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I'm glad October is over....

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:50 pm
by howfunisthat
October was a mess! I started the month with a week of thinking about food. I was tired of thinking about it and tired of battling it. So I didn't....but I didn't see it as an awful event...just a week of a break. After that I was back to green days & then friends of ours lost their son after a long battle with a horrible disease (Battens Disease - Then even before the memorial service, I had an awful Gallbladder attack & ended up at the ER. I had surgery on Wednesday which was unfortunately long & more extensive than they had planned. I'm finally able to sit and write and I'm THRILLED to be on the road to recovery. So...I'm still here...I'm not going anywhere...but I think I'm starting over on November and letting October be a distant memory. Who cares what color the days were - I'm gallbladder free and happy to be on the finished side of surgery!

I hope your Novembers are the best ever....

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:53 pm
by oliviamanda
I hope November is good to all of us because we really are going to need help getting through December!!! : ) Sorry to hear about your loss.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:14 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Awwww! Hugs Janie, I'm sorry for your very stressful month.
I'm sure November will be good for you!
You deserve a break! :wink:
8) Debs x

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:11 pm
by sporkfancier
While my October was nowhere near as bad as yours, I'll echo the sentiment. After a perfect September for both Shovelglove and No-S, I had two red days for each in October. I want to do better this month, though I already have one red day on Shovelglove!