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October Challenge! Yes... it's here.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:49 pm
by ~reneew
* * * I'm issuing a challenge for you to have your best month yet. * * *

- *Remember* to only post once on the first page so that we can all get in at the top. This makes it easier to keep tabs on eachother.
- Please re-read that last one, some people don't get it.
- edit your first post all month so we can all keep tabs on eachother.
- after October 3rd we will continue posting at the bottom for encouragement and fun.
- write your "best" that you want to beat.
- good luck and have fun with it!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:49 pm
by ~reneew
I'm in!

September had 1 red day and I'm improving on my weekends, so I'm going to try to beat that! Whew! I'm going to do it too!!!!!! Wooo Let's go challengers!!! Who's up to it?
1 green
2 Red :evil: Doritos hit me with no warning!!! Ahhh!
3 S day
4 S day
5 I took an S day... Dad had pretty serious surgury and I ate when I could. Not bad either. :wink: (he's going to be fine by the way)
6 great green day
7 green
8 green it'll be
9 green it'll be
10 S day
11 S day
12 red... failure... duh but I'm learning what not to do!!!
13 green
14 greenand getting back on track... I froze the carmels

I have a tiny announcement... and I hope it doesn't hinder anyone's enthusiasm for this challenge. If you want to, think of it as "lets show her!" Anyway, I've needed a bit of a change and I'm trying something new. I didn't want everyone all in an uproar saying that this is too big of a mod, so... I'm taking a leave of absense. I've started a new sparkpeople team following the rules I've been doing lately and loosing faster than before. If interested, details are written in on my check-in. I'll be back to check in and who knows, if this doesn't work, I'll be back!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:55 pm
by Jammin' Jan
October Challenge

Day-by-Day with Vanilla No-S

1 Success!
2 Success!
3 S Day
4 S Day Urban Rangering at the Mall of America!
5 Success!
6 Success!
7 Success!
8 Success!
9 Success! The end of a great week!
10 S Day
11 S Day
12 NWS-Day (dinner only) My birthday!
13 Failure Skimped on lunch, then needed a snack to make it to dinner.
14 Success!
15 Failure Struggling with migraines this week. Really throws everything off. :(
16 Success!
17 S Day
18 S Day
19 Success!
20 NWS - dinner only, celebrating with family and friends all the October birthdays in our group
21 Success! made a wonderful chicken stew for dinner -- perfect comfort food on a dark and rainy day!
22 Success!
23 Failure but at least it was because of daughter's homemade really magnificent challah (braided egg) bread and not some lesser food.
24 S Day
25 S Day
26 Success!
27 Failure
28 Failure
29 Failure
30 Failure Total meltdown at the end of this month. :(
31 S Day Happy Halloween!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:01 pm
by carla70
I NEEED a challenge Count me in!!!

Challenge for me is to keep up with No S all month and start exercise routine.

October 1: SUCCESS
October 2: SUCCESS
October 3: S day
October 4: S day
October 5: FAILURE 1/2 spoon more of veggies
October 6: FAILURE
October 7: FAILURE
October 8: FAILURE Fell off track but back on board
October 9:
October 10: S day
October 11: S day
October 12:
October 13:
October 14:
October 15:
October 16:
October 17: S day
October 18: S day
October 19:
October 20:
October 21:
October 22:
October 23:
October 24: S day
October 25: S day
October 26:
October 27:
October 28:
October 29:
October 30:
October 31: S day

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:29 pm
by Anoulie
This is my first week of No S, so my challenge will be just to keep up the good work :)

October 1: No S
October 2: No S
October 3: S day
October 4: S day
October 5: No S
October 6: No S
October 7: No S
October 8: No S
October 9: No S
October 10: S day
October 11: S day
October 12: No S
October 13: No S
October 14: No S
October 15: No S
October 16: No S
October 17: S day
October 18: S day
October 19: No S
October 20: No S
October 21: No S
October 22: No S
October 23: No S
October 24: S day
October 25: S day
October 26: No S
October 27: No S
October 28: No S
October 29: No S
October 30: No S
October 31: S day

ZOMG I can't believe I had a whole month of green days (keep in mind, this is my first month of No S, I started September 29)!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:51 pm
by blue
My best is to try this to the best of my ability My best is to do it Vanilla No-S As soon as I get tricky it become a red day pretty quickly. My goal is to make it too the 21 club. Will not weigh myself
October 1: SUCCESS
October 2: Success
October 3: S day
October 4: S day
October 5: Success
October 6:Success
October 7: Failure boo weight up 2 pounds I shouldn't have weighed
October 8: Success
October 9: failure
October 10: S day
October 11: S day
October 12
October 13:
October 14:
October 15:
October 16:
October 17: S day
October 18: S day
October 19:
October 20:
October 21:
October 22:
October 23:
October 24: S day
October 25: S day
October 26:
October 27:
October 28:
October 29:
October 30:
October31: S day

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:04 pm
by bluebunny27
Cheers !

