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Day 21 and finally introducing myself

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:41 pm
by Anoulie
Hi :) I'm Katie, I'm 16, and I live in Germany. What's up? :D

According to my BMI, I'm not overweight, but I gained over 10 pounds over the past year or so, and I'm now trying to lose this weight again. I spent the last school year in Florida as an exchange student, improved my English, and got to know the American culture - and eating habits :shock: Okay, we have McDonald's and Burger King and Starbucks and Subway and KFC, too, but we don't eat out twice a week :shock: Actually, my family doesn't have fast food more often than once or twice a month, and when we eat out, we usually go to a small Greek restaurant we've been going to for years, and we only do that on special events (maybe every two or three months).
Anyways, in America, the whole family was grazing on unhealthy food (can you say chocolate chip pancakes?) all the time, we rarely ate our meals together as a family, so I gained weight - over 10 pounds, like I said. Some of you are > 100 pounds overweight, so it may not sound like much, but I'm only 5'2", and it all concentrated in my belly area :? When I started noticing my jeans were getting tighter and tighter, I realized I had to do something about it. My host dad had the Book lying around somewhere, but he wasn't doing the Diet. Bored, I looked through it one day, and it sounded really simple - it seemed to make sense!
I didn't really do the diet back then, but I remembered it a few weeks ago and googled "No S Diet"; that's how I found the website and the board. I registered and started HabitCaling.
At first, it was pretty easy (except on the first day, when I completely forgot I was doing the diet and grabbed some hard candy from a bowl in the kitchen). Sometimes, I've really been craving some chocolate or just a sandwich when it wasn't time for a meal yet. But I didn't starve :P And this eating plan really seems to be working for me. Thanks, Reinhard!
I know, some of you might say, Hey, you're skinny, why are you dieting? - I really don't consider No S a diet, and I didn't really tell anyone (except my mom, haha) what I'm doing. To me, building a habit and having a better relationship with food are more important than losing 15 pounds in two weeks 8) Even after I came back to Germany, I stayed in permasnacking mode - and those snacks were in addition to the regular-sized meals I started having again. Sometimes, I was so stuffed my belly hurt, but I still ate more (snacks & sweets, I didn't eat so much at mealtimes). Comfort food, boredom eating, TV eating - you name it. Because I grazed on different stuff all day, I had no idea how much I'd actually eaten at the end of the day. I didn't like that way of eating.
Since I started No S, I've found I have much more free time than I had before - when I didn't have anything to do, I'd sometimes wander around the house, looking for something to eat, even though I wasn't hungry. Also, I now know what it's like to be full, but not stuffed after a meal - before, I only seemed to know "to stuffed to eat more" and "I feel like a snack", not "hungry" and "not hungry".
(Maybe you wonder why I didn't gain more with this way of eating: 1. I haven't been doing this for a long time, and 2. I'm picky as heck :oops: )

Today was Day 21 :) Yay me!


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:11 pm
by wosnes
Welcome aboard! Sounds like you're on the way to a lifetime of good eating habits. Congratulations!

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:49 am
by Jammin' Jan
Congratulations on 21 days! May you enjoy a lifetime of enjoying your food!

Your English is wonderful, by the way. :D

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:02 pm
by Kevin
Yay, you! Absolutely!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:42 pm
by bluebunny27
Awesome work, Katie. 21 days.

When you're younger you have to be careful though,
cos' you're not finished growing up yet ... so you may gain an inch or two, 5'4" That'll help you out. :-)

Excess weight concentrating in the belly area ... tight jeans ... it sounds like a classic case
of the 'Muffin top', good thing you are doing something about it early before your 'Muffin top' gets too large of course. ;-)

Losing weight really fast is not healthy at all anyway, you shouldn't lose more than 1 to 2 pounds per week,
especially at your weight (since you don't have to lose a lot, you should lose even less than that every week,
really) Working on your habits is a good idea, not being obsessed with a number on the scale.

Good luck !

Cheers !

Marc ;-)


Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:58 pm
by guadopt1997
Anyway, now that you're back home, maybe you'll lose your American excess weight automatically!

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:32 pm
by Anoulie
guadopt1997 wrote:Anyway, now that you're back home, maybe you'll lose your American excess weight automatically!
I came back June 12, and I even gained weight after I came back because of my new habits :P

Oh, and P.S. I was 5'2" tall a year ago, too, so... :oops: