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Jumping in with both feet!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:04 pm
by desertmom
Hello! I'm 36, mother of four and I'm finally ready to dive into no S :) I read about it several years ago, thought it was great, failed a few times, went the rounds with Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach and general calorie counting. And now I've decided I'm over all of that, and I'm ready for some sanity.

I will say that Weight Watchers taught me a couple valuable things: I learned finally what it felt like to be hungry between meals and not die AND I realized that my stomach naturally accommodates less when I eat less. My problem is grazing all day and yet, never being satisfied. Weight Watchers did work, but the insanity of monitoring my every bite and calculating points has recently just sent me over the edge. I anticipate that No S will give me the benefits of feeling both hungry and satisfied and also give my poor stretched out stomach a chance to become what nature intended (not the bottomless pit it had become).

I'm not far from my ideal weight, but I'm tired of hating my body and doing that mental and emotional math over ever stinkin' bite. So, I'm here to find balance and sanity. I think the rules will be great for me. I've overcome other bad habits in the past with behavior rules as well, so I'm very hopeful. I look forward to getting to know you!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:49 pm
by idontknow
Hi Desertmom,
As I've said in other posts - this is my 2nd attempt at no s. I failed last time and reverted to ww. WW is brilliant for teaching you about portion sizes and how much you really need to eat. However, like you I got fed up with counting points constantly, but also with feeling like I had to control everything I ate. Not knowing the points in a food made me blow the whole day. And once I'd got to my goal weight I just went back to my old ways....
I'm in my second week of no s and feel like I'm doing really well. I've tried to combine the ww portion sizes with the habits of no s and haven't found it too hard at all. The most difficult time for me is between 4pm and 7pm - I have to work really hard to distract myself from eating at this time.
The bulletin boards are great - there is loads of advice, support and encouragement. Good luck with everything - I hope this works for you. :D

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 5:36 pm
by desertmom
Thank you for the welcome! Afternoons are hard for me, too. I have stay away from the kitchen as much as possible during those times to keep my mind off of snacking. Easier said than done when you have to make a family dinner!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 6:46 pm
by oolala53
I think you are going to enjoy this process here. Welcome back. I'm not at the point at which I think I've got this down, but I'm 4 months into mostly green N days. It took me 14 months to come around. I learned a lot at WW years ago, too, and many of my meals are similar to ones I ate there. I was never into the low fat, no sugar stuff even when there.

I have a hard time being home much more before dinner. (Single woman.) I cook a lot ahead of time and heat and add sauces. If it's really hard, I have a cup of broth. That tides me over without chewing or taking my hunger away too much so that I don't enjoy my meal.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:30 am
by lbb (Liz)
good luck on the "no s"!
i'm new at this too and we can do this!
it IS hard feeding a family and being in the kitchen all the time (at least I feel like I am).
it's esp. hard when they want snacks around 4pmish!
keep it up and keep us posted!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:42 pm
by Cassie
Desertmom, wanted to welcome you & see how you're doing one month in the NoS way of eating? Good luck...hope it's been going well.