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Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:40 pm
by wosnes
I like grapefruit. During the winter when I do have breakfast, grapefruit is usually part of the meal. I'm especially fond of the ruby red grapefruit. But I've noticed something a little strange this year. Most of the ruby red grapefruit I've purchased hasn't been red. Most has been pink, but one bunch I purchased was gold-fleshed -- almost like the skin of the grapefruit.

Anyone else noticed this?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:44 pm
by sheepish
There are three types of grapefruit - red, pink and white. Where I shop, it's always labelled so that you know which you're getting - some people find the white ones too sour. I like all three types but I do like to know which I'm buying because I'm not always in the mood for the really sour white ones.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:52 pm
by wosnes
sheepish wrote:There are three types of grapefruit - red, pink and white. Where I shop, it's always labelled so that you know which you're getting - some people find the white ones too sour. I like all three types but I do like to know which I'm buying because I'm not always in the mood for the really sour white ones.
I'm aware of the different types, but all those I've purchased were supposedly "Ruby Red" -- some were pink and the flesh of others were a gold color.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:26 pm
by lelovelady
It sounds like they got their types crossed ... or else there's been some cross polination of their trees. The golden ones I think are a hybrid ... but they're supposed to be nice and sweet. The lighter pink color of the Ruby Reds I think is because of either soil conditions or waterfall amounts, I can't remember which. I prefer the ruby reds for just straight eating, but like the whites in fruit salad ... they seem to hold up better. The only thing the regular pink ones are good for, in my opinion, are juicing.

As long as they're yummy, I wouldn't worry about it. If you start getting really sour or bitter ones, then you know they're passing off something as a ruby red that's not, and I'd complain.


Oh, and take that with a grain of salt ... I'm doped on cough meds and trying to work from a hazy memory of when I actually researched that about a billion trillion years ago.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:15 pm
by sheepish
wosnes wrote:
sheepish wrote:There are three types of grapefruit - red, pink and white. Where I shop, it's always labelled so that you know which you're getting - some people find the white ones too sour. I like all three types but I do like to know which I'm buying because I'm not always in the mood for the really sour white ones.
I'm aware of the different types, but all those I've purchased were supposedly "Ruby Red" -- some were pink and the flesh of others were a gold color.
Oh, I see, sorry, I completely misread your original post!

I would guess it's a mistake on the part of the growers/labellers then, to be honest.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:18 am
by lelovelady
Okay, and because it was annoying me, I did go and do research and look it up. The lighter pink color is caused by vagarieties in growing temperatures and locations. So, depending on where you live, and where your grapefruits were shipped from, that's the likely culprit.

And I was right about the golden one ... it's a hybrid. Depending again on where it came from, it may be intentional or unintentional. As long as it tastes good (and it seems many of the hybrids actually have a slightly sweeter taste) I wouldn't worry about it too much.

If you start seeing really light pink or white flesh, then you'll know they're mislabeling their produce, and that's a whole different matter.

Happy grapefruit eating!

Laura L.