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Umpteenth attempt

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:03 pm
by Bunny88

Is there anybody out there who has had to try this diet multiple times before it sticks?

I did it once, and it worked beautifully, then a lot of external circumstances caused me to lose my drive to keep up the good work. Ever since then I've tried a few times and it never stuck like the first time. Now I'm the fattest I've ever been, and haven't been able to lose. I can't even lose five pounds. I feel horrible about myself all of the time--I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror or see old friends anymore because I am so ugly.

I am trying AGAIN, for the umpteenth time. Somehow I don't want to give up, because No S seems to be the most sensible diet I've dealt with in a long time (and I've tried a bunch). Giving up means accepting this ugly shell of a body that traps me and I'm not willing to do that yet. I'm just scared of failing, because I've failed so many times. It just seems like something pops up in my life or work and I can't hold everything together to stay on track.

If anybody has had issues sticking with No S and has some wisdom to share let me know. I'd really appreciate it.



Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:23 am
by Mrs. Toast
Hi Bunny,

I've had issues with sticking to No S and I've had to try it multiple times, and to be honest it's still a work in progress, but I'm doing pretty good this time around. My biggest issue is that I get impatient, weigh myself too often, prematurely decide to quit before I've really given it a chance. When I've stopped No S in the past it was to give low carb yet another try, which although there's an initial result, I've just grown tired of counting carbs, and I resent how it interferes with normal life.

But there's another thing in your post that I think is the bigger issue, which is that you are being REALLY hard on yourself, and that you are putting off doing things/seeing people because you are unhappy about the weight. I know how you feel, I've done it too.

My best advice is that you have to live life now, not decide to when you lose the weight. Life doesn't have to be so dreary just because you are not at the weight you want to be. Go do something to bring your spirits up- some self-care, like a new haircut and/or new outfit, something that makes you feel better. So you're not at the size you want to be right now, if you stick with No S, you will be, but you can choose how you want to get there- enjoy the ride or hide in a cave and lose touch with your friends, you decide.

Well, best of luck to you. One thing that is helping this time around for me is that I added exercise, and it is making a difference.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:38 am
by kccc
You are not alone. In fact, if you read through the website or book, Reinhard acknowledges that it takes most people multiple tries before they succeed. That's VERY normal.

The trick is not to give up, and to get back on the wagon as fast as you can. If you mess up, don't wait until next week to start again. If you can, don't even wait until tomorrow! Just pick up from that moment, and keep the REST of the day green.

I also agree with tlang313 that you are being unduly harsh in your assessment of the situation. Please be gentle with yourself - you deserve it. Try to be your best coach instead of your worst critic. As counter-intuitive as it may sound when you're in the "I just need to try harder, and I'm awful because I can't" mindset, you are MORE likely to succeed if you can treat yourself with kindness and acknowledge every incremental success!

Best wishes.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:34 am
by mrsj
Bunny, I'm also where you are now. I hate the sight of myself. Some days I'm really motivated and other days I just want to quit. I want to be skinny yesterday!

I haven't shrunk very much YET, but with new healthier habits something has to happen.

What helps me is to take one day at a time. I don't think about how I'll do tomorrow, just today.

It also helps to keep busy doing something, anything that makes it almost impossible to eat at the same time. A lot of my hunger is mental, not physical. Sometimes boredom, sometimes because things aren't going my way.

Yes, I have red days. I just "take it on the chin" and move on. The sun WILL rise tomorrow!

Welcome back and Happy Shrinking!

Another Try

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:56 pm
by indy920
Hello, Everybody.

I think this is my 5th or 6th time around with the No-S Diet, but that may just be a conservative figure. I have looked at different diet (eating plans) and tried a few as well. To me, nothing is as doable and realistic as the No-S diet. I think that one begins to struggle if they decide to announce that they are on the No-S diet before spending at least 2 weeks getting used to the program and building up a small success.

I usually do better with goals when I make a personal committment to self and let others make notice of any changes in their own time.

My suggestion is to anyone who is a 2nd timer or more on No-S is to use the Habitcal to track your progress and reveal your secret only after you have committed yourself enough that quitting looks less and less attractive. This will be my approach at least.

