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Slow weight loss vs... ???

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:21 pm
by LouMommy
Hi all - introducing myself!

I've been no-sing for almost two weeks now. I find it to be a very peaceful way to diet. I love how clear-cut the rules makes me feel very calm because everything is black and white, yes or no.

I need to lose about 45 lbs. I think I'm down about 2 or 3 pounds, which is slower that other weight loss plans I've tried. Here's the thing - I may have lost weight faster with other plans, but I never lost it ALL. I may have lost it faster, but I never lost it FOR GOOD. And I'm sick of it. I can't count points until I die, can I?? :D

So, I have accepted the fact that this weight loss will go slowly. The way I see it, I have two options:

1. Lose weight slowly, but reach my goal weight in about a year (hopefully) and KEEP IT OFF because it's realistic...


2. Lose 15 pounds quickly, gain it back, lose it again, gain it back...repeat this cycle OVER AND OVER FOR YEARS.

Duh. :roll:

Anyway - nice to meet you all!!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:54 pm
by kccc
Welcome! Glad to have you here! :)

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:12 pm
by wosnes
Welcome! Slow is the way to go!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:14 pm
by hilly6000
Also, losing weight TOO QUICKLY makes your body not look as nice... since the skin doesn't have time to adjust. BUT, going slow, you're going to look better... AND your body isn't going to feel it needs to go back to the way it used to be (it's set point).

You can't maintain counting things forever, so when you lose weight THIS way, you know that it's maintainable because it was so stressless GETTING to your weight loss goals.

Just trust in yourself and use your common sense.

Good luck!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:42 pm
by mimi
Welcome LouMommy|! NoS works...slowly, but surely!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:21 pm
by HealthPrincess9
I agree! I am so excited about the NoS diet because it is more of a lifestyle than a diet! I know that any weight I lose from this new lifestyle will be perminent weight loss... I will not have to be worried about counting and starving for the rest of my life... that's no way to live! :)

Good luck!! :D

Re: Slow weight loss vs... ???

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:06 pm
by TunaFishKid
LouMommy wrote: 2. Lose 15 pounds quickly, gain it back, lose it again, gain it back...repeat this cycle OVER AND OVER FOR YEARS.
Actually, you'd probably lose the 15 pounds quickly and gain back 20, go on another diet and lose the 20 quickly and gain back 25 or 30! At least that's been my pattern for years.

I read somewhere that quick weightloss dieting may actually be the best weight GAIN mechanism the body has. In body building, stress (lifting heavy weights) breaks down the muscle tissue and the body rebuilds it bigger than before. When we diet, stress (low calorie eating) breaks down the fat tissue and then the body rebuilds it by enlarging/creating more fat cells. It's just a theory, but it makes a lot of sense.


slow weight loss

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:17 pm
by katyrue
thanks everyone for your posts on slow weight loss. I have almost 3 months and have only lost 11 pounds. I seem to be stuck at a number and I lose and then it comes back. However I've gained my self-respect back in so many ways!!! I am now working on my S days. I love NoS!

Re: slow weight loss

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:00 pm
by Kevin
11 pounds in roughly 12 weeks is very appropriate weight loss. Half a pound to a pound a week is what doctors recommend.

I would recommend you weigh yourself at the same time everyday. I can vary by as much as four pounds if I weigh myself morning and evening.
katyrue wrote:thanks everyone for your posts on slow weight loss. I have almost 3 months and have only lost 11 pounds. I seem to be stuck at a number and I lose and then it comes back. However I've gained my self-respect back in so many ways!!! I am now working on my S days. I love NoS!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:50 pm
by katyrue
Thanks Kevin
When you look at it that way it feels a lot better.