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I'm back again - another introduction

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:00 am
by amylpav22
Hi, everyone and Happy New Year.

I've come to this board a few times before, posted once or twice, and then fell away because I'd fallen off the wagon. Big time.

My weight right now shall I say it?...outrageous. I can tell it's starting to take a toll on me physically. I threw out my back answering the door a few weeks ago and still am feeling the effects. Not good, especially since I'm only going to be 27 in January.

I have two sons now, the eldest will be three in March. His baby brother is four months old. I need to be able to keep up with them. On top of it all, I'm going to school full-time to get my MA in English and teaching certification and am possibly starting a part-time job mid-January.

I need to get in better shape! I also really want to discourage my sons from making bad choices. We're very lucky that our eldest loves fresh fruit and veggies and I want to be more like him than have him emulate me.

And I need support. I admit that my will power in some areas is sorely lacking - when it comes to food, especially sweets, I have next to zero. I grew up in a family where healthy eating was an afterthought (not that my family was bad, just...not informed or disciplined enough) so these are hard habits to break.

I've spent the past year and a half watching my uncle lose over 200 lbs. counting points. Granted, men lose differently than women; if he can do it, however, so can I. Right?

My husband is much better at eating veggies and going for walks than I am; he's also practiced at fasting for religious reasons so he doesn't have the urge to snack like I do...which means he doesn't understand how to be encouraging and supportive (not that he's discouraging, mind you).

We're looking into buying a treadmill for our living room and I got an MP3 player for Christmas that I've loaded all my favorite music on, so I'm hoping to start going for walks soon (that's my preferred method of exercise).

So I'm back. I'm drawn to the No-S Diet because it's not really a diet so much as common sense. Portion control, limiting intake, and discouraging the consumption of junk food are the better way to go...but it also has flexibility to treat myself once in a while, because total abstinence is neither healthy nor reasonable (and often leads to major topples of the wagon).

Do I have a weight-loss goal? Yeah, kind of. But I'm also realistic; with my build I will never, ever be a size 0 or weight 100 lbs. More than weighing X, I'd really just like to fit into a certain size clothes again: 12-18 is my range, with 14-16 being ideal.

Wish me luck!

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:26 pm
by Starla
Welcome! I wish you all the best with No S. I've been doing it since Labor Day. It works; it gets easier, and I think I can do this for the rest of my life. You can DO this!

I highly recommend getting a treadmill. I have one in my spare bedroom, and that's how I exercise. I started on October 7th, one month after starting No S. I started walking five minutes/day, 5 days a week, and I add one minute each week. This week it's up to 17 minutes, but I do more (30 minutes each of the last two nights; I've done up to 50).

The positives about having your own treadmill: it minimizes the time requirement, because there's no travel; it cuts out excuses, because it's always there, and it doesn't matter if all your workout clothes are dirty; it allows you to start at a place that you're comfortable with (there's no way I would have gone to a gym to walk on a treadmill for five minutes). It puts you in complete control of how long and how hard you want to work out.

It sounds as if you have a lot on your plate right now. No S is a simple, rational way to take control of your eating and let you devote your energies to the rest of your life.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:05 pm
by amylpav22

After the my boys go to bed and I get housework done, I tend to sit and watch shows we've recorded on our DVR; I'm thinking putting up the treadmill and watching the shows while I walk guarantees at least 30 minutes of exercise a day; sometimes more since a lot of the programs we watch are an hour long...

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:13 am
by Hunter Gatherer
Welcome back!

The great thing about No-S is it's always ready for returning members. You don't have to go on a special buying-spree or the like, you just say "I'm doing it" and start doing it.

Good luck!

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:50 pm
by wosnes
amylpav22 wrote:Thanks!

After the my boys go to bed and I get housework done, I tend to sit and watch shows we've recorded on our DVR; I'm thinking putting up the treadmill and watching the shows while I walk guarantees at least 30 minutes of exercise a day; sometimes more since a lot of the programs we watch are an hour long...
Joy Bauer from the Today Show had an exercise routine to be done while watching TV (no equipment needed) on the show earlier in the week. Here it is (scroll down). It reminds me of the walking videos without the video. Just a few simple movements and you can pay attention to what's going on and still get extra movement in.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:02 am
by Dandelion
yes, you can do it! Take it a day at a time and come here often for support. We're all in this together :)