Hope everyone accomplishes their goals. :D

Current Weight: 185 Goal Weight: 165

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:21 pm
by DaveMc
Another vote in favour of going easy on yourself, from me. This is hard stuff, and beating yourself up about failures will only make it harder -- try to let go of that, if you can. (Easier said than done, I realize.)

To focus on the positive: you said you've already done NoS successfully, in the past? That means you can do it again! As others have pointed out, it's very normal for it to take multiple attempts before a long-term/permanent change in eating habits will stick. Take a look at this, from the main NoS page:
Sometimes it takes a false start (or 12)

Some people, like me, get No S the first time they try it. It works and it sticks. But most people have a bit more trouble than that. In fact, you might do best if you assume you'll screw up the first time, so you don't get too discouraged. Consider it a reconnaissance mission, a trial run, just to feel out how hard it's going to be and where problems are going to arise. If the enemy, appetite, turns out to be such a chump that your reconnaissance mission routs him, great, you've succeeded. It might be that easy, you won't know until you try. If not, you've learned more about him, where he's likely to ambush you. You're stronger, better prepared for next time. Don't feel stupid for trying and failing. Success is the sum of many failures. This isn't just pep talk. According to a recent article I was pointed to (thanks, Valerie):

Studies show that altering eating habits for good requires 10 to 12 concerted attempts to succeed - which is to say about a dozen failures come before the eventual success. "That's not reason to despair," said John Norcross, professor of psychology at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania and a researcher on self-initiated change. "If anything, it's reason to say, 'I'm not doing so bad.' "
So quit dawdling and get some failures under your belt!

Need something more inspirational than another pseudostatistic? Try Winston Churchill: "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
You're back here, which means you haven't given up -- good for you! Do feel free to keep checking in here, as much as you need, we can be very encouraging around here. One of these times, you'll make it over that hump to where the habits are just natural, rather than something you need to struggle to maintain, and when that happens, you won't need to fight to keep on track in the face of other life issues. You've done the most important thing by trying again.

Best of luck! We're rooting for you.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 12:17 am
by Bunny88
Thanks all! First day down, not too bad.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:30 am
by oolala53
Oh, good Lord, my first tries were in the fall of 2008. I finally made it to three weeks on plan just before Thanksgiving. Then everything went to hell for all but a few weeks for 13 months! Then I just got scared that I was going to binge for the rest of my life. I've had mostly green N days since January, but have lost only 10 lbs. and keep fluctuating. I know whatever tweaking I do will still basically be No S because I think the 3-meal-a-day structure is key.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:56 am
by Murphysraven
I'm another member who has fallen off the nos bandwagon many times. I keep coming back to nos and each time it seems a little easier.

All I can say is don't give up! If it takes 1 try or 100 tries you are at least trying!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:05 am
by oolala53
I had a rough summer, then some great compliance, then fell off recently, but back on track today. Someone on another site I frequent mentioned that there are 14 weeks left in 2010, so we committed to Vanilla No S for the rest of the year. Some people are hoping for a pound of loss a week, but there are no guarantees. I was down 6 pounds from where I am today just about a week ago, so there's a lot of room for water weight fluctuation, but I'm hoping for a solid 10 lbs. by Dec. 31.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:11 am
by scgal
I started last November, did OK for the month, and then played with No S until spring when I gave it up for the summer.

However, I started again on Sept 18th and so far, so good. Vanilla No S. No excuses. No mods. 4 tsp sugar glass ceiling/day for tea.

It feels great!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:46 am
by mimi
Bunny, I understand only too well about trying, falling off, and trying again...been there and done that. I'm not sure if I've reached the number 12 yet for restarts, but it would be close.
The main thing is you're still trying - and if you're still trying, you'll eventually succeed...but in the mean time, you've got to lighten up on yourself girl! It's said that we are our own worst enemies - and if that be true, can't we also be our own best friends? I think once you can break the cycle of overeating that causes feeling bad about overeating, and then attacking how you look so you want to isolate yourself, you'll begin to feel better.
I find inspiration in reading about the success that others have had. Recently, I read a post from Starla on the testimonial board telling of her success with NoS for the past year and the resulting 65 pound weight loss...that's why I've recommitted this time. Maybe visit that board and read some of the posts...and remember that there are many kind and wise people on these boards who are willing to help, so stay on board!
Best wishes - you can do it!

