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I'm back to try again ...

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:13 pm
by butterfly1000

I haven't posted in a while (don't remember when the last time was). Since I've been off this site, I've tried online weight watchers, online calorie counter, and nothing worked (motivation not there) :oops: :cry: . This past week-end I was considering a protein diet -- but I know it's not the smart way to go for long term success :oops: . This morning I thought about No S Diet, and remembered how supportive the members were, and decided to give it another shot.

So I'm back to give it another try.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:22 pm
by DaveMc
Welcome back! I think I remember reading somewhere that the number of attempts required to make a long-lasting change in eating behaviour was quite high - the number I remember (though I can't find it at the moment) was that the *average* number of attempts was somewhere over 10. So you're doing the important part, by not giving up!

Welcome back

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:46 pm
by lmt2pt
I'm back again too. I tried NoS several times in the past. I finally was successful then I got pregnant. I even NoS'd through my pregnancy only to drop it once the baby came.

False starts and stops are part of the process.