Such confidence! Did I say that?!?) But even if I didn't lose another ounce, I'm so much happier and healthier, it wouldn't really matter much at all.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:59 pm
by ~reneew
sgstarling wrote: Now with No S, I can leave behind the crutch and walk on my own.
That's a good quote! I was wondering who started the team... I know a few Steves on here. :wink: As far as Carol goes... I just made her a friend yesterday when she told me about the team. You sound like you know her. :wink: Are there 2 No S teams? To join the teams we could just tell everyone on the one to go to the other and you can lead that one too. I feel like shining the light on how stupid counting is and pulling all sparkpeople onto no S just so they can see it. Thanks for the info. Steve!

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:01 pm
by ~reneew
vmelo wrote:of course, nearly every Spark poster said that 5-6 meals is best. :roll:
yea, duh!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:53 pm
by frugaltexan
As soon as I finish catching up here, I'm going to join up. I'd looked for a team before, but didn't find one. Thanks for posting!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:52 pm
by nlb
Laura - you lost 40# in 20 days? My gosh!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:17 pm
by frugaltexan
nlb wrote:Laura - you lost 40# in 20 days? My gosh!
Oh my word - um ... that was a typo. I thought I had fixed that. I had lost about 6 pounds in the first 14 days, but then inexplicably gained back 3 in the last 5 days of 21.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:42 pm
by ~reneew
Ha! That was funny! 40# in 20 days would have been death I think. You're still doing good. :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:08 pm
by frugaltexan
~reneew wrote:Ha! That was funny! 40# in 20 days would have been death I think. You're still doing good. :wink:
Yeah, that would have probably had a not so good reason for happening. :)

Thanks. :)