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It's so hard!

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:08 pm
by planner lady
I don't mean NOS, specifically -- I mean having an eating plan. I started working part-time about five weeks ago and I can't believe how much food there is in the office all the time and everybody seems to be eating eating all the time -- except me. I have found that since I started working again, it's much easier not to eat in the afternoon. That was my major problem area before. It also could be easier not to eat after dinner because we're eating dinner later now (I just need to decide not to - I'm not hungry -- it's just a long-time habit). But it's hard not to eat between meals or eat sweets when it seems like everyone else is. I know the "high road" is always harder but pays the biggest dividends. It's just hard to keep from having the "poor me" mentality. Anyone else deal with this successfully? And just for the record, I am not commited to doing NOS yet although I have been playing around with it for months. I lost weight on Weight Watchers and tend to drift back to that because it is familiar and allows me to eat anything and whenever. But those are the very things that get me in trouble. My gut feeling is that I need the structure of NOS but I just can't make the commitment. Either way, NOS or WW, the struggle is the same -- my eating habits go against the grain of society. How do I deal with this?



Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:57 pm
by Kevin
You're right, it's hard, but only for a few weeks, and then only occasionally after that. And I can tell you carrying around the extra weight is harder.

You start by taking one breakfast to lunch period, no more. Then one lunch to dinner period. Then overnight. Bam, day 1 is done.

When you're on habit and losing weight, it'll be "poor them", not "poor me."

One six hour commitment isn't too much, is it? One day? One week? It's not forever. It's just until the weekend. :0)

You can do it.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 1:20 am
by Jammin' Jan
Yes, it's hard in the beginning. But everytime you stay on plan in the face of temptation, you become a stronger person. And the stronger you become, the easier it gets.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:01 am
by silverfish
And sometimes you can work around it - when I know we are going to have a big morning tea at work, I call it a late breakfast and just eat savouries.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:37 pm
by Sandy
Hi, this is the easiest and most natural way of eating I have ever experienced. I have been committed to this way since the end of September. You could incorporate WW way of eating at your three meals which would make them healthy. It definately becomes a habit to eat three meals with no snacks. You feel better, you sleep better and you have more energy.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:27 pm
by carolejo
I'd also agree with Sandy. This is actually much easier than most other ways to eat. Once I came to realise that 'just because I can't have it today, doesn't mean I can't have it this weekend' and also realised that there is no way that I should be having a treat every single day without working for it, then this becomes a very natural and sensible way to do things. Yes, it takes some getting used to. Yes, I still regularly break the rules (in some fashion pretty much at least once a week!) but I'm also losing weight, getting fitter and feeling much better. I don't care if it's not perfect. I don't care if it's slow. The important thing is that I know I'll never re-gain it all, whilst I stick with NoS. AND I know I can stick with NoS for the rest of my life because it brings me peace.


WW / No S

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:14 pm
by MerryKat
I have tried amalgamating WW and No S and I found that I ended up following the WW (eat when every, just stick to points - which I never counted properly) more than the No S.

I am now trying the No S by itself and using the 6 hour targets by drinking lots of water and herbal tea.

It is such a feeling of achievement when I have 3 meal day that it really is worth it.