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Newbie from Florida, that's tried them all!!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:17 pm
by love my whippets
SOOO happy to have found this program. Started a week ago and have to say this might be the easiest program ever. I'm 62 and have tried many weight loss programs and diet aids, and always gain the 25 to 30 lbs back, quickly. I'm really trying to do this for health and started yoga this past week on my wii, and love that too. Many years ago when I was young, my mother never let me snack between meals unless it was a piece of fruit, we never had a lot of money and never bought junk foods. Needless to say we were all thin even my parents. Ate 3 squares only, maybe on Sundays she would make a cake, pie or cookies. We never had any portion control so at meals we ate hardy. So it wasn't till I grew up and went to work and all my work buddies start munching before lunch, after lunch, than I snacked before dinner and after. So it really makes total sense that I was going to gain a lot of weight. Even on my diets most consisted of snacking, and depriving my self of the things I wanted to eat during a meal. This I have to say is a God sent. One week in, I feel better, started to more exercise and really don't crave snacks to much. If I do I make myself a cup of a flavored tea and that gets me through. I want to loose 30 lbs and stay there.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:51 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Welcome! Good luck and I'm sure you will enjoy NoS and succeed at meeting your goal, and this time sticking with the plan long term.
I didn't have snacks or sweets as a young kid either and was very thin then.
Only once I hit my teens and started having less structured meals with my family, did all those poor habits and emotional eating, get the worst of me.
It was okay till I got into my thirties when my metabolism changed radically, and then I started to have real weight problems.
NoS is a Godsend indeed! I am going very slowly with weight loss these days, but when I do all parts of the equation (NoS, daily exercise, and no night time eating) I lose weight. I can't even *imagine* trying to do a crash diet or anything like that at this point.
Keep up the good work!
8) Debs

Thanks for the encourgement!!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:01 pm
by love my whippets
Thanks Deb, I really could use that. It's nice to know there are other people doing this with me, and not having to go to meetings and weigh in, and also spending a fortune on special foods to buy from some of the other diets out there. What happens to those people when their meals stop getting delivered to them? Also what have they learned?? This is the way to go. I was on low carbs seems like forever and thought at times I would kill for a piece of bakery bread. Now when I have a dinner once in a while I'll have a piece of bread if I'm not loading on a lot of other carbs and think it's dessert. Gotta love this

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:03 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Hi, and welcome to No-S! We're a nice bunch of folks here. Most of us have been through many different diets, lost weight, gained it back, etc. So you have found a good home with us. Hope to see you on the board often!

Thanks Jammin Jan

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:11 am
by love my whippets
Thanks for the encourgement. It's the S weekend and I've only had one small treat last night, a small piece of nut roll I made a week ago. I haven't even been hungry for a snack, or even had seconds. This is great!!! Now I will concentrate on eating better as well. I already have an artery problem and need to eat better fats when I have them. I'm looking forward to a snack in about an hour and it's going to be a pear with a cup of flavored green tea. Actually been craving fruit so I'm going to have it with my dinner at night. Other than that it's great.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:22 am
by Jammin' Jan

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:37 pm
by mrsj
Love my whippets, do you have whippets? (a little silly question) How many?

It sounds like you've found what works for you. Congratulations!

You must get a lot of excersize with your whippets. I do love sight hounds!

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:11 am
by Hunter Gatherer

It's definitely possible to lose 30 # on this diet, I've done it myself. Although I must warn you it can be slow. This isn't quick-loss, but it is sustainable and fairly steady. You do hit the occasional plateau, and the less weight you have to lose the slower it seems to go (although that may be an observer-based problem :roll: )


Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:01 pm
by love my whippets
MrsJ, yes I do have two whippets, and no I get no execise from them at all. The younger one has a blood disorder and the other hates other dogs, they have been attacked by a springer spaniel, what a surprise that was.So now we take car rides and they run in the back yard. I should play with them more when they are outside. But they just run a round a couple of times and that's the end. They are major couch potatoes.
My program has bummed me out for the last couple of days, like Hunter Gather said this could be a slow go. So with that I'm not getting to depressed. Have been working out everyday so maybe I'm betting a muscle or two. lol :lol: Oh well keep plugging along. I'm giving this a try for a year, a month at a time. This weight gain did not happen in just two weeks.