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Eating less fruit on NO S

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:31 pm
by Marym
I am new to this, am having trouble getting started with a lot of false starts. My first issue is my schedule. I did not realize how much I relied on snacking to get me through my busy days. I teach at night twice a week and never feel hungry enough to eat dinner beforehand. I usually would have a snack before and then dinner afterwards at 9ish when I am more relaxed and not rushed (not healthy I know). Anyway, that is not workable on the plan I don't think. I know I need to try eating before. The second issue is I have is that I am not eating as much fruit because I would usually eat fruit as snacks, rarely as part of the meal itself (except breakfast) so I feel like I would like to allow myself to have a piece of fruit between meals rather than cram it on the plate, but then that's not no-s - right?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:17 pm
by wosnes
I think you have to do what works for you.

Re: Eating less fruit on NO S

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:29 pm
by Kevin
Folks with funky schedules need to revise the plan sometimes. It might be that you are going to PLAN four meals a day - the ones before and after class being small ones. That's okay. If three meals is unworkable, then ipso facto... The thing to remember is:

"No Snacks, no Sweets, and No Seconds except sometimes on days that start with an S."

It might just be that you need four meals. That's okay. When you are brown-bagging, then you ask the virtual plate question- would this all fit easily on one plate?

Fruits are good for you, but vegetables are at least as good, especially if weight loss is part of your plan. Don't sweat it if you only get fruit with breakfast. But It's not hard to pack an apple as part of a brown bag lunch, either.

Don't let the letter of No-S defeat the spirit of No-S.

Good luck!
Marym wrote:I am new to this, am having trouble getting started with a lot of false starts. My first issue is my schedule. I did not realize how much I relied on snacking to get me through my busy days. I teach at night twice a week and never feel hungry enough to eat dinner beforehand. I usually would have a snack before and then dinner afterwards at 9ish when I am more relaxed and not rushed (not healthy I know). Anyway, that is not workable on the plan I don't think. I know I need to try eating before. The second issue is I have is that I am not eating as much fruit because I would usually eat fruit as snacks, rarely as part of the meal itself (except breakfast) so I feel like I would like to allow myself to have a piece of fruit between meals rather than cram it on the plate, but then that's not no-s - right?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:56 pm
by sheepish
I find the fruit thing difficult too. I adore fruit, it's my favourite food, I love apples and pinapples and melon and grapes and mango and, well, basically every kind of fruit. But I do tend to eat it as a snack rather than with meals and so No S is proving a bit difficult. What I'm trying to do to combat it is to add a bit of fruit to my meals, rather than allow it as a snack because I really can eat fruit to excess - I have been known to eat 6 oranges or 5 mangos at a sitting..

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:48 pm
by Kevin
Who can blame you!

But when it comes down to it, even though it's more nutritious than straight-up sugar and a more complex carbohydrate, fructose is a fairly simple sugar, and at this rate, can you be consuming any veggies??? :)
sheepish wrote:I find the fruit thing difficult too. I adore fruit, it's my favourite food, I love apples and pinapples and melon and grapes and mango and, well, basically every kind of fruit. But I do tend to eat it as a snack rather than with meals and so No S is proving a bit difficult. What I'm trying to do to combat it is to add a bit of fruit to my meals, rather than allow it as a snack because I really can eat fruit to excess - I have been known to eat 6 oranges or 5 mangos at a sitting..

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:03 pm
by Starla
Sheepish, you remind me of my father, who used to say oranges had skins to prevent him from eating a dozen at a time!

I love fruit (except for melons), and I eat it as part of my meals. I have an apple or a banana with breakfast, and an orange as part of lunch every day. I frequently eat fresh pineapple on S days. If you eat fruit as part of your meal, it takes up space that could otherwise be used by more fattening food.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:07 pm
by sheepish
Kevin wrote:Who can blame you!

But when it comes down to it, even though it's more nutritious than straight-up sugar and a more complex carbohydrate, fructose is a fairly simple sugar, and at this rate, can you be consuming any veggies??? :)
sheepish wrote:I find the fruit thing difficult too. I adore fruit, it's my favourite food, I love apples and pinapples and melon and grapes and mango and, well, basically every kind of fruit. But I do tend to eat it as a snack rather than with meals and so No S is proving a bit difficult. What I'm trying to do to combat it is to add a bit of fruit to my meals, rather than allow it as a snack because I really can eat fruit to excess - I have been known to eat 6 oranges or 5 mangos at a sitting..
Yes, I consume a lot of veggies too. Though I am vegetarian so that helps! In the UK, we hear a lot about getting your 5 a day - vegetables and/or fruit - which always makes me laugh because I get more like 10 a day..

Starla My dad is also like that.. I think that's where I get it from. I'm an only child but we used to go through 4 fruit bowls worth of fruit in any given week when I was growing up!

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:04 pm
by Dandelion
I prefer vegetables to fruit, especially in winter, but even I miss them sometimes. I just make them part of my meal.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:30 pm
by mimi
I, too, try to eat some fruit and vegetables with every meal...bananas with breakfast, grapes or a clementine with lunch and supper, sometimes applesauce or an apple. I also try to eat a raw carrot cut up with dip at lunch in place of chips. This seems to work for me, and I've done it for so long that I miss my fruit if I don't get it!

Mimi :D