Marc ;-)

I kind of sucked at the September challenge...

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:20 pm
by bizzybee
September was not all Greens but it was my most successful attempt at NoS to date. I'm having a green day today, so I guess October is a perfect month so far...

My challenges in October include a 10 day vacation to the Outer Banks, my Birthday, my DH's Birthday and our Anniversary all in a 2 week period.
It really is my favorite month.

I think my strategy over vacation will be to go for Green, my Birthday and our Anniversary are on S-Days so I think I'll give myself two allowable NWS days to use in October. Usually vacations are very active, but with my ankle still requiring gingerly walking, I can't count on activity to keep me from gaining. So we'll see what No-S will do. In October, I just hope to maintain. I'll keep my daily tracking thread updated and I'm entering into my calendar to check in here on Thursday's.
October 1, 243 pounds.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:27 pm
by buttercreampillow
I'm in, and I'm setting doable goals for myself.

1) Fewer red days on No S than I had last month (3).

2) Keep posting to this thread no matter how many red days I have.


Oct. 1: Thursday
Oct. 2: Friday
Oct. 3: Saturday
Oct. 4: Sunday
Oct. 5: Monday
Oct. 6: Tuesday
Oct. 7: Wednesday
Oct. 8: Thursday
Oct. 9: Friday
Oct. 10: Saturday
Oct. 11: Sunday
Oct. 12: Monday
Oct. 13: Tuesday
Oct. 14: Wednesday
Oct. 15: Thursday
Oct. 16: Friday, plus cough drops
Oct. 17:
Oct. 18:
Oct. 19:
Oct. 20:
Oct. 21:
Oct. 22:
Oct. 23:
Oct. 24:
Oct. 25:
Oct. 26:
Oct. 27:
Oct. 28:
Oct. 29:
Oct. 30:

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:29 pm
by clarinetgal
I think I'm going to pass on the challenge this month after all.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:39 am
by guadopt1997
I did really well with my N days in September. Now I have to figure out the weekends.

October 1: success
October 2: success
October 3-4: tame S days
October 5: don't know. Finished my plate, then ate the cheese off the leftover of my daughter's slice of pizza. It would have fit on my plate but wasn't there originally. Marked it and moved on.
October 6 and 7: success
October 8: success
October 9: success
October 10-11: unhealthy S days (late evening binges)
October 12-13: success
October 14: failure Made six parmesan cheese crackers as part of dinner (it was a week from expiring) and gave my daughter half. She only ate 1 and after I'd finished my meal, including apple for dessert, I ate hers. Marked it and moved on so success of a sort.
October 15: success
October 16: success
October 17-18: miserable weekend
Next weekend I'll be trying Kevin's idea: You *might* want to try the "double sabbath" mod (sundown Friday to sundown Sunday) and see if it makes your Saturdays and Sundays less food frantic.

I would caution you - there's a slippery slope here. Don't let this be an opportunity to just introduce another 12 hours of excess consumption. You will need to "religiously" guard those Sunday nights (part of why I call it the sabbath mod). Make your last meal on Sunday an event to be observed.

We don't do a lot of going-out-socially anymore, so I use a tightened up sabbath mod - if I want, I'll eat seconds or perhaps dessert on Friday night (but still no snacking), and I always stop with dinner on Sunday. Works for me, and I think it keeps me from gorging on Saturday and Sunday.

October 19: failure (last minute invitation to dinner--reasonable, actually small dinner, but two cookies; and yet, that was it, so success in a way)
October 20: success
October 21: success
October 22: success

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:09 am
by kes
I'm in! My goal is to have the best month of the year so far by sticking to No S and SG. Just started both, so even if I mess up a few times, if I can make it through, it should do wonders for me! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:38 am
by MerryKat
Me, Me, Me! Count me in - this added to the habitcal and should help the first month really back to Vanilla No S and 8MM Exercise

Oct 1 - Success (m1 w1 d3)
Oct 2 - Success (m1 w1 d4)

Oct 3 - Success (m1 w1 d5)
Oct 4 - Success (free day 6)

Oct 5 - Success (m1 w2 d1)
Oct 6 - Success (m1 w2 d2)
Oct 7 - Success (m1 w2 d3) - Stressful day at work but success despite that!!!
Oct 8 - Success (m1 w2 d4) - Stressful day at work but success despite that!!!
Oct 9 - Success (Pizza for dinner, but just one plate) (m1 w2 d5)

