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Re-committing (again) and a question

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:39 am
by mondurvic
Some years ago, I lost 140 pounds by following a diet, and I kept the weight off for seven years. Needless to say, there were many, many bad days during those years, but even when I wasn't actually on the diet on a given day, I was still committed to it. I didn't not jump from diet to diet mentally or in reality.

I feel the same way about NoS. I have been virtually ignoring it the past few weeks, what with freezing weather, fighting off a cold, running around doing too much, parties and holiday folderol, shopping, etc., but I still feel committed to it.

Time to get going, though, or it will slip through my fingers. So tomorrow, Friday, I resume.

One question troubles me, though - I sent away for a couple of different diet/fasting books, partly out of curiosity and habit. I don't WANT to do anything other than NoS (having 57 years of failure with them to my credit), and I'm almost afraid to even read anything else, afraid I'll be tempted away and led down the garden path again.

Do any of you continue reading and learning about other methods, or have you laid all alternatives to rest? Is it "dangerous" to even skim some other diet book?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:40 am
by gratefuldeb67
How can reading some diet be dangerous?

Judy, you are worrying a lot about this...
It's just "normal" eating..
It worked when you tried it....
You seemed to like it...

I think it's the least obsessive plan around, and perhaps that's something you aren't used to, therefore causing you to possibly seek trouble elsewhere because most other diets are so obsession producing and that's what you are "used to" or programmed to believe will work...
(Wow nice runon sentence with lame grammar!)

You need to seek the voice within yourself.... Other peoples experiences can't ever come close to revealing the answers you seek about *you*...
In my personal opinion, I find it funny when I hear about some other stupid plan (scientifically based or otherwise...) and then sometimes the old me thinks about the days when I would try it..
(Low carb was something I did try for about four months... and it worked)
but then I remember how *none* of them ever worked in the *long run* since I didn't stay on them...

If there's some diet you think is awesome and it isn't sugar based, you can combine it with NoS principles and reap the effects of both..that is, if you don't think you'll get swept away in obsessions over details which make eating a "chore"....
I still read nutritional lables but personally I am never going to buy any diet book except Reinhards

Then I'll buy 10 of them and give them to friends and family...
I expect a limited edition copy signed by the author too!!!

Okay Jood.....

"To skim or not to skim?...Zat is de qvestion".......

8) Deb

ps... incidentally, when I saw the title you wrote for this "Recommitting (again...)..... etc..) I instantaneously thought of people running around in straight jackets! LOL.... :P

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:20 pm
by sunnyday
Hi mondurvic

I've recently considered buying a diet book called the 80/20 diet by Teresa Cutter (80% good healthy meals, 20% treats). I liked the look of it because the philosophy aligns nicely with no s, the recipes look yummy and Teresa seems to have a great attitude to food and exercise.

I would only consider a diet book that fits with no s and I would just use it for the purpose of making my meals more healthy and balanced.


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:31 pm
by Sandy
This past weekend I cleaned out my book shelf and recycled approximately 15 "diet" books - what a great feeling to be free from that cycle. Healthy eating is an entirely different subject, I do look for healthy recipes. Stick with this and just try to make each meal healthier than the last. Those diet books are way to restrictive.

This is the best I have ever felt in the month of December. I actually had someone annoyed (her word) with me for not eating........the snacks and sugar stuff around the office. In a size 10 suit and feeling pretty good.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:43 pm
by carolejo
Someone 'annoyed' with you Sandy...?

What's that all about anyway? Is this a "misery loves company" thing on her part? :lol:


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:09 pm
by Sandy
Exactly -- they want me doing what they are doing - overeating and feeling awful. I have to say this past weekend I baked tons of stuff, ate tons of stuff and slept horribly two nights in a row because of the sugar running through my system. I will not do that again - sleep is to important. It is truly amazing what you discover when you eat that crap only on the weekends. This weekend I have parties to go to and know that I will have one great dessert........