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:41 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
mrsj wrote:Bunny, I'm also where you are now. I hate the sight of myself. Some days I'm really motivated and other days I just want to quit. I want to be skinny yesterday!

I haven't shrunk very much YET, but with new healthier habits something has to happen.
I feel this way a lot, too. I have to keep telling myself, slow and steady wins the race. If you're eating less food, you have to lose weight.
Yes, I have red days. I just "take it on the chin" and move on. The sun WILL rise tomorrow!
I've had a couple of red days, too. I marked them in my calendar. The world didn't end. I wasn't banned from the board.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:28 pm
by jellybeans01
I'm right there with you. I keep going back because the truth is that I need parameters with my eating and I just can't to the calorie counting and so on.
I did this diet so well at one time and find myself going off then going on. I hate that, but I am not giving up, so you should not either. You can do it!! I think what I may do is that I tend to do the all or nothing thing. Maybe if I screw up, I need to just let it go and right away get on with the diet.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:05 pm
by kccc
jellybeans01 wrote: I think what I may do is that I tend to do the all or nothing thing. Maybe if I screw up, I need to just let it go and right away get on with the diet.
BINGO! :) :) :)

That is the most powerful aspect of this diet... teaching that one slip-up doesn't mean the end of the world (or diet).

My favorite quote (from the wonderful quote thread, stickied above): "Mark it and move on." (The whole thread is pretty inspiring, actually.)

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:55 pm
by Meikmeika
This is my third go round with No S and I'm hoping it's a charm.

I'm a pros and cons person so here are some things I keep reiterating to myself:

I don't want to count calories or points
I don't want to obsess about food 24 hours a day
I don't want to worship the scale
I don't want to be unhealthy
I don't want to take food groups out my diet

I've tried Atkins (which made me lethargic) Weight Watchers (which constantly had me thinking about food) Fat Smash (which restricted to much food) Cabbage diet (enough said...) and many more. I was exhausted...

The goal is to find a plan you can live with for the rest of your life. Most small people I know don't snack, unless it's for a special occassion. They eat two to three meals a day.

Remember that without failure there is no success.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:39 am
by wosnes
Not only is the goal to find a way to eat that you can live with for life, you've also got to realize that you're going to fall off the wagon now and then. You're going to have good days, bad days and downright awful days -- and sometimes strings of any of them. That's life.

Look at any other area of your life -- are you always perfect? Do you expect to be? You shouldn't. The point isn't to be perfect. Strive for excellence, but realize that in most things, this included, good enough is GOOD ENOUGH.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:49 pm
by FarmerHal
I've lost count of how many times I've restarted noS. I'm back again today, fatter and more miserable because I ignored the noS rules.

Starting back up on a Friday is not the smartest thing but I think at least getting myself to stick to 3 meals a day, not realizing I will NOT starve and sometimes it's ok to be a little hungry is key and I will work on it.

Keep on keeping on!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:02 pm
by wosnes
shamrockmommy wrote: Starting back up on a Friday is not the smartest thing but I think at least getting myself to stick to 3 meals a day, not realizing I will NOT starve and sometimes it's ok to be a little hungry is key and I will work on it.

Keep on keeping on!
I've read many times that starting on Saturday or Sunday is the best thing -- so starting on Friday is next best! :)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:42 pm
by oolala53
Though I have fallen off some this year, I basically started this last longest trend on Jan. 1, which was a Friday. However, I was traveling with a friend on the weekend. We tended to eat meals anyway, and I wasn't about to eat a bag of Hershey's kisses in front of him, though I did have a waffle with syrup one morning and dessert at dinner. It was a great way to start. Although that first week of all green days is a triumph, there is nothing to say it has to be the first week. Any green day is a triumph!