Oct 10 - Success (Empting & Cleaning Jacuzzi = excellent work out)
Oct 11 - Success (m1 w2 d6)

Oct 12 - Success (m1 w3 d1)
Oct 13 - Success (m1 w3 d2)
Oct 14 - Success (m1 w3 d3)
Oct 15 - Success

Oct 16 - Success (m1 w3 d4)[/color]
Oct 17 - Success
Oct 18 - Success
Oct 19 - 13th Wedding Anniversary (Made Fillet Steak, mushrooms, baby potatoes and salad for dinner with apple struddle for desert - and chocolate with coffee)

Oct 20 - Success but seemed to hit a brick wall with exercise and battled to get back on the wagon after one extra exempt day on monday for our anniversary
Oct 21 - snacking before dinner, chocolate after and no exercise!
Oct 22 - Success (m1 w3 d5) - had fruit after dinner
Oct 23 - Success (m1 w3 d6)

Oct 24 - Success - walked miles at racing track
Oct 25 - Success

Oct 26 - Success (m1 w4 d1)
Oct 27 - Success (m1 w4 d2)
Oct 28 - Success
Oct 29 - Success
Oct 30 - Success

Oct 31 - Success

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:54 am
by NoelFigart
Sure, I'll join in. My goal is at least fifteen minutes of exercise every weekday.

Oct. 1: Failure
Oct. 2: Success
Oct. 3: S-day
Oct. 4: S-day
Oct. 5: Success
Oct. 6: Success
Oct. 7: Success
Oct. 8: Success
Oct. 9:
Oct. 10:
Oct. 11:
Oct. 12:
Oct. 13:
Oct. 14:
Oct. 15:
Oct. 16:
Oct. 17:
Oct. 18:
Oct. 19:
Oct. 20:
Oct. 21:
Oct. 22:
Oct. 23:
Oct. 24:
Oct. 25:
Oct. 26:
Oct. 27:
Oct. 28:
Oct. 29:
Oct. 30:

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:18 pm
by Nichole
I'm pretty much in maintenance mode now, so any posts I make at this point are kind of boring.. 150-->131 lbs :) Plus, I was so bad at keeping up with my challenge last month that I'm not gonna do it next month.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:31 pm
by kwonset
I'm going to report in by the week; but use HabitCal daily.
Will continue to do No S and I am adding "painting daily" as the Oct habit to work on.
First week and a half:
1 glass ceiling Failure
1 exercise Failure
All green for No S and daily painting

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:23 pm
by kccc

I still need to monitor BLTs (better, but not automatic yet). And I'd also like to start running again, health permitting. (I've derailed by flu and hip injury, which I think is getting better. This week, I did the elliptical for cardio, which lowers impact.)

I report on my daily thread, and check in here periodically.

sporkfancier's October challenge

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:25 pm
by sporkfancier
Last month went terrifically, and I'd like to "maintain the sustain". Once again, my goals will be:

Goal #1: No red days on No-S
Goal #2: No red days on Shovelglove

Oct 1: Success
Oct 2: Success, but tainted (maybe). At the grocery store, they were giving out samples of smoked salmon at the deli. Without even thinking, I grabbed one--hey, it's a free sample! I know that sample starts with S, and it wasn't part of a meal, but hey, free sample! No-S has to allow that, right? :)
Oct 3: Exempt
Oct 4: Exempt
Week 1: Success

Oct 5: Success
Oct 6: Failure! I've been having an awful week and had some chips when friends came over. I did my shovelglove, though!
Oct 7: Success
Oct 8: Success
Oct 9: Success
Oct 10: Exempt
Oct 11: Exempt
Week 2: Wow, a failure. Or half a failure, I guess. C'mon, man, I was at 40 days in a row on No-S!

Oct 12: Success
Oct 13: Success
Oct 14: Success
Oct 15: Failure. I forgot to do Shovelglove in the evening--this is why I shouldn't deviate from my morning routine! I went for a 6.8 km run with a friend, though, so that's nice.
Oct 16: Success
Oct 17: Exempt
Oct 18: Exempt
Week 3: Another half failure. I guess together they make a full failure. While the symmetry is nice, I need to get my crap together!

Oct 19: Success
Oct 20: Success
Oct 21: Success
Oct 22: Success And barely! I only remembered my shovelglove at 11:30pm
Oct 23: Success
Oct 24: Exempt
Oct 25: Exempt
Week 4: A great week!

