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November Challenge :)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:25 pm
by HealthPrincess9
I hope this is ok for me to start! I saw the October Challenge thread and wanted to get it going for November!

Here are the guidelines as posted for the October Challenge:
- *Remember* to only post once on the first page so that we can all get in at the top. This makes it easier to keep tabs on eachother.
- Please re-read that last one, some people don't get it.
- edit your first post all month so we can all keep tabs on eachother.
- after October 3rd we will continue posting at the bottom for encouragement and fun.
- write your "best" that you want to beat.
- good luck and have fun with it!

My first full month :)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:29 pm
by HealthPrincess9
November Challenge

Day-by-Day with Vanilla No-S

1 S Day
2 Failed - I think I cheated... My "plate" at dinner had edges, so it was able to hold more than the average plate... and I had a 100 cal popcorn while watching TV at night... :oops:
3 Success
4 Success
6Success - S Day Started at sundown!
7 S Day
8 S Day - N Day Started at sundown! Success
9 Success
10 Success
11 Failed - Went back for seconds (and thirds) on Rice A Roni... I shouldn't have made it - I knew it would be too tempting.. Also had some jello and some chocolate afterwards! What a bad day! My stomach hurt this morning, so hopefully I will remember that next time I want to overeat! :shock:
12 Failed - Went for sushi out with the girls :?
13 Start S day at sundown!
14 S Day
15 S Day - Start N day at sundown!
20 Start S day at sundown!
21 S Day
22 S Day - Start N day at sundown!
26 S Day - Happy Thanksgiving!
27 Planned S Day - Black Friday :twisted:
28 S Day
29 S Day - Start N day at sundown!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:02 pm
by guadopt1997
Going to keep track in check-in this month.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:33 pm
by Jammin' Jan
My November Challenge: Hoping for lots of :D

1 :D S-Day
2 :D
3 :D Personal Pan Pizza at Pizza Hut is just a perfect plate-sized pizza. Ate the whole thing with no guilt!
4 :D
5 :D S-Event: Attending our daughter's "Sweet Table" presentation at her culinary school, where she is studying to become a pastry chef. Rest of the day will be a regular N day.
6 :D
7 :D S-Day
8 :D S-Day
9 :( Snack
10 :D
11 :D
12 :D
13 :D
14 :D S-Day
15 :D S-Day
16 :D
17 :D
18 :D
19 :D
20 :D
21 :D S-Day
22 :D S-Day
23 :D
24 :( Snack
25 :D
26 :D S-Day Happy Thanksgiving in the USA!
27 :D
28 :D S-Day
29 :D S-Day

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:16 pm
by Anoulie
My challenge is to have all green/yellow days this month.

November 1: S day
November 2: No S
November 3: No S
November 4: No S
November 5: No S
November 6: No S
November 7: S day
November 8: S day
November 9: No S
November 10: S day (my mom's birthday, I'm planning on eating only birthday-related things and not use it as an excuse to eat all kinds of crappy stuff)
EDIT: No S I decided not to take the S day.
November 11: No S
November 12: No S
November 13: No S
November 14: S day
November 15: S day
November 16: No S
November 17: No S
November 18: No S
November 19: No S
November 20: No S
November 21: S day
November 22: S day
November 23: No S
November 24: No S
November 25: No S
November 26: No S
November 27: No S
November 28: S day
November 29: S day
November 30: No S

I made it! :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:32 pm
by kwonset
I'm going to keep my HabitCal up to date this month, and report here occasionally. I have been goofing off too much, and I like how I feel when I keep on a pretty strict NoS.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:40 pm
by tarantinofan
By November 31, I want:
1) to have perfect compliance (or more perfect than last month)
2) weigh 125 pounds by the end of the month
3) work out 5 times a week for 1/2 hour
4) No binging

I don't know my current weight and haven't been able to work out as I've been out of town, but tomorrow (NOV 4) the challenge begins.

Nov 1: S DAY + BINGE

7: S DAY
8: S DAY

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:14 am
by hilly6000
My goals are:
2 meal, 1 juice a day
S-days on Saturday, 3s limit
Only exception: Thanksgiving, enjoy it guilt free!

7 - S DAY
14- S DAY
21 - S DAY
28- S DAY

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:20 pm
by gratefuldeb67
My goals are pretty much the same as Kwonset.
Strict NoS, and upkeep of my HabitCal's, with occasional check in's here if needed.
I gained about five pounds back of my 11 lost in the past few weeks, mostly over this weekend. I hope to lose it all back again and hopefully a few additional more.
Have a great month all!
8) Debs

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:25 pm
by sporkfancier
Last month didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Two red days for both No-S and Shovelglove!

This month, I'm going to do better!

Nov 1: Exempt
Nov 2: Success
Nov 3: Mixed Success on No-S, Failure on Shovelglove. Damnit!
Nov 4: Success
Nov 5: Success
Nov 6: Success
Nov 7: Exempt
Week 1: All good on the No-S front, but a failure on Shovelglove.

Nov 8: Exempt
Nov 9: Mixed Success on No-S, Failure on Shovelglove
Nov 10: Mixed Success on No-S, Failure on Shovelglove
Nov 11: Exempt
Nov 12: Mixed Success on No-S, Failure on Shovelglove
Nov 13: Mixed Success on No-S, Failure on Shovelglove
Nov 14: Exempt
Week 2: Ended up taking the week off of shovelglove. I fall into the classic stereotype of using stress at work as an excuse not to exercise. Blargh.

Nov 15: Exempt
Nov 16: Success
Nov 17: Success
Nov 18: Mixed Success on No-S, Failure on Shovelglove. If I don't shug in the morning, I don't seem to do it in the evening. Habit, habit, habit!
Nov 19: Success
Nov 20:
Nov 21:
Week 3:

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:44 pm
by Jammin' Jan

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:37 pm
by ktharmoney
November 1: S day
November 2: Failure
November 3: No S
November 4: No S
November 5: No S

November 6: S day starts at sundown
November 7: S day

November 8: No S starts at sundown
November 9: No S
November 10: No S

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:09 am
by Jammin' Jan
bumping this up before it disappears completely. November's almost over!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:26 pm
by Anoulie
Bump. :D