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Not to fear

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:32 am
by navin
I wouldn't worry about going overboard on S-days that much. Heck, I do all the time, and I'm sitll not doing that badly... (down 21 lbs since a year and a half ago. I've plateu-ed a little, but that's because they took away my fun Friday group cycling class at the gym... :x )

But seriously, think the law of averages. If you are good for 5 days and only bad 2, you will come out ahead. Really I've found that just keeping the *number* of S-days under control is most important.... this is especially true around holiday times and such (e.g., make Thanksgiving Thursday an S day, but not the Friday after, etc.)

Get your habits down first, such that the non-S days become routine and not that painful. Then if you still feel it necessary, you can work on getting the S-days under control.

There's my two cents, plus taxes and inflation.

argh - supposed to be a reply to jakmaw's message

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:34 am
by navin
getting the hang of these new forums, accidentally hit "New Topic" instead of "Reply". Oh well, y'all will figure it out. :)

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:38 pm
by reinhard
Hi, navin. No worries about the "new topic." I'll stick a link to this on the original thread. This confirms my experience. "Weekend worry" seems to be mostly hypothetical. Pretty much everyone I've heard from who succeeded doesn't worry, and most people who have fallen off can't even keep the weekdays.