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Losing Weight!

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:01 pm
by RJLupin
I have now been on No S for two weeks. Around Thursday, I hopped on the scale and was let down because it said I hadn't lost anything. However, over the past couple of days I have noticed that my clothes are definitely looser (my jeans, which I had to suck in to do up a couple of weeks ago now slide on easily) and a friend said I looked as though I had lost weight. I definitely "feel" thinner than I did. I will weigh again tomorrow, but even if the scale still hasn't moved I am somehow smaller than I was.

I am still really happy with No S. I don't feel like I am "on a diet" and I haven't had any problems sticking with it, going out to eat, or anything. I have kind of lost my taste for snack foods and goodies, and even on my S days this weekend, I only had a few potato chips and part of a macaroon and felt satisfied; my binging on junk seems to be a thing of the past.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:49 pm
by gemma52
I SO agree with you about this not feeling like a diet. I have been on the programme for 5 weeks lost a couple of kgs and then seem to have have put them back on. All this inspite of only one "red day" and walking 5/6 days a week . However I am committed as it is early days !
Lets focus on how good it feels NOT to be "on a diet "
Good luck !

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:56 pm
by marygrace
Congrats! I always go by the jeans. It's really the only thing that matters, I think. And having someone else notice is pretty much the best compliment ever when you're working towards losing weight. Over Christmas when I saw my dad, he pointed out that I looked like I GAINED weight (who says things like that? He really thought it was a fine thing to say to his 23 year old daughter). Hopefully next time I see him he'll say the opposite.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:22 pm
by oliviamanda
Why do we have to use the scale as our barometer? My scale has not budged in months, BUT I have had to buy new pants and jeans. I have lost 2 dress sizes since rebooting my No S committment and exercising. I just know that if I wasn't doing No S that the scale would be up way more than it is.

5 Pounds Gone!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:21 pm
by RJLupin
I finally weighed today after 2 weeks, and 5 pounds gone! It was a piece of cake, and I never felt deprived. Can't wait to see how I am doing in a few months.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:23 pm
by Too solid flesh
oliviamanda wrote:I have had to buy new pants and jeans. I have lost 2 dress sizes since rebooting my No S committment and exercising.
RJLupin wrote:I finally weighed today after 2 weeks, and 5 pounds gone! It was a piece of cake, and I never felt deprived.
Congratulations, oliviamanda and RJLupin! Those are wonderful pieces of news.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:08 pm
by RJLupin
Yeah, I am stoked. My pants feel a lot looser, and I think I even LOOK a little thinner. I will weigh again in two weeks.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:04 am
by jbla
The scale isn't the best barometer. If you're exercising at all, it's very easy to remain at one constant weight (or even gain it in some cases) by putting on muscle as you're losing fat. Inches are a much better way to go :)

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:58 am
by Cassie
I agree that the scales are not the best way to judge this. I should listen to my own advice, I'm a weighing-myself addict... I would suggest limiting the weighing to once a month.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:05 pm
by bizzybee
Had to jump in the Happy thread. I restarted a week ago and have been tracking on a blog. I lost 7 pounds this week! It's certainly encouraging, I'll try to remember it when I lose nothing for a couple of weeks down the road.

losing girth, not weight so much

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:04 pm
by leannamcg
Hello, I've been doing No-S since the beginning of January and despite the fact that I can tell a difference in the way my clothes fit, I've only lost a total of 5 pounds. Now if I had increased my exercise or started lifting more weights, I would understand it's muscle, but I haven't. So I don't really get that...but I guess it doesn't matter...size matters not weight...and I can tell I'm getting smaller. Probably even more importantly, I feel a tremendous sense of freedom. I am no longer wasting energy on fretting about what I should or should not eat. My guilty feelings for the most part are gone. I thought I was doomed to a lifetime of grilled chicken and food journals. Whatever happens with the scale, I know this is a better way.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:25 pm
by oolala53
Glad to hear you say that about thinking the freedom is worth more than the scale report. Let's all give this some time! A few weeks is no time to judge because the changes have more to do with decreasing appetite over a period of time. Reinhard talks about hundreds of meals, not twenty. And chemically, it makes sense, too. Be confident that your body is changing important chemical levels that are going to make it easier over time to tolerate gaps between means and less rich food less often. In fact, it will want those things. But the changes happen over months and years, not weeks. It's a diet attitude to judge after a few weeks. Promise yourself you will stick around and tell us what's important after 12 or 24 weeks. And I promise I'll see you here, but on the 21 day thread.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:28 pm
by oolala53
Forgot to add I've got on a pair of pants that two weeks ago I couldn't sit down in. They're still not comfortable enough to wear out, but I bet they will be two weeks from now. And I won't care what I weigh, if they fit.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:27 pm
by RJLupin
Yeah, my pants were the first thing that changed. I had some that a few weeks ago would barely zip up, but now they are getting loose. I also noticed that I have less flab around my midsection.