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Fell off the wagon

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:04 am
by ktharmoney
So I'm a 2nd year medical student. Last year, prior to starting school, I had managed to lose about 10 lbs on the No-S diet. I was very proud, as I had been approaching the overweight side of things. Gradually, though, school and stress took its toll, and I gained back the 10 lbs and added another 10 or so. Needless to say, this does not please me. I do exercise fairly regularly, between 4-6 days/week for about 60 min at a time.

Clearly, it's my eating habits that have changed. I've started doing the No S diet again, two weeks ago, and I'm doing ok; I still have some bad habits to re-break.

I think what confuses me the most is that my clothes still fit, so it's easy to get complacent.

Breakfast - non-fat yogurt, coffee, nuts, fruit (banana, apple, etc).
Lunch - left overs of some sort or a salad
Dinner - varies, but my husband likes to cook. We eat relatively well; our problem is that we don't watch our portion size as well as we should.

I guess I'm just putting myself out there for some moral support. Also, I'm procrastinating; I have an exam on Monday.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:15 am
by buttercreampillow
kt, I can sympathise. I'm a second year law student, and the stress gets to me, too. I take night classes, and I used to come home from class at 10:30 and head for the kitchen. I just wanted to be comforted after a long day at the books. No S has really helped me have structure in my life. Also, with all the stress I'm under at school, the last thing I need is to also be worried about gaining weight.

Best of luck on your second go 'round of No S. You know you can do it, and you know it works. Be good to yourself. :)