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Back to NoS with a GPS clause ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:13 pm
by FarmerHal
I've been astray, it's true. But here I am and it's not all bad!

I actually started on atkins back Aug 15, and today I'm down 20lbs.
In doing atkins, I discovered I am really intolerant to a few things Grains (wheat, rice, corn, barley, etc), Potatoes (white/sweet), Sweets. And as I have always been, dairy.

Gone is my heartburn, fibromyalgia, pain from spondylitis, allergies (seasonal) swollen feet and legs, headaches, skin discoloration from acanthosis nigricans due to insulin resistance and I have a ton more energy.

This prompted me to read more about grains and sugar especially, how much is in the Standard American Diet (SAD) and how nutrient-void it is!

So now I try to stick to 4 meals a day (Bfast, lunch, snack, dinner) consisting of meat/poultry/fish, veggies, fruit, seeds and nuts. The occasional dairy sneaks in there too but I generally don't digest it very well.

I still have issues with wanting to permasnack so I am trying to stick to the noS principles, but I sure do miss the support and presence of you guys on the board! :)

So here I am, I promise to post mroe and lurk too!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:31 pm
by wosnes
Welcome back and good luck!

Something I find very interesting is that Americans have more issues with intolerances and allergies than people in other parts of the world. I think it's probably due to chemicals used in growing and processing and in our environment -- which haven't typically been used in other parts of the world.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:39 pm
by Dawn
I think you can incorp a lot of "diets" into the No-S framework. Good for you finding something that is so helpful, now toss in a healthy dose of No-S and I met you have a real winner.

Good luck

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:35 pm
by clio
CONGRATULATIONS!! I know you've struggled a lot in the past and it was so nice to read about your good news. I think the beauty of No S is the emphasis on the structure of eating not which foods can or can't eat. I hope you will continue to post and keep us updated on your progress :D