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I have 8 gazillion diet books but No S is definately #1!!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:29 pm
by 3aday
I have 8 gazillion diet books but No S is definately the #1 plan.
I have to thank Reinhard and everyone else in this group for inspiration.
I don't want to bring up any other diet plans but I had an entire book dedicated to a similar plan of No S.
It had 3 rules, nor 4.

Eat only the best.
Eat less of the best.
Eat less of the best only during meal times.

I am not going to lie, those simple rules *started" my changes but Reinhards simple yet "magnificent" rules definately, definately, definately actually got the ball rolling. It just makes so much sense to me : )
I got more out of those 14 words than I have reading all those books.

I still have a long way to go. My first 11 days were all false starts: )
I am still eating 4 meals a day and dream of going to 3 M-F, but I am starting with baby steps. I stumble and fall, but for the first time, deep inside, I know I can do this even if I can only do it right "most" of the time.

Sincerely, Thank you. Becky

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:25 am
by Shameless Hussey
Baby steps are the way we all learned to walk!

You are perservering. :D That is the key to lifelong success! Stay with it!

(And I agree with you about the No S Diet.)

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:39 am
by JWL
Hi 3aday

I agree, No-S is the only "diet" I've managed to stick to for longer than a few weeks. I've been at it for the better part of a year now.

Remember, our bodies get used to what we do to them, and they adapt quickly. You can completely change your habits in 21 days. It also takes about that long for our bodies to get used to less food. Sometimes a gradual transition is more sustainable, other times a "shock to the system" approach can trigger change. I've had success with both, depending on the situation.

But as your body gets used to eating less, you will find that you have more energy, you won't feel bloated all the time, your digestion will even out, and you'll get smaller. It's a wonderful feeling.

But perhaps the most valuable part of No-S is that it has restored a deep love of food and eating. I love to cook, and eat really good foods, just less of it. "The best foods" as you say. And I can now enjoy them without guilt, within the parameters of No-S.


Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:17 pm
by 3aday
It really helps me hearing about other peoples journey through No S.
It is so interesting to find out what works for each individual person.
Thanks Shameless Hussey and Freakwitch :D

Diet books

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:57 am
by kcin49
Hi 3aday,
I've probably got the same diet books as you, but more of them!!! I think I'll have an E-bay sale and get rid of mine. I'm into day 14 of NoS and all is well - I've been playing around with it for a few weeks and finally decided to get serious. It is great - slow but sure. I'm hooked.

Best of NoSing luck!

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:18 am
by 3aday
Thanks, you too kcin49!