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My "dream diet"

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 3:27 pm
by Beth
It is funny how things work out... I was cleaning up my desk here at work, and came across a little brainstorm session of mine where I listed the properties of what would be a "Dream Diet" for me:
1. Eat when I am hungry, and eat to satisfaction
2. Eat what I want to eat- no food is restricted
3. Inexpensive way of eating
4. No point/calorie/fat gram/carb gram/whatever counting to do

Those are the things in a diet that would keep me on it for a lifetime/be incredibly easy to maintain. In the past, I would look at that list and say "Hey no way could I lose weight on an eating program that meets those 4 requirements, that would just be too good to be true".
Well, it is true. It's called No-S Diet....
The hardest parts:
1. Trying to be patient and let the weight loss part come. But the way I see this, well it is better than not doing ANYTHING and continuing to gain weight. Plus- it's not like I have some major event coming up in the next year or so, what's the rush then?
2.To have faith in my body to know what to do (let go of the weight). This part is so hard, I lost faith in my body a long time ago for many reasons (ie the ability to get pg after years of trying- which, as you see in my siggy finally caught up with me and then some), is is hard to just let go and realize my body wants to lose the weight and will lose the weight down to my optimum weight if I let it do what it already knows to do!

Anyway, that is all. I think I am going to look into shovelglove and urban ranger for activity- it looks like those are doable ways of getting activity into my life...

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 3:59 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Hey Beth,

Looks like you found a home! A diet home, that is.

Patience is really a good thing. If you lost whatever weight you need to lose really quickly, your skin would get all baggy and saggy. If weight loss happens slowly, then the skin has a chance to keep up. Plus, you develop the habits you need to last a lifetime.

Your twins are so precious! Congratulations!!!


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:22 am
by reinhard
That is very funny. It's really not such a jump from your dream criteria to no-s. It's just a slightly more concrete reformulation. As for patience, just remember: it went out of fashion about the same time as everyone started getting fat. Coincidence?

Your new, uncomplicated pleasure in eating should make the wait for results somewhat more bearable, along with the confidence that, however slow to come, they'll be maintainable. Maintenance is the whole trick. Maintain your pounds away. The hard part is all up front, a matter of weeks till you've got the habit down. Then you've got (as far as eating is concerned) a whole life of happy ease. How much better this is than the other way around!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:56 pm
by JWL
I definitely recommend some sort of activity for health (which for so many of us also entails weight loss). Shovelglove and Urban Ranger are both ideal, as they don't involve going to a gym, expensive gear, or whatnot. They are easy to do, and are very, very effective.

As my doctor told me once: weight loss is a simple equation of input vs. output. If you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. So you have to get your food intake under control (No-S), and then increase your activity (Urban Ranger and Shovelglove).

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:51 pm
by deeyala F
quoting after u...

.To have faith in my body to know what to do (let go of the weight). This part is so hard, I lost faith in my body a long time ago for many reasons (ie the ability to get pg after years of trying- which, as you see in my siggy finally caught up with me and then some),

hey, beth.. NEVER lose faith in ur body... having those AWESOME , ADORABLE kids should tell u more about ur body and how ur systems work... see this: ur body produces wonders but it just needs some time :lol: