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Fourth Meal

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:18 am
by Brent_Corkins
Hi! I was just wandering if anyone has added a fourth meal to your day. Considering I am pre-diabetic and I Have a really long period between the time I eat lunch and get home to eat dinner. I drive a delivery route for a furniture company . My deliveries are set up between 9-12 and 1-5 . so I am facing 6-7 hours at a time between meals. I considered Protein or Zone bars, I settled on fiber one bars. They are a little sweet like. So I will find a better alternative. But wasn't thinking when I bought them and a I hate to waste. Anyone else had the same problem or had to do the same?

Today's Meals

A bowl of Raisin Bran and OJ

Turkey Sandwich , a apple @ yogurt

Fiber one bar

Double turkey cheeseburger on whole wheat with pretty much a salad on top.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:33 am
by wosnes
You're not eating much at your meals! I'm a not extremely active older, smaller woman and I eat about the same amount at breakfast (when I eat it) and lunch as you. My dinners are smaller, though.

Before adding a fourth meal, consider eating more at your meals. I'd ditch the fiber bars, they're not as healthy as we're encouraged to believe.

Re: Fourth Meal

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:58 pm
by BrightAngel
Brent_Corkins wrote:I was just wandering if anyone has added a fourth meal to your day.
I am facing 6-7 hours at a time between meals.
Anyone else had the same problem or had to do the same?
There are many forum members who have made the choice to add a very small 4th meal.
It is an individual matter, but those who have had success with this,
make that 4th meal very small, like a stick of string cheese and/or an apple or some thing similiar,
and do not consider that 4th meal a "snack".

If you do not consider a meal replacement bar, like a Zone bar or a Fiber-one bar to be a Sweet;
if you are always able to limit them to one;
and if you aren't really into "natural" or unprocessed foods,
there's really no reason why you can't choose to eat one at any mealtime.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:19 pm
by J Ellis
That's a lot of sugar in your first meal. If you're pre-diabetic, it is important to control (not necessarily eliminate) carbs, especially the refined variety.

You may find that adding more protein to your meals keeps you satisfied longer making a fourth meal unnecessary.


4th meal

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:03 pm
by burnnotice
When I take night classes, I do not get home until 11 PM. I try to eat a small dinner around 5 (typically sandwich/fruit), then at home I allow myself another small 'dinner' which is usually toast with PB, or maybe yogurt with fruit. I wish I could just go to bed, but usually I need at least an hour to unwind before trying to fall asleep.

I think for this sort of situation, you have to be careful. I would envision it is more of a crafted event splitting the amount of food from one usual meal into 2 timed events This sort of modification takes a lot of thought & preparation.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:31 am
by oolala53
Remember, too, that you can drink milk. I'm finding that it makes a big difference for long hauls. It takes awhile to kick in but 8 oz. of 2% or higher fat can tide me over an hour or two. I often make a cafe au lait, heavy on the lait, sometimes with 2 t. cocoa powder and a smidgeon of stevia. Esp. nice in cold weather.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:12 pm
by Dandelion
The same thought occurred to me as to Joel. That is a lot of sugar, not just in the first meal, but in all of them, especially for someone who's pre-diabetic. You may need a fourth meal, but I'd revamp the meals first to eliminate sugar - including sugary/carby bars - add more natural fats and good protein sources and go from there.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:01 pm
by Who Me?
On workdays, I allow myself the option of a small meal at 11am.

My rule is that it *has* to be really healthy food, and I can only have the meal if I'm genuinely hungry. My job is very physical, and we all take this little break. Everyone eats a little something, and everyone is slim.