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So incredibly disappointed in myself (Vent)

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:53 pm
by FarmerHal
Here's my disclaimer: You do not have to read this but I am just very upset and need to get it out...

Just what the title says. I have GAINED back up to 230. I am so disgusted.
I am SO tired of this weight issue being lifelong struggle. 33 years of struggling with weight.

I look hideosly fat. My face is puffy, my body is all out of proportion and DH comes home from his 14 month deployment in 7 days and I've no chance to get back even to my old 'fat' weight of 218 where at least my clothes fit me. Everything is tight and I look awful.

:oops: I am apparently incredibly sensitive to carbs. If I eat very low carb, then I can at least maintain at the weight where my clothes still fit.
I am so sad and upset. I worked so very hard to lose weight- and I had lost 22 lbs down to 213 and they are back in a flash- in about 2 months time :(

I have one talent of packing weight on amazingly fast.
Just venting but I really loathe myself right now!

I do have a dr. appt today and going to talk with her about it.

Thanks for listening if you made it this far.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:53 pm
by Too solid flesh
I'm sorry that you're having such a difficult time, Tiffani. You have been coping with very difficult circumstances, looking after young children single handed while worrying about your husband's safety.

I am sure that your husband will just be delighted to get home to you and the children.