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Change of season disappointment

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:38 am
by guadopt1997
Despite having lost 30-35 pounds (still yo-yoing those last five pounds), I am having trouble finding things that fit nicely when I shop and I'm not finding that my clothes look any better on me. Yes, I still have a ways to go (don't have a specific goal but at least another 30 pounds), but I'm a little demoralized about this aspect.

I don't want to derail myself by trying to lose weight more quickly but it's hard to be patient. And I have nothing to wear!

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:04 am
by sporkfancier
My partner and I are heading to Value Village to try to find some low-cost clothes that fit RIGHT NOW that we won't feel bad about discarding as we continue to lose weight. It's not ideal, but it's better than paying full price....

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:34 am
by howfunisthat
30-35 pounds...that's terrific!!! That's 6-7 bags of flour! Imagine carrying THOSE around all day!

Derailing yourself is so easy....but so NOT what you want to do. I'm not sure what would help your thinking on this...but perhaps working on trying hard not to think ahead would be good. Whenever I'm discouraged & tempted to try something that would make me lose faster, I have to remind myself that I not only want the weight gone, but I want it never to come I think about today...just today. And I try to think about tomorrow tomorrow.

Someone here once wrote that one of the reasons this plan is difficult at times is that we're not just taking weight off, but learning maintenance at the same time. Hang in've done wonderfully & the rest will happen & you'll be able to buy the clothes you want. You're already so much healthier than you were...and the best is yet to come.


Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:19 pm
by NoelFigart
I feel your pain on the clothes issue.

Depending on your figure, drapey tops that you can belt tighter as you lose weight are a nice option. If you're really curvy, they're also pretty flattering.

Ready to Wear (you know, the stuff you find off the rack) doesn't fit ANYONE all that well, really. Nope, not even if you're skinny. You tend to go for a "good enough" fit at a certain point. I learned to sew and draft patterns for this very reason. I may be fat, but I'll be damned if I wear tents.

If you have a friend who not only sews, but knows how to draft and alter patterns, maybe you could work a deal where she'd make you a few properly-fitted pieces in exchange for some housework or a few meals cooked or something.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:30 pm
by Mounted Ranger!
30 pounds lighter and you don't notice it in the fit of your clothing? 30 pounds?

I wonder if it's a matter of realistic expectations. After losing 30 pounds you don't notice any change in the fit of your clothing OR after losing 30 you don't look like a supermodel? After losing 30 lbs your clothes don't any better at all OR after 30 lbs you still don't think that slinky black affair is the right look for your body?

Maybe the clothing you're looking at isnt' the best for you. If you have the inclination, perhaps a trip to the library or bookstore would be in order. You could look at different styles recommended for different body types. Shoot, there's probalby a website out there just for that purpose. Personally, I hate shopping and think it may have been one of the curses we can thank Eve for. Boring as I am, I like to get an idea of a few cuts/styles that are best for my body and stick w/ those. That way when I do have to face the curse, I stick to those styles/cuts and dont' even both with anything else. That way I can minimize the time I spend shopping (though I ususally shop online) and know I'm getting the thing that looks best.

This does mean that I forgo some things I really like b/c they dont' flatter my body style. I could try those things on anyway, knowing that they aren't built for my body and really get disgusted b/c I don't look well in them or I can try on things built for my body type and be much, much, happier.

I recommend the latter.

Do some research on body type and styles and try again. I bet you'll be happier.

Good luck!

Blow it on the Basics

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 5:08 pm
by burnnotice

The last time I lost 30 pounds, I still wore the same size jeans. Now I do like things loose fit, but that was a BIG bummer in my mind.

I agree to purchase a few belts and long scarfs. Use them to define your waist or as funky belts with sweaters or longer tunic shirts. Stretch your exisisting clothes a bit longer.

What I would really spend the money on is getting professionally fit for a bra. Check out the newer hose and microfiber underwear too. You don't have to buy all of this at the department store, but once you see what is there, you'll be able to identify good knock offs at Target, Walmart and Kohls.

As you lose another 30 pounds, you are going to do this again for yourself. Spending a bit of money on what isn't necessarily seen might make a HUGE difference on how your clothes fit.

BTW HUGE CONGRATS on a super amount of weight loss!

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 5:22 pm
by Nichole
I understand.... except I can't even afford to go out and buy new clothes. All my clothes are all so baggy, it's embarassing.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:33 pm
by guadopt1997
Thanks, most of you :wink: for some good suggestions.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:05 pm
by wosnes
You want a bummer? I have a harder time finding clothes that fit well when I'm at my "goal" weight than I do when I'm heavier. Now THAT'S a bummer!

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:27 pm
by vmelo
I think it's important to make yourself feel better NOW. Don't punish yourself by wearing the same clothes you were wearing 30 lbs. ago. I haven't lost any weight, and I had hoped to this summer. Even so, though, I knew I could not go back into the classroom wearing the same clothes I kept recycling from last semester. So, although it took me hours of shopping, I did find some cute separates in MY CURRENT SIZE that look decent. They sure as heck look a lot better than my previous clothing.

I agree with the previous poster who suggested that you shop at bargain stores (e.g., Marshalls, T.J. Maxx, etc.). Also, I like buying skirts with elastic waists so that if I do weight, I can still wear them even ten pounds lower.

Good luck to you!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:09 pm
by WouldYouEva
Weekend before last I hit the thrift store around the corner, and came home with a couple of shirts, a pair of jeans, a belt, and a windbreaker for under $25. Cheap enough, and when they don't fit, I'll donate them back for someone else. It was worth $25 to me to have physical validation that I've lost 30 lbs.

Check out online communities for clothing. I've gotten some nice things on the Live Journal "fatshionista" community on Fridays, when people sell unwanted clothing. They have clothing from size 12 upwards.

Re: Change of season disappointment

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:57 pm
by Kevin
You may not think you look better, but you look better. :)

guadopt1997 wrote:Despite having lost 30-35 pounds (still yo-yoing those last five pounds), I am having trouble finding things that fit nicely when I shop and I'm not finding that my clothes look any better on me. Yes, I still have a ways to go (don't have a specific goal but at least another 30 pounds), but I'm a little demoralized about this aspect.

I don't want to derail myself by trying to lose weight more quickly but it's hard to be patient. And I have nothing to wear!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:23 pm
by Spudd
I recently borrowed "The Science of Sexy" from the library. It has you figure out your body shape via measurements, and then based on your shape, height, and weight, it tells you in general terms what to wear to look your best. I really found it extremely useful and would recommend it to any woman.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:23 pm
by guadopt1997
Thanks so much for this suggestion. I will implement it ASAP!