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Quitting smoking and No S

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:42 pm
by AnnaBanana
Just wanted to share something that No S has taught me and has been a blessing this past week.

I have quit smoking 3 times before and I always gained massive amounts of weight and it was deterring me from doing it this final time.

Well I'm 3 days smoke free and doing great. Feel a strange calmness as I have not traded one obsession with another. I'm combining No S principles with a tweak. For the first 2 weeks I can have dessert every day if I want to. But other than that I'm sticking to the exercise, the no snacks and no seconds. I am finding that I feel some control. The dessert for me is just a way of rewarding myself a little bit every day for not smoking another 24 hours. After 2 weeks I will go back to regular No S. But quitting smoking was the utmost importance to me and I figure a piece of pie a day is worth the trade off.

Anyway, thought this was wonderful as it really goes to show how common sense and wonderful No S is. It is giving me some guidelines for quitting smoking too that I hadn't had before and if it could help someone else quit smoking then it was worth sharing.

Laura Ann

PS I will reevaluate at 2 weeks. If I find that I need to go a full six weeks with desserts I will. Stopping smoking is primary importance to me.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:45 pm
by NoelFigart
Stopping smoking probably is the priority, so doing what it takes isn't bad idea.

I'll be cheering you on, certainly, as I bet you'll do great.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:42 am
by sporkfancier
I'm glad you're finding a way to get rid of a bad habit using the No-S systematic moderation system. Congratulations!

I don't know if Reinhard likes to promote this system or not, but he came up with a moderate smoking system called Low Smoking. Having never had a smoking problem myself (I enjoy smoking, but rarely do it), I can't really connect to either your problem or his, but it's certainly interesting.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:58 am
by kccc
No experience with stopping smoking, but your plan sounds like one that will set you up for success. I'm a real advocate for "being gentle with yourself," and easing pressure in one area so you can focus on another is just plain smart.

(As an aside... one of the things I've noticed as a parent - and later confirmed in research literature - is that kids often temporarily "backslide" in previously-established skills as they develop new ones. It's especially noticeable in early years, and can be frustrating to a parent... but just as you're ready to tear your hair out, there's some amazing cognitive or physical leap that looks near-miraculous... and you realize that the apparent discombobulation was part of laying the groundwork. I wonder if that goes on longer than we realize?)

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:10 pm
by AnnaBanana
Thanx for the support and KCCC I think you're probably right about letting off in one area. And I'm still a child... I found it so difficult I cried last night, but I went to bed and woke up this morning with another notch on my belt and another day down.

To any young person that might be reading this... DO NOT SMOKE!

It is so hard to quit. :(

Laura Ann

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:10 pm
by AnnaBanana
By a child... I meant EMOTIONALLY LOL

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:29 pm
by oliviamanda
I have a friend that just stopped smoking and today will be her third day, too! I introduced her to No S. She's so scared to gain even more weight after she quits. I will tell her what you are doing. It'll be very encouraging. She smoked over 2 packs a day and is really going crazy.