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hello everybody! i'm new!

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:22 pm
by cescadarling
i want to introduce myself... i stumbled upon the no s diet yesterday, and i am beginning today.
i am 32 years old and been hovering about 15 lbs above my ideal weight almost my entire adult life.
i have done and tried it all. even phen/fen! wow, i got really thin and felt like i was having a heart attack for three months. my poor little heart.
i would describe myself as addicted to certain foods... once i start, i can't stop.
i am 5'2" and i'm pretty sure i weigh around 135. who knows? i don't have a scale. i am in pretty good shape and looking to eat in a normal and moderate way... instead of this "all or nothing" mentality i have had my whole life. if some weight comes off, great. i just want to learn a better way of eating.

it is nice to meet you all!

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:39 pm
by Too solid flesh
Welcome, cescadarling!

Re: hello everybody! i'm new!

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:57 pm
by marygrace
Welcome! It's great you found NoS. With it, you will come to develop a saner approach to eating that's healthier for your mind and body than any kind of diet mentality.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:00 pm
by dmarie710
welcome to the group. Glad to have you join us.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:52 pm
by MarieDe
Hi, I'm new too! And I'm 4'11' (and 118 lbs), so I know how frustrating it can be trying to lose weight when you're smaller built-so little leeway in terms of daily calories. But for me it's extra-challenging, because I am disabled (CP), so my exercise options are really limited.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:32 pm
by sincitylulu
Hello and Welcome! I am 5'2" as well but I am maintaining with No S.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:42 pm
by cescadarling
glad to see there are some other shorties :)
maybe we can have a little group of petite gals to help support each other! i am on my second day and feeling good and much more in control. food just tastes so much better when you're hungry! and when i eat only when i am hungry, i don't feel guilt and it helps break the cycle of overeating... at least for me!
best of luck to all of you!

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:40 pm
by MarieDe
Yep, we should start a "short nosers club"! LOL I started a thread about this called "Being Vertically Challenged". Was trying to be funny :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:20 am
by Aleria
Good luck! Though I have to say, I'm 5'2" myself and I'd kill to be 135!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:00 am
by wosnes
I'm 5'3" and 135 is a pretty good weight for me.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:18 am
by NoelFigart
I'm 5'2".

135-145 is my fighting weight. (Seriously. When I dropped below it, I'd lose in Karate tournaments, when I went above that, I didn't have the wind to win).

You CAN pick a weight and get to that weight, but staying there might be a part time job. I'm not knocking it if that's what you want to do and it's really important to you, mind.

What vanilla No-S (No S without modifications) will do for you is show you what's a "natural" weight for you when you've gotten rid of the genuine excess.

That said, if you're looking at Our Founder and noticing that he's quite lean, remember several things:

A) He started this young, male and not a yo-yo dieter.

B) By his own claims, he walks about an hour and a half a day

C) He does an extra 14 minutes a week day of strength building work.

It's not like he doesn't get a LOT of exercise to stay lean. He's just found a way that's quite unobtrusive to him to do so.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:50 pm
by BrightAngel
NoelFigart wrote:What vanilla No-S (No S without modifications) will do for you
is show you what's a "natural" weight for you
when you've gotten rid of the genuine excess.

Iif you're looking at Our Founder and noticing that he's quite lean,
remember several things:

A) He started this young, male ...(about 6 ft tall ?)... and not a yo-yo dieter.
B) By his own claims, he walks about an hour and a half a day
C) He does an extra 14 minutes a week day of strength building work.
Excellent Points to Remember.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:11 pm
by sophiasapientia
Excellent list!

I would add to it that the founder uses a "dietary default" for lunch on most N Days -- optimized oatmeal -- which I'm guessing is a "lighter" option when compared to most standard lunch fare.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:36 pm
by cescadarling
it is great to get so much feedback! thank you!
i also love knowing what other women consider their "fighting weights"... especially petite ones! does anyone remember that insane guideline that stated "100 lbs for the first 5 feet and add 5 lbs for each inch thereafter"????
i spent my teens thinking i should weigh 110 lbs!! i also work in the entertainment industry in los angeles where i am considered "curvy" and on the bigger side... people here have been conditioned to believe that any size above a 2 is not small enough!
i am doing no s simply to allow my body to find its natural place.
i have spent most of my life snacking excessively (an entire box of cheez-its over the course of a day), eating until i am stuffed at meals, etc. i feel okay at the weight i am now, but i do not feel good. i want to feel good. i deserve to feel good. i am not settling for okay. the thing is, when i eat when i am hungry and not to the point of excess, i feel good. that is why no s resonated with me. i am hoping that a bit of weight comes off. but honestly, i am not all that concerned about it. whatever weight my body settles at through normal eating following no s is good by me.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:58 pm
by wosnes
cescadarling wrote:does anyone remember that insane guideline that stated "100 lbs for the first 5 feet and add 5 lbs for each inch thereafter"????
I remember that, but the version I heard was +/- 10% based on bone structure, etc. I think it's a good general guideline, though not perfect for all of us. I'm 5'3" and therefore my ideal weight would be 115 -- but I'd shoot towards the higher end of the range. However, being older and somewhat limited in my ability to be active and not willing to starve myself -- I'm happy at about 135.

I've also seen some that are significantly lower recommendations than that, too. Those I think are way off base.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:43 am
by oolala53
cescadarling, you have hit gold here. Just BELIEVE in this, embrace it, surrender to it, and you will miss out on years and years of heartache, self-doubt, self-flagellation and possible weight gain while achieving the body you are most likely supposed to have. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I probably wouldn't have believed Glenda if she had given me this wisdom way back when, but I hope you do. Use No S to learn to eat moderately every day and avoid all the insanity that the regimented programs almost inevitably produce, robbing people, but mostly women, of peace of mind for YEARS of their lives.

Ack! with regard to the 100 + 5 per inch. I haven't weighed that since I was a freshman in high school and doubt I will again until the cancer gets me.

I am 5' 6" and would be ECSTATIC, I think, to ever get back to 145. I think it's more likely I will have to live just inside my "normal" BMI range, at 154.
I'm at 175 right now and whittled my way several years ago to hovering around 160, so even 154 might be too idealistic. But, I just ranted on another thread about how much I'm overeating on S days, AND I haven't incorporated consistent exercise.

Damn, I'm kinda bummed to hear that Reinhard can and does fit in 90 minutes a day of walking. I thought it was under an hour. That is not going to happen in my life, at least not with the job I have. Oh, well.

Anyway, you are right now in the normal BMI range. If you just stay there, as years go by, you are going to become slimmer and slimmer in relation to your peers.

If there's anything else I wish I had accepted earlier, it is that it is really worth putting the time and effort in to move consistently. As others have said, Reinhard walks (now runs, I believe) and uses a weight for 14 minutes a day. Humans are supposed to walk and to put forth brief amounts of great effort consistently. You may have other activities you like, but make sure you move briskly consistently and with intense, brief exertion some of the time. That's not official No S, but consistent movement reinforces moderate eating and peace of mind.

Keep up with us! We're glad to have you.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:04 am
by dmarie710
That is truly wise advise oolala53. If I could have heard this years ago, my life may have been more focused on what matters and less on what doesn't (being skinny). Thank You for the reminder.