Oct 26: Failure No shovelglove, and I had a soup bowl of chips in the evening! AAH!
Oct 27: Success
Oct 28: Exempt Daughter's birtday (cake and ice cream, oh my!)
Oct 29: Success
Oct 30: Success technically, my shovelglove was exempt today because of my root canal (didn't affect no-s, though)
Oct 31: Exempt
Week 5: Not a banner week, and not a banner month.

Post-mortem: Going from a perfect September to a very splotchy October was a little unexpected. The crazy part is that I had far more stress and inconvenience in September than I did in October! Well, I guess I need to just keep on moving.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:36 pm
by Starla
I'm in. I started September 7, and my No-S was perfect for the month. I promised I'd start adding exercise after I'd been on No-S for a month, and October 7th is coming up. Years ago my neighbors gave me a treadmill they didn't want to move. I was completely out of shape, and I started with five minutes a day with the plan to add one minute a week, thinking that by the end of one year I'd be able to do 57 minutes on the treadmill. That is my first and only diet/exercise plan to actually work in a sane way. So starting October 7th, 5 minutes/day for at least five days a week (and maintain No S success).

October 1: SUCCESS
October 2: SUCCESS
October 3: S day
October 4: S day
October 5: SUCCESS
October 6: SUCCESS
October 7: SUCCESS
October 8: SUCCESS
October 9: SUCCESS
October 10: S day
October 11: S day
October 12 SUCCESS
October 13: SUCCESS
October 14: SUCCESS
October 15: SUCCESS
October 16: SUCCESS
October 17: S day
October 18: S day
October 19: SUCCESS
October 20: SUCCESS
October 21: SUCCESS
October 22: SUCCESS
October 23: SUCCESS
October 24: S day
October 25: S day
October 26:
October 27:
October 28:
October 29:
October 30:
October31: S day

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:48 pm
by tarantinofan
Alright, I'm definitely ready to join the challenge. Some goals for this month:
1) Get down to 125. I'm weighing 128-129 right now, and I hopefully can lose 3-4 pounds this month.
2) Lower the amount of red days (the first month, there were 8; the second month, there were 6; last month, there were 5) and hopefully get not have any...
3) Be reasonable with S days
4) Begin working out again or doing SOMETHING athletic. I missed that last month with the start of school.

Btw, how awesome is it that Halloween is an S day?!?!!

Sat 3: S DAY
Sun 4: S DAY


Wed 7:
Thu 8:
Fri 9:
Sat 10:
Sun 11:

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:33 pm
by Dandelion
I'm still kinda new here - but I'd like to get through 21 days successfully for the first time, and get through the month with no more than one red day.

1 Success
2 Success
3 exempt
4 exempt

5 success
6 success
7 success

8 success
9 success


16 (this should be day 21 - or should I say *will* be)



Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:54 pm
by marygrace
I'm in. I did NoS successfully for about a year, then got seriously derailed this summer by my wedding, honeymoon, and a move halfway across the country. I started getting serious about NoS again about two weeks ago, and all my N Days have been green so far. The S Days have been good too, except yesterday (I take my S Days on Friday and Saturday) things went a little overboard. I basically want to keep my S Days reasonable, and hopefully by the end of October, fit comfortably into my jeans that started to get a little tight this summer.

10/8 EXEMPT, best friend's birthday
10/10 EXEMPT
10/16 EXEMPT
10/17 EXEMPT
10/23 EXEMPT
10/24 EXEMPT
10/30 EXEMPT
10/31 EXEMPT

Oct challenge

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:09 pm
by masher
Yes, I am in - September was not ideal. I want to improve.

Goals are:

- To keep to 2 glass ceiling - STRICTLY

- No reds, just all greens and yellows for No S

I commit to this, but will only record if I do not meet my goals. I will keep track on HabitCal daily. I may listen to podcasts for inspiration as I find it helps remind me to keep on the straight and narrow.


In it to Win It!

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:44 pm
by indy920
Hi, there. I am new to the group but not new to the No S Diet. Tried it a few years ago and believe that it works. By the "S" days, I didn't really have a desire for any sweets. Unfortunately, I didn't stay on it long enough to notice any big results.

I recently turned 26 and realized that my energy level was not where I wanted it to be nor my clothing size. Started No S today (10/5/2009) and am looking forward to positive results. No more fad diets, diet pills, or failures.

I realize this in not an "easy fix" plan but rather a lifestyle decision. To all of those new and old to the group, be encouraged and stay encouraged.

