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Cool trick! Try it!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:00 pm
by Monica SF, CA
Hello - this is my second atttempt at the No S Diet and am loving it! I made a half-hearted attempt earlier this year, then screwed it up by trying to add too many rules, exceptions, etc. This time, I am just following the original rules of the diet. I hope to lose 30 pounds on this diet in 6 months. Starting weight is 170 at 5"8 inches.

One cool trick that I have been doing that is SUCH a great motivator is that I have been tracking in a journal "calories saved" instead of calories consumed. I hate journaling in general (I did Weight Watchers for years). Rather than making myself miserable by tracking evey morsel of food, thereby obsessing over food, I now track the estimated daily calories saved by not indulging in a sweet, second helping, or snack. You do need to be honest with yourself and track ONLY what you would have eaten in the old days. For example, I am a snacker - the other day, someone was passing around a box of donuts in the office. I KNOW I would have taken one in the past, so I marked approx. 150 calories saved in my journal. If donuts are not your thing, don't write it down. One day last week, I kid you not, I saved approx. 800 calories (I also try to lowball, so it was probably more!) I was shocked and motivated when I saw that. It is truly amazing how quickly the added calories add up on your body when you are not careful. The 800 calories saved that particular day was not due to some huge meal, but little "extras." I'll break it down:

-Refused a bagel with cream cheese at breakfast meeting, as I had already eaten (approx. 200 calories)

-No dessert at lunch with friends (at least 400 calories, chocolate lava cake)

-No birthday cake a a relative's birthday dinner (approx. 200 calories, as it was a small slice).

I saved 800 calories in just one day. I hate to journal, but this is different, because it is NOT time cosuming (I just estimate, so I don't need to go hunting for calorie counts) and it is motivational.

Please try it!

Re: Cool trick! Try it!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:19 pm
by Kevin
That could be very motivating...

And welcome back!
Monica SF, CA wrote:Hello - this is my second atttempt at the No S Diet and am loving it! I made a half-hearted attempt earlier this year, then screwed it up by trying to add too many rules, exceptions, etc. This time, I am just following the original rules of the diet. I hope to lose 30 pounds on this diet in 6 months. Starting weight is 170 at 5"8 inches.

One cool trick that I have been doing that is SUCH a great motivator is that I have been tracking in a journal "calories saved" instead of calories consumed. I hate journaling in general (I did Weight Watchers for years). Rather than making myself miserable by tracking evey morsel of food, thereby obsessing over food, I now track the estimated daily calories saved by not indulging in a sweet, second helping, or snack. You do need to be honest with yourself and track ONLY what you would have eaten in the old days. For example, I am a snacker - the other day, someone was passing around a box of donuts in the office. I KNOW I would have taken one in the past, so I marked approx. 150 calories saved in my journal. If donuts are not your thing, don't write it down. One day last week, I kid you not, I saved approx. 800 calories (I also try to lowball, so it was probably more!) I was shocked and motivated when I saw that. It is truly amazing how quickly the added calories add up on your body when you are not careful. The 800 calories saved that particular day was not due to some huge meal, but little "extras." I'll break it down:

-Refused a bagel with cream cheese at breakfast meeting, as I had already eaten (approx. 200 calories)

-No dessert at lunch with friends (at least 400 calories, chocolate lava cake)

-No birthday cake a a relative's birthday dinner (approx. 200 calories, as it was a small slice).

I saved 800 calories in just one day. I hate to journal, but this is different, because it is NOT time cosuming (I just estimate, so I don't need to go hunting for calorie counts) and it is motivational.

Please try it!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:49 pm
by bluebunny27
Oh, interesting idea ... but be careful not to deprive yourself too much (cutting too many calories) or else it could lead to binge eating later on ...

The slow and steady approach is usually better so even those small-ish 200-400 daily calorie deficit will add up big time after a while.

The best is to create a calorie deficit by exercising too, not just with your diet.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)


Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:50 pm
by guadopt1997
I'm 5'8" and weigh 202. I'd be so happy to be at 170! To me, 140 would be too hard to maintain. Plus, I read something interesting:

A twin study showed that when twins are different weights, the thinner twin looks younger than her sister when they're under 40 years old. But when they're over 40, the heavier twin looks younger.

Just something to consider...

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:51 pm
by Monica SF, CA
Thank you, Marc. I appreciate your concern. That particular day the calorie savings was huge (and I just know I would have indulged in the past). But, most days, the savings is only about 150-200.



Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:17 pm
by Jammin' Jan
I like the idea of recording calories saved. My failures on N days are 99% from snacking, and maybe I should just write down the calories in my proposed snack (usually buttered toast). I wonder how many calories I would save in a week if I just ate everything else, three meals a day, but left out the toast snacks? Probably quite a lot...

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:15 am
by ~reneew
I remember writing a journal for a while with all positive reinforcements to myself... foods I had passed up, exercise, positive thinking etc... it sure made me feel better. It makes you stop to think about all of the good you're doing instead of what you are denying yourself (temporarily). I'll start one next time I get frustrated.

Guadopt... I love that point you made... at least I'd look younger when I'm old. :wink: There's always a silver lining...