Recently visited my family that lives 100 miles from me and left my scale with them which may be a wise/unwise decision according to who you are. Will likely visit again in about three weeks and look forward to a lower number on the scale. I am especially looking forward to results before the holiday season. I think it is important to adopt this plan before then so that you are likely to have more self control when those days roll around.

As I occassionally travel for my job, it is challenging to eat right when you get to go to some really nice restaurants and don't have to always worry about the costs. Nonetheless, I have the willpower and am committed to this goal. Following my success, I hope to encourage many family members/friends.

I plan to incorporate 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise daily following my first complete week on the plan.

October Challenge

Day-by-Day with Vanilla No-S

1 Before No-S
2 Before No-S
3 S Day - Before No-S
4 S Day - Before No-S
5 Start of No-S
10 S Day
11 S Day
17 S Day
18 S Day
24 S Day
25 S Day
31 S Day

I plan to update my HabitCal at least once weekly. I think it will help me track my success in the best way possible.

Happy No S-ing to all! :)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:52 pm
by Dandelion
I don't see a way to delete this message.

Count me in..

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:24 am
by jaimehamp
I started no s yesterday, and can tell that I'm going to need some accountability. My goal is to keep my days green...

Oct 5: Success!!!
Oct 6: Fail (at my parent's and just didn't do well)
Oct 7: Success
Oct 8
Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 13
Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 17
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
Oct 25
Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 28
Oct 29
Oct 30
Oct 31

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:50 am
by clarinetgal
I think I'll join the challenge after all. My main goal for this month is to get more self-control back into my eating. I'll start tomorrow, since I just came back from vacation today. Edited to add one more challenge. I also want to spend this month firmly establishing the habit of doing my exercising first thing in the morning. My days go SO much better when I get it done before my son wakes up.

10/7 Success! Failure for exercising in the morning (however, I did exercise during my son's nap).
10/8 Success on both!
10/9 Failure on both -- altough I got quite a bit of exercise this afternoon. 49 minutes of toning, a 30 minute stroller walk, and some very hard scrubbing on my kitchen chairs and floor and in both bathtubs.
10/10 S day -- exempt for exercise (Saturday is a rest day)
10/11 S day -- exempt for exercise
10/12 Success Failure on exercise (I didn't do anything yesterday)
10/13 Success for both!
10/14 Success for eating Failure for morning exercise (but I did exercise this afternoon)
10/15 Success for eating Failure for morning exercise (I have GOT to get my act together and exercise first thing in the morning)

Oct Challenge

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:53 am
by SavvyV
A few days late, but count me in!
This is harder than I thought it was going to be. Yesterday I went to Sam's club where little old ladies are offering food samples galore. . .and I did not resist the temptation to sample.

Today I am on a layover in a hotel that is offering a FREE FULL SERVICE BUFFET (casino is attached so of course the hotel has an ulterior motive to drain our bank accounts). . .and I did not resist the temptation to have dessert but I did resist the temptation to gamble.

So I am off to a rocky start for October.
I have promised myself to look on the bright side- -which is being more aware of situations that catch me off guard and taking note. . .and being a bit more prepared for the unexpected. By the time October is over, I will have compiled a list of fattening habits based on my NO-S failures.

October stats:
N-day 5-Fattening Habit #1 (Sampling stuff at Sam's Club)
N-day 6-Fattening Habit#2 (Chocolate cake with whipped cream and chocolate sauce flowing from a chocolate fountain)(I'm a total chocoholic. Forget glass celing for alcohol. . .I need a chocolate allowance during the week! )

N-Day 7 Fattening Habit #3: Thinking about the chocolate I ate last night . Had a chocolate chip cookie
N-Day 8 Fattening Habit #4: Having another piece of chocolate cake- - and another cookie
N-Day 9 Fattening Habit #5 Snacked munchie mix . . .procastinating about exercise

S-Day 10 I stepped on the scale and was down 1 pound Go Figure! But after reading thru the latest podcast on "sustainable habits" I do realize that even if I do lose weight with my fattening habits, and the weight loss would be unsustainable for the long run.
S-Day 11
N-Day 12
N-Day 13
N-Day 14
N-Day 15
N-Day 16
S-Day 17
S-Day 18
N-Day 19
N-Day 20
N-Day 21
N-Day 22
N-Day 23
S-Day 24
S-Day 25
N-Day 26
N-Day 27
N-Day 28
N-Day 29
N-Day 30
S-Day 31

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:36 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Joining in late!!
Hoping to have a great rest of the month!
Good luck all :wink:
8) Debs

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:19 pm
by Jammin' Jan

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:07 pm
by ~reneew
bumping up with a little announcement on my post at the top.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:50 pm
by Anoulie
October is